1877. Journal of Constitutional Convention held at Atlanta, July and August 1877. 701 p. 8°. Atlanta, 1877. Stenographic Report of Proceedings of constitutional convention held at Atlanta, 1877, giving debates in full. Reported by S. W. Small for Atlanta Constitution. 502 p. 8°. Constitution; published by authority. 58 p. 8°. Atlanta, 1877. [Atlanta, 1877.] See Supplement to code of Georgia by Harris, 1878. (In compilations, etc.) (1868-77). The old and the new constitutions with supplemental matter. [Published by authority.] 58 +25 p. 8°. Atlanta, 1877. Constitution Amendments. This constitution has been amended as follows: Art. VI, sec. 2, par. 8, Art. VIII, sec. 2, ratified 1896; Art. VI, sec. 3, par. 2, sec. 3, par. 3, ratified 1898; Art. VI, sec. 11, Art. VII, sec. 1, par. 2, Art. VIII, sec. 4, Art. XI, sec. 1, par. 2, ratified 1904; Art. VI, sec. 1, sec. 2, par. 5, sec. 2, par. 9, sec. 3, par. 1, ratified 1906; Art. II, sec. 1, Art. III, sec. 3, Art. VII, sec. 6, par. 2, ratified 1908; Art. VII, sec. 1, par. 1, ratified 1900 and 1908. The amendments since 1909 can be found in the Acts of 1910 and 1911. (Georgia State Library, Jan. 22, 1912.) GUAM. An island dependency of the United States. Acquired from Spain by treaty of Paris, Dec. 10, 1898. "Governed by a United States naval officer under authority vested in him by the President of the United States." (Wheeler's Rept., p. 38.) No legislature. Organic Acts for Hawaii and Porto Rico, with amendments, and appendix containing general legislation affecting Hawaii, Porto Rico, Guam, and Tutuila. 88+ (1) p. pamph. 8°. Washington, 1906. HAWAII TERRITORY. HISTORICAL. 1778. Discovered by Captain James Cook. 1791. Foundation of the dynasty of King Kamehameha 1. (Became extinct 1872.) 1792 to 1794. Vancouver's visits to Hawaii. 1840. Constitution granted by King Kamehameha III. 1887. Revised constitution signed by King Kalakaua. 1893. Liliuokalani dethroned, and Provisional Government established. (S. B. Dole, president executive council, Committee of Public Safety.) 1894. Republic proclaimed (July 4). 1898. Act of Congress annexing Hawaii to the United States (July 7). 1900. Organized as a Territory by Act of Congress (June 14). Twombly's "Hawaii and its People." BIBLIOGRAPHY. Kingdom Title of legislative body, "The King and the Legislative Assembly." Session laws called "Laws." Provisional Government Title of legislative body "Executive and Advisory Councils." Republic Title of legislative body "Executive and Advisory Councils." Territory Title of legislative body "The Legislature." Session laws called "Laws." Kingdom SESSION LAWS, STATUTES (Compilations, etc.). Session, 1848, 79 p. 8°. [Called "A Supplement to the Statute Laws."] Session, 1860. 43 +66 +44 + 24 p. 8°. Contains constitution of 1852. In English and Hawaiian. In Harvard Law School. Constitution and Laws of the Hawaiian Islands established in the reign of Kamehameha III. Translation. 200 p. 12mo. Lahainaluna, 1842. Statute Laws of Kamehameha III (1845-47), with appendix containing Acts of public recognition and treaties with other nations. 2 vols. bound in 1. 8°. Honolulu, 1846-47. Supplement to Statute Laws (1848), containing Acts and Resolutions passed 1848. 79 p. 8°. Honolulu, 1848. Penal Code of the Hawaiian Islands (1850), of June 21, 1850. [Prepared by William L. Lee.] In Hawaiian and English. iv +136 + xxxi + 243 p. 8°. Honolulu, 1850. Annual Reports to the King and Legislature (April 1850), with the King's speech. 31 +88 p. pamph. 8°. (With table.) Honolulu, 1850. Constitution (1852), granted by Kamehameha III, by and with the consent of the Nobles and representatives of the people, in legislative council assembled, June 14, 1852. [Bound with Laws of 1860.] In English and Hawaiian. 43 +66 +44 + 24 p. 8°. In Harvard Law School. Honolulu, 1860. Civil Code (1859), [with] appendix containing laws not repealed by civil code, session laws of 1858-9 and treaties. 8°. Honolulu, 1859. In Harvard Law School, also in Department of Justice. Penal Code of the Hawaiian Kingdom; [Allen, Hartwell, Austin. With constitution of 1864 appended]. Compiled from the Penal Code of 1850. xlii 367 +13+ (1) p. 8°. Honolulu, 1869. Statutes of the Hawaiian Kingdom relating to apprentices and contract laborers; with decisions of the Supreme Court. By Lawrence McCully. 16 p. pamph. 8°. vi + 777 p. 8°. Honolulu, 1882. Honolulu, 1884. Compiled Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom; [Lawrence McCully]. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Legislative Assembly of 1886, compiled from the reports of "The Daily Bulletin." 730 p. pamph. 8°. Provisional Government Honolulu, [1888?]. Laws of the Provisional Government passed by the "Executive and Advisory Councils," [1893]. "Acts 1-42." [In Hawaiian and English.] viii+82 +85 p. 8°. Honolulu, 1893. |