Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Same (1895), annotated. 4th edition as it is Jan. 1, 1895; with
notes of decisions, rules of court, etc. By George Bliss.
3 vols. 4to.

New York, 1895.

Same (1902), annotated. 5th edition with rules of court of appeals [and] rules of practice, by G. A. Clement.

3 vols. 8°.

In Harvard Law School.

New York, 1902.

Same, supplement to [Stover's and Bliss'], annotated codes (1902-7).
A. J. Parker, Jr.

(2) + 669 + lvi p. 8°.

In Harvard Law School.

New York, 1907.

Banks & Bros. annotated edition. [Editions published] 1877, 1879,
1880, 1883, 1884, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1898.

New York.

In New York Bar Association; also in Department of Justice. (1876-77); new revision of statutes; comprising chapters 448 and 449 of the laws of 1876, as amended by chapters 416 and 422 of laws of 1877. [Being Vol. 2 of laws of 100th session, Jan. 2, 1877, c. 416 and c. 422.]

[blocks in formation]

[Additional] chapters and sections amending; being Vol. 2 of laws

[blocks in formation]

Code of Civil Procedure - Continued.

(1880), with notes by M. H. Throop. Parts 1 and 2.
2 vols. 8°.

In Social Law Library.

Albany, 1880.

(1882), contained in Revised Statutes, 7th edition, Vol. 4.

[Vol. 4 of a set of 4 vols.] 4to.

New York, 1882.

(1882); edition Banks & Bros. Contains code of criminal procedure and penal code annexed.

New York, 1882.

cxlviii + 733+ 193 + 184 + 86 + 156 + 107 p. 8°.

In Social Law Library.

C. D. Rust. Editions of 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890.

[blocks in formation]

With notes by M. H. Throop. Editions of 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890.


In New York Bar Association.


(1889), being the 22 chapters in full, [with] amendments in force
July 1, 1889; showing sections of Revised Statutes, session laws
and sections of Code of Procedure which have been repealed, etc.
(Banks & Bros. ed.) New York, 1889.

clvii + 733+ 193 p. 8°.
(1891), Diossy's edition. By Morris Cooper.


New York, 1891.

New York Bar Association and Harvard Law School show a Sd edition by Cooper, 1893, and an 8th edition, by Cooper, 1898. (1896), report [to legislature] of commissioners of code revision under ch. 1036, laws 1895. [C. Z. Lincoln, W. H. Johnson, A. J. Northrup.] Transmitted to legislature, 1896. 76 p. 8°. (Paper covers.)

New York, 1896.

(1896); "Parson's complete annotated pocket code;" containing amendments to June 1, 1896; with notes of decisions to date. 21st edition. [By H. B. Parsons.]

vi + 1182 p. 12mo. (Pocket edition.)

Albany, 1896.

Code of Civil Procedure — Continued.

The New York Bar Association shows editions in 1877, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. Albany, 16mo.; and Harvard Law School shows a " 20th ed." amended to July 1895.

(1902), annotated.

With all amendments thereto including 1902. By R. M. Stover. 6th edition by A. J. Parker, Jr. 3 vols. 4to.

New York, 1902. (1901), containing all amendments of 1901 with notes and constitutional and statutory provisions. By A. J. Parker, Jr., 1st (pocket) edition.

xi +995 +7 + 251 p. 12mo.
In Social Law Library.

Albany, 1901.

(1903), containing all amendments of 1903 with notes, etc. By A. J. Parker, Jr. Revised by A. J. Danaher. 3d (pocket) edition. xi + 1088 +7 +80+ 106 +251 p. 12mo.

Supplement (1908); A. J. Parker, Jr.

152 + xxii p. 4to.

In Social Law Library.

Albany, 1903.

New York, 1908.

Annotated (1907); A. J. Parker, Jr. With amendments 1903-7.

669+lvi p. 4to.

In Social Law Library.

New York, 1907.

Supplement (1910); A.J. Parker, Jr. With amendments, 1908–10.

417 + xi p. 4to.

In Social Law Library.

New York, 1910.

(1903), as amended to 1903. By George Chase. [Chase's pocket code.]

1460 p. 12mo.

New York, 1903.

(1905), annotated. With amendments to the close of legislature of 1905; [containing] notes, references, decisions, etc. By F. B. Gilbert.

xiii+1504 p. 4to.

