| 1896 - 724 páginas
...sleet, Bj. ltd, tach. Cxsts/ar Hndtttn. V. Gentleman's Annual, The. Published Annually in November. 15. German Popular Stories. Collected by the Brothers GRIMM and Translated by EDGAR TAYLOR. Whh Introduction by JOHN RUSKIN, and -n Steel Plates after GEORGH CRUIKSHANK. Square iro. cloth, fa.... | |
| Charles Warren Stoddard - 1873 - 422 páginas
...Rocky Alcnntains ; with chapters descriptive of Artemus Ward's visit to England. RUSKIN AND CRUTKSHANK. German Popular Stories. Collected by the Brothers GRIMM, and Translated by EDGAR TAYLOR. Edited by JOHN RUSKIN. With 22 Illustrations after the inimitable designs of GEORGE CRUIKSIIANK. Both Series... | |
| John Camden Hotten - 1873 - 812 páginas
...Illustrated by BRUNTON, cloth extra, Js. 20 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. RTJSKIN AHD CRUIKSHANK. German Popular Stories. Collected by the Brothers GRIMM, and Translated by EDGAR TAYLOR. Edited by JOHN RUSKIN. With 22 Illustrations after the inimitable designs of GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. Both Series... | |
| Celebrated claimants - 1873 - 314 páginas
...Mountains ; with chapters descriptive of A rtemus Wan • visit to England. IIUSKIN AND CRUIKSHANK. German Popular Stories. Collected by the Brothers GRIMM, and Translated by EDGAR TAYLOR. Edite by JOHN RUSKIN. With 22 Illustrations after the inimitab:; designs of GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. Both... | |
| Henry Sampson - 1874 - 716 páginas
...Pictures, cloth extra, gilt, Is. dd. . i • THE PROFESSOR'S LEETLE MUSIC LESSON, RTJSKIN AND CRUIKSHANK. German Popular Stories. Collected by the Brothers...designs of GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. Both Series complete. Square crown 8vo, 6s. 6d.'9 gilt leaves, Js. 6</. " The illustrations of this volume .... are of quite... | |
| William Combe - 1874 - 434 páginas
...Cobble. Crown 41o, uniform with the FIRST SERIES, cloth extra, gilt, Js. 6d. "BUSKIN AND CRITIKSHANK" German Popular Stories. Collected by the Brothers...designs of GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. Both Series complete. Square crown 8vo, 6s. 6d. ; gilt leaves, Js. 6d. " The illustrations of this volume .... are of quite... | |
| Douglas William Jerrold - 1874 - 518 páginas
...KINGSTON. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, Illustrated by BRUNTON, cloth extra, 7^. 6d. BUSKIN AND CRUIKSHANK. German Popular Stories. Collected by the Brothers...designs of GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. Both Series complete. Square crown Svo, 6s. 6d. ; gilt leaves, 7s. 6</. " The illustrations of this volume .... are of quite... | |
| Henry Sampson - 1874 - 688 páginas
...KINGSTON. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, Illustrated by BRUNTOX, cloth extra, 7*. (td. RTJSKIN AND CRTTIKSHANK. German Popular Stories. Collected by the Brothers...designs of GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. Both Series complete. Square crown 8vo, 6s. 6ii.; gilt leaves, is. 6J. " The illustrations of this volume . . . . are of... | |
| Elizabeth Lynn Linton - 1874 - 360 páginas
...Cobble. Crown 4to, uniform with the FIRST SERIES, cloth extra, gilt, ']s. 6d. RUSKIN ANrr~CRUIKSHANK. German Popular Stories. Collected by the Brothers...Illustrations after the inimitable designs of GEORGE CRUIK. SIIANK. Both Series complete. Square crown 8vo, 6s. 6d.\ gilt leaves, Jr. 6d. " The illustrations... | |
| George Chapman - 1874 - 620 páginas
...Cobble. Crown 4t0, uniform with the FIEST SERIES, cloth extra, gilt, js. 6J. RUSKlN AND CRUIKSHANK. German Popular Stories. Collected by the Brothers...Illustrations after the inimitable designs of GEORGE CROIKSHANK. Both Series complete. Square crown 8vo, 6s. 6J.; gilt leaves, Ji. fxt. " The illustrations... | |
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