Imágenes de páginas

Laws of the Provisional Government - Continued.

Passed by the "Executive and Advisory Councils," [1893-94]. "Acts 1-86."

[blocks in formation]

Civil Laws of the Hawaiian Islands (1897), with constitution of the Republic prefixed. Compiled by Sidney Miller Ballou. xiii902 p. 8°. Honolulu, 1897.

Penal Laws of the Hawaiian Islands (1897), with constitution of the Republic prefixed. Compiled by Sidney Miller Ballou. viii+601 p. 8°.


Honolulu, 1897.

[blocks in formation]

Washington, 1900.

In Harvard Law School; also in Department of Justice.

Laws of Territory relating to descent and distribution of property;

also some remarks on wills.

(14) p. 24mo.

Honolulu, 1900.

Journal of the House of Representatives of the "Regular and Extra" Sessions of 1903, being the "2d legislature."

Bound in 1 vol. 881 +446 p. 8°. Port. and il. Honolulu, 1903.

Fundamental Law of Hawaii..

In Harvard Law School.

Thurston, 1904.

Journal of the Senate of the "Regular and Extra" Sessions of 1905, being the "3d legislature.

[ocr errors]

Bound in 1 vol. 1305 p. continuously. 8°.

Report of the Code Commission under Act 45, Laws of 1903.

22 p. pamph. 8°.

Revised Laws; Frear, Wilder, and Judd.

1451 p. 4to.

Honolulu, 1905.

Honolulu, 1905.

Honolulu, 1905.

Journal of the Senate of the regular session of 1907, being the "4th Legislature."

x + 1353 p. 8°. Port.

Honolulu, 1907.

Organic Acts for Hawaii and Porto Rico, with amendments and appendix containing general legislation affecting Hawaii, Porto Rico, Guam, and Tutuila. 88+ (1) p. pamph. 8°.

Washington, 1906.

Organic Act of the territory of Hawaii as amended, annotated [by

W. F. Frear].

92 p. pamph. 8°.

Honolulu, 1911.



1803. Acquired by United States as part of the "Louisiana Purchase." 1863. Organized as a Territory by Act of Congress (Mar. 3). It then comprised also Montana and Wyoming. (Prior to 1861, part

was a portion of Dakota.)

1890. Admitted as a State by Act of Congress (July 3).



Title of legislative body "Legislative Assembly."
Session laws called "Laws and Resolutions."

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

11th Extraordinary Session, [Jan. 1912]. 62 p. 8°.


STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes).

Compiled and Revised Laws; (includes the general laws of the 8th Legislative Assembly, 1874).

87722 p. 8°.

[Boise City?], 1875.

Compilation of Local and Special Laws (1863-87); includes private Acts of 14th Assembly.

In Department of Justice, also in New York Bar Association. Revised Statutes (1887); Johnson, Beatty, and Gray. [Includes Penal Code, and general laws of the 14th Legislative Assembly, 1886.]


iv + 1080 p. 8°.

Boise City, 1887.

General Laws of Idaho (1899), with notes on statute law. By H. Z.

Johnson and C. S. Kingsley.

ix + (1) +719 p. 8°.

Boise, 1899.

In Harvard Law School.

Laws and Decisions; annotated and digested. By W. B. Heyburn.

xcvi+593 p. 4to.

In Harvard Law School.

Boise, 1900.


Code of Civil Procedure (1881), see laws of 11th session. 1880-81,

p. 1.

Political Code (1901), Martin, Ruick, and Fraser.1

n.t.p. N.D. [Boise City.]

[See also Revised Statutes, 1887.]

Civil Code (1901), Martin, Ruick and Fraser.1

n.t.p. N.D. [Boise City.]

Code of Civil Procedure (1901), Martin Ruick and Fraser.1

n.t.p. N.D. [Boise City.]

Penal Code (1901), Martin, Ruick and Fraser.1

n.t.p. N.D. [Boise City.]

Revised Codes (1908), prepared by John F. MacLane.

2 vols. 8°.

Vol. I.

Political and Civil Codes.

Vol. II. Civil Procedure and Penal Code.

Boise, 1908.

CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS, CONSTITUTIONS, ETC. Note. - The constitution at present in force in this state is that of Aug. 6, 1889.


Constitution adopted in convention of Boise City, Aug. 6, 1889. Boise City, 1889.

42 p. 8°.

Adopted in convention Aug. 6, 1889, and Act of Congress admitting state to Union.

59 p. 8°.

Boise City, 1891.

Shown in Library Bulletin, Nov. 1894, New York State Library.

1 Comprised in a set of 4 vols. 8°.

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