Albany, 1905.

(1908); "Parsons' complete annotated pocket code "; containing all
amendments to 1908, with notes of decisions, etc.
J. C. Thomson. 33d edition.

[blocks in formation]

Prepared by

Albany, 1908.

New York, 1885.

Code of Civil Procedure - Continued.

(1887); Ward and Peloubet's ready reference index.

In New York Bar Association.

(1883); time-table by D. Calman.


In New York Bar Association.

New York, 1887.

New York, 1883.

Penal Code, Draft (1864) prepared by commissioners of code [David Dudley Field, W. C. Noyes, A. W. Bradford], and submitted to judges and others for examination. lv + 285 p. 8°.

Albany, 1864.

Reference to the reports of the commissioners, draft of penal code, etc., will be found in the catalogue of Library of New York Bar Association.

Penal Code (1865), reported complete by the commissioners.

lxiv + 406 + clxvii p. 8°.

In Social Law Library.

Albany, 1865.

(1881), L. 1881, chap. 676. [Vol. 3, 104th session, Jan. 4, 1881.]
viii+213 p. 8°.

(1882), L. 1881, chap. 676; amended 1882, chaps.
Contained in Revised Statutes, 7th ed., Vol. 4.
[Vol. 4 of set of 4 vols.] 4to.

Albany, 1881.

102 and 384.

New York, 1882.

(1889), in force Dec. 1, 1882 as amended [to] 1889 [inclusive]; with notes of decisions, table of sources, etc. 9th revised edition.

xxix +355 p. 16mo.

(Banks & Bros.) New York, 1889.

The New York Bar Association shows editions of 1881, 1887, 1888,

1890. New York, 16mo.

The Department of Justice shows "14th edition." 1895.

Annotated by G. R. Donnan.



The New York Bar Association shows editions of 1882, 1883, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1889. Albany. 8°.

Annotated by R. Headley.



The New York Bar Association shows editions of 1887, 1890. Albany.


(1890), annotated by J. T. Cook.


In New York Bar Association.

Albany, 1890.

Penal Code - Continued..

(1896), as amended in 1896. Being part 3 of Law and Practice
for Justices of Peace and Police Justices. By P. C. Dugan.
xvii 546 ix + 286 + v + 301 p. 8°.

Albany, 1896. (1901), as amended by laws of 1882-1901 inclusive. 20th revised edition.

312 p. 12mo.

In Social Law Library.

Albany, 1901.

(1903), being ch. 676, L. of 1881 as amended by L. 1882-1903 inclusive; with notes, forms and index. L. R. Parker, editor. [Bound with Code of Criminal Procedure by L. R. Parker, New York, 1903.]

New York, 1903.

v + 487 + iv + 349 p. 12mo. [Pocket edition.] Annotated (1908), being ch. 676, L. of 1881, as amended by L. 1882-1908 inclusive; with notes, forms and index. Amasa J. Parker, Jr., editor. [Bound with Code of Criminal Procedure by L. R. Parker, New York, 1908.]

New York, 1908.

v + 487 + iv + 349 p. 12mo. [Pocket edition.] (1904); see Code of Criminal Procedure and Penal Code by C. D. Rust, 18th edition. 1904.

The New York Bar Association shows editions of 1886, 1887, 1889, 1890, 1891. New York, 12mo.

Penal Law and Code of Criminal Procedure (1909). [Binder's title "Cook's Criminal Code "]; as amended at close of 132d session, 1909; 21st edition annotated by John T. Cook. [In 2 parts, bound in 1 vol., part 2 being "Code of Criminal Procedure."]

xxxii +670 + 550 p. 4to. Albany, 1909. Criminal Code (1855), reported to the assembly by select committee, [Feb. 19, 1855], being assembly doc. no. 150, 1855. 496 p. 8°.

n.t.p. n.p. N.D.

Code of Criminal Procedure (1849); 4th report of commissioners. By Loomis, Graham and Field, commissioners. Printed by order.

lxxi 263 p. 8°.

In Social Law Library.

Albany, 1849.

(1881), being chapter 442 of laws of 1881 [Vol. 2, 104th session,

January 4, 1881].

255 p. 8°.

Albany, 1881.

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