Laws of New York-Continued. (1787-1813), revised and passed at 36th session; with marginal notes and references. By W. P. Van Ness and John Woodworth. Published by authority. 2 vols. 8°. (Part of set of 5 vols. See below.) Albany, 1813. (1812-21), commencing November session, 1812 and continuing to April session, 1821 inclusive. [Being in continuation of laws published at the 36th session.] Albany, 1815-21. 3 vols. 8°. (Part of set of 5 vols. See above.) Council of Revision (1777-1821). Its history, a history of the courts with which its members were connected, biographical sketches of its members, and its vetoes. By A. B. Street. 573+ (1) p. 8°. Albany, 1859. Reviser's Reports (Binder's title). Original reports of the different chapters composing the revised statutes as presented by revisers. 5 vols. 8°. In Social Law Library. Albany, 1827-28. Revised Statutes (1827), 1st part, passed at the 2d meeting of the 50th session, Sept., 1827. 8°. In New York Bar Association. Albany, 1827. (1827-8); original reports as presented to the legislature by the revisers. 6 vols. 8°. In New York Bar Association. Albany, 1827-8. (1828); the original text prepared by J. Duer, B. F. Butler, and J. C. Spencer. 2 vols. Folio. Albany, 1828. In New York Bar Association. (1830); notes by J. C. Spencer, etc., pointing out the principal alterations made by them in the common and statute law. 8°. In New York Bar Association. (1830); abstract of the most important alterations. In New York Bar Association. Albany, 1830. Canandaigua, 1830. Revised Statutes-Continued. (1827-28), passed by the legislature, to which are added certain former Acts not revised, also Articles of Confederation, and constitutions of the United States and of State with amendments. Published under the direction of [John Duer, B. F. Butler, J. C. Spencer] revisers. 3 vols. 8°. Albany, 1829. [2d ed.] 1835, including statutory provisions of a general nature [3d ed.] 1846-8. 3 vols. 8°. In Social Law Library. Albany, 1846-48. [4th ed.] 1852, as altered by subsequent legislation from the revision to 1851 [inclusive]; with Acts of 1852, decisions and notes. By Hiram Denio and William Tracy. 2 vols. 4to. New York, 1852. [5th ed.] 1858; as altered by subsequent legislation from the revision to 1858 [inclusive]; with decisions and notes. By A. J. Parker, G. Wolford and E. Wade. 3 vols. 8°. (See Vol. 4 below.) Albany, 1859. Supplement to 5th ed. of Revised Statutes, containing amendments and general statutes passed since 5th revision. By Isaac Edwards. (Marked "vol. 4" see above.) Albany, 1863. (1873-75); prepared by commissioners for purpose of receiving suggestions, before final review. Part 3, chaps. I-XXI. 3 vols. 8°. (Vol. 3 being 7 pamphs.) In Social Law Library. Albany, 1873-75. [6th ed.] 1875, as altered by subsequent legislation to 1875 [inclusive]; with decisions and notes. By G. W. Cothran. 3 vols. 8°. Albany, 1875. [7th ed.] 1778-1881, as altered by subsequent legislation to 1881 [inclusive]; with decisions and notes. By M. H. Throop. [Vol. 4 contains "Code of Civil Procedure " in force Sept. 1, 1880, and "Code of Criminal Procedure" as amended by laws of 1882, also "Penal Code " L. 1881, ch. 676; amended 1882, chaps. 102 and 384.] 4 vols. 4to. (See below.) New York, 1882. Revised Statutes - Continued. Supplement to 7th edition 1882-87, showing history and condition Albany, 1888. [8th ed.] 1778-1889, as altered by subsequent legislation to February 1, 1889; (except codes of civil procedure, of criminal procedure, penal code) with analysis, decisions and notes. By M. H. Throop. [9th ed.] 1895, with all other general statutes (except civil, criminal and penal codes) in force January 1, 1896. By C. A. Collin. [Vol. 4 being an index.] 4 vols. 4to. (See below.) New York, 1896. Supplement to 9th edition 1896. Containing all general legislation of 1896, including amendments to civil, criminal and penal codes. By C. A. Collin. (Binder's label "vol. 5" see above.) 