TEXAS. HISTORICAL. 1803. French claims to Texas ceded to United States as part of Louisiana Purchase. 1827. Constitution of Coahuila and Texas as a state of the Mexican Republic. 1833. Constitution of State of Texas [never put into operation nor recognized by Mexican government]. 1835. Provisional constitution of Texas. 1836. Texas declaration of independence of Mexico. 1836. Constitution of the Republic of Texas. 1838. Convention between United States and Texas. 1845. Annexation of Texas [as a state] by Act of Congress, approved Mar. 1, 1845. 1845. Consent of Texas to annexation. 1848. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ceding to the United States Mexican rights to Texas. U. S. Charters and Const's, Part II, p. 1712. See "Texas" by George P. Garrison, (" American Commonwealths" series), Boston, 1903. BIBLIOGRAPHY. State of Coahuila and Texas Title of legislative body "Constituent Congress." Session laws called "Decrees." Republic of Texas Title of legislative body "Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled." Session laws called "Acts" and "Joint Resolutions." State Title of legislative body "Legislature." Session laws called "Laws," "General Laws" and "Special Laws." List of Texas laws, statutes, etc., by F. H. Thomas Law Book Co. St. Louis, Mo. 4 p. 8°. (Leaflet.) SESSION LAWS. State of Coahuila and Texas Laws and decrees [1824-28], [with] constitution of state, and colonization law of State of Tamaulipas, and Naturalization law of General Congress. [Published] by order of Secretary of State. In Spanish and English; translated by J. P. Kimball. 353+ 4+ (3) p. 8°. Provisional Government Houston, 1839. Ordinances and decrees of the consultation (1838), and convention which assembled at Washington Mar. 1, 1836. [Published] by order of Secretary of State. 156+ iii p. 8°. Republic of Texas [1st Congress, 1st Session, Oct.] 1836. [2d Congress, 1st Session, Sept.] 1837. [2d Congress, 2d Session, May] 1838. 3d Congress, 1st Session [Nov.] 1839. 4th Congress [1st Session, Jan.] 1840. 5th Congress [1st Session, Dec.] 1840. viii p. 6th Congress [1st Session, Nov. 1841]. 6th Congress, Special Session, June 27, ii p. 8°. Houston, 1838. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. 276 + v p. 120+ vii + viii p. 7th Congress [1st Session, Dec. 1842]. 50 + iv + iii + xxxiii p. 8th Congress [1st Session, Dec. 1843]. 9th Congress [1st Session, Dec. 1844]. 9th Congress, Extra Session [June 1845]. State 120+ viii p. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. 133+ (1) + ix p. 12mo. 1st Legislature, Session, 1846. 423 p. 12mo. General and Private. 2d Legislature, Session [1847-48]. 3d Legislature [3d Session, Nov. 18, 1850]. 47 + iii p. 8°. General and Special. 4th Legislature, Session [Nov. 3, 1851]. Special. 142 + ix p. 8°. General. 4th Legislature, Extra Session [Jan. 10, 1853]. +v. General. 4th Legislature, Extra Session [Jan. 10, 1853]. 84+ (3) p. 8°. Special. 5th Legislature, Session, Nov. 7, 1853. p. 1-125 + xvi. [General.] 5th Legislature, Session, Nov. 7, 1853. p. 1-172 + v. Special. 6th Legislature, Session, Nov. 5, 1855. p. 1-86 + xxx. General. 6th Legislature, Session, Nov. 5, 1855. p. 1-116+ iv. Special. 6th Legislature, Adjourned Session, July 7, 1856. p. 1 119 viii. General. 6th Legislature, Adjourned Session, July 7, 1856. p. 1307xiii. Special. 7th Legislature, Session [Nov. 2, 1857]. p. 1–284 + xix. General. 7th Legislature, Session [Nov. 2, 1857]. p. 1-172 + ix. Special. 8th Legislature, Session [Nov. 7, 1859]. p. 1-151. Gen eral. 8th Legislature, Session, Nov. 7, 1859. p. 1-292. Special. 8th Legislature, Extra Session [Jan. 21, 1861]. p. 1-69. General. 8th Legislature, Extra Session, Jan. 21, 1861. p. 1-37. Special. 9th Legislature, Session [Nov. 4, 1861]. p. 1-64 + xii. General. 9th Legislature, Session [Nov. 4, 1861]. p. 1-66. Special. 9th Legislature, Extra Session [Feb. 2, 1863]. p. 1-43. General. 9th Legislature, Extra Session [Feb. 2, 1863]. p. 1-22. Special. 