4to. New York, 1896. Report of Commissioners (1890) of statutory revision. 2 vols. 8°. In Social Law Library. Parts 1 and 2. Albany, 1891. Public and General Statutes (1829-51 inclusive); with notes and references to decisions. Also constitution of 1846. By Samuel Blatchford and indexed by C. A. Seward. x + 1165 p. 8°. In Social Law Library. Auburn, 1852. General Statutes (1871-75), containing laws of public and general nature. With references to former statutes and decisions. Pub lished by Weed, Parsons & Co. 3 vols. 8°. In Social Law Library. Albany, 1871-75. Statutes at Large (1863), comprising revised statutes as existing July 1, 1862, and general public statutes then in force; with references to decisions, notes of revisers, and their report. By J. W. Edmonds. [Originally published in 5 vols.] 5 vols. 8°. (9 vols. in all; see below.) Albany, 1863. (2d ed.), continuation of above. Comprising general statutes 1863-70 inclusive. By J. W. Edmonds. (Contained in 3 vols. Vol. 3 being index.) (Marked Vols. 6, 7 and 8; see above.) 4to. Albany, 1869–72. (2d ed.), continuation of above. Comprising general statutes 1871-74 inclusive. By J. W. Edmonds and W. H. Field. (Contained in 1 vol.) (Marked Vol. 9; see above.) 4to. Albany, 1875. Continuation of above. Comprising general statutes, 1875-80 inclu- In Social Law Library. Albany, 1882. Continuation of above. Comprising general statutes, 1881-88 inclu sive. By J. C. Thomson. (Contained in 1 vol.) (Marked Vol. 11, see above.) 4to. In Social Law Library. Albany, 1890. Revised Statutes, Codes and General Laws (1889-90), containing all general statutory law in force Jan. 1, 1890, including . . . revised statutes, etc., codes of civil and criminal procedure, and penal code; with . . . decisions, notes, etc. 3 vols. 4to. 2d ed. By C. F. Birdseye. New York, 1889-90. 3d ed. Supplement, 1905. [Binder's label " vol. iv."] (5)+1058 p. 4to. New York, 1905. General Laws and Revised Statutes (1900), containing general laws to close of session of 1899. By E. L. Heydecker. 4 vols. 8°. [Vol. 4 being index.] In Social Law Library. Albany, 1900. General Laws and Revised Statutes-Continued. 2d ed. containing general laws to close of session of 1901, with unrepealed portions of revised statutes, etc. By E. L. Heydecker. 5 vols. 8°. [Vol. 5 being index.] Albany, 1901. General Laws and other General Statutes (1901), as amended and in force Jan. 1, 1902. Containing Federal and State constitutions, general laws, etc., except the civil, penal and criminal codes. By R. C. Cumming and F. B. Gilbert. 3 vols. 4to. (See below.) New York, 1901. Supplement (1904. Vol. 4, see above.) Containing amendatory and general Acts with decisions construing statute law since publication of the original work in 1901. By R. C. Cumming and F. B. Gilbert. (2) + 1052 p. 4to. New York, 1904. Supplement (1906. Vol. 4, see above) [bringing down the work from 1901 to 1906 inclusive]. By R. C. Cumming and F. B. Gilbert. (2) 1806 p. 4to. New York, 1906. General Laws and Constitution (1901–3), annotated by Silvernail Power. 4 vols. In Department of Justice. Albany, 1901-3. Plan for Collating Statutes (1904), preparatory to consolidation and revision, prepared [by] Board of Statutory Consolidation. A. J. Rodenbeck, J. S. Landon, W. B. Hornblower, J. G. Milburn, A. Moot. [L. 1904, ch. 664.] 740 p. 8°. Albany, 1904. Report of Board of Statutory Consolidation (1907), [being draft of proposed "consolidated laws" prepared pursuant to laws, 1904, ch. 664. A. J. Rodenbeck, W. B. Hornblower, J. G. Milburn, A. Moot; 6 vols.; with general report, dated February 1, 1908, separately bound. 7 vols. in all. 8°. Albany, 1907-08. (1778-1908), historical record of the general statutes from Feb. 1, 1778, to Jan. 1, 1909. 952 p. 4to. Albany, 1908. In Social Law Library. |