10th Legislature, Session [Nov. 2, 1863]. p. 1-60. Gen- Bound in eral. 10th Legislature, Session [Nov. 2, 1863]. p. 1-44. Spe cial. 1 vol. 8°. (Continued on next page.) 10th Legislature, Called Session [May 9, 1864]. p. 1-64. General. [Includes constitutions of 1845 and 1861.] 10th Legislature, 2d Extra Session [Oct. 17, 1864]. p. 1 28. General. 10th Legislature, Called Session [May 9, 1864]. 45+ (1) p. 8°. General and Special. 10th Legislature, 2d Extra Session [Oct. 17, 1864]. 20 p. 8°. Special. 11th Legislature, Session [Aug. 6, 1866]. p. 1-272 + xxvii. General. 11th Legislature, Session [Aug. 6, 1866]. p. 1-553 (453) + xii. Special. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. [Includes constitution and ordinances 1866. (53+ ix p.) prefixed.] Convention [June 1, 1868], Reconstruction Acts; [see 6th Gammel's Laws of Texas, p. 1-143, Compilations, etc.]. 12th Legislature, Called Session [Apr. 26, 1870]. p. xv + 1-307. General. 12th Legislature, Called Session [Apr. 26, 1870]. p. xx + 1-362. Special. 12th Legislature, 1st Session [Jan. 10], 1871. eral. 12th Legislature, 1st Session [Jan. 10], 1871. cial. 12th Legislature, 2d Session [Sept. 12], 1871. 12th Legislature, 2d Session [Sept. 12], 1871. cial. xix + 210 p. 8°. Gen xxv+ 565 p. 8°. Spe xv+112 p. 8°. General. xxii + 289 p. 8°. Spe 13th Legislature, Session, Jan. 14, 1873. p. xvi + 1-247. General. 13th Legislature, Session, Jan. 14, 1873. p. xxxii + 1838. Special. 14th Legislature, Session, Jan. 13, 1874. p. xxiv +1-271. General. 14th Legislature, Session, Jan. 13, 1874. p. viii + 1–107. Special. 14th Legislature, 2d Session, Jan. 12, 1875. p. xx + 1 227. General. 14th Legislature, 2d Session, Jan. 12, 1875. p. xiv + 1 171. Special. 15th Legislature, Session, Apr. 18, 1876. p. xxiii+1-364. General. 15th Legislature, Session, Apr. 18, 1876. p. iv + 1-114. Special. 16th Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 14, 1879. p. xix + 1-228. General. 16th Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 14, 1879. p. v + 1-31. Special. 16th Legislature, Special Session, June 10, 1879. p. viii+ 1-64. General [and Special]. 17th Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 11, 1881. p. xiv + 1-161. General. 17th Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 11, 1881. p. iv + Bound in 1 vol. 8°. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. 1-18. Special. 17th Legislature, Called Session, Apr. 6, 1882. v +47 p. 8°. General. [No special laws at this session.] 18th Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 9, 1883. xvi + 209 p. 8°. General. 18th Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 9, 1883. iv +51 p. 8°. Special. 18th Legislature, Special Session, Jan. 8, 1884. General. 19th Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 13, 1885. 19th Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 13, 1885. 20th Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 11, 1887. 20th Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 11, 1887. Special. vii 108 p. 8°. 20th Legislature, Special Session, Apr. 16, 1888. iv + 30 p. 8°. Gen eral. 21st Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1889. xvi + 200 p. 8°. General. 21st Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1889. 22d Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 13, 1891. General. 174 p. 8°. Special. xiv226 p. 8°. 131 p. 8°. Special. 22d Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 13, 1891. 22d Legislature, 1st Called Session, Mar. 14, 1892. iv + 64 p. 8°. General. 23d Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 10, 1893. General. 23d Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 10, 1893. Special. 24th Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1895. eral. xix 232 p. 8°. iv + 67 + (1) p. 8°. xx+ 248 p. 8°. Gen 24th Legislature, Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1895. iv +84 p. Special. [See 10th Gammel's Laws of Texas for year 1895, Compilations, etc.] 24th Legislature, 1st Called Session, Oct. 1, 1895. 7+ (1) p. 8°. Gen eral. |