["No State Tax was levied from 1831 to 1844." See Legislative Docs., House, 1845, No. 15, p. 15.] "Resolves and Orders (Folio) directing the Treasurer of Massachusetts." From 1786 to 1813 incl. 3 vols. folio, in pen and ink MS. as follows: Vol. 1, 1786-89 incl. bound in vellum, 160 p.; Vol. 2, 1789-94 incl. bound in vellum. Paged in part. Vol. 3, 1794-1813 incl. bound in sheep. Paged in part; with index. n.t.p. n.p. N.D. "Acts and Resolves," comprising "all the Laws, Resolves, and other public Acts, general and special."1 Bound conjointly in octavo volumes, pursuant to the resolutions of April 9, 1839 (p. 110). Each volume contains the constitution and an index. Boston, 1842, (642 + xxi p.) contains the following sessions:[January 10], 1839, 1-175 p. [January 1], 1840, 179-335 p. [January 6], 1841, 339-492 p. [January 5], 1842, 493-568 p. [September 7], 1842, 569–642 p. "1st Session." "2d Session.” Boston, 1845, (704 + xl p.) contains the following sessions: [January 4], 1843, 3-149 p. [January 3], 1844, 151-393 p. [January 1], 1845, 395-704 p. Boston, 1848, (920+ lxx p.) contains the following sessions: [January 7], 1846, 3-309 p. [January 6], 1847, 311-597 p. [January 5], 1848, 599-920 p. Boston, 1849, (932 + xxiii + xxii p.) contains the following sessions: For "Private and Special Statutes," 1780-1908 incl. 20 vols., see compilations, etc. 8°. Boston, 18051908. Boston, 1854, (721 + Ivi p.) contains the following sessions: Boston, 1854, (1071 + lxxiii p.) contains the following sessions:[January 4], 1854, 3-492 p. [January 3], 1855, 495-1071 p. Boston, 1857, (812+ lxviii p.) contains the following sessions: [January 2], 1856, 3-396 p. [January 7], 1857, 397-772 p. [July 14], 1857, 775-812 p. "2d Session." Boston, 1860, (x + 707 + xlv p.) contains the following sessions:[January 6], 1858, 3-218 p. [January 5], 1859, 223-624 p. [September 7], 1859, 629-707 p. "Extra" Session. Boston, 1861, (xlvi + x + 693 + xlii p.) contains the following sessions: [January 4], 1860, 3-272 p. "2d Session." "2d Session." Boston, 1862, (xlv + x + 699 + xxxvi p.) contains the following sessions: [January 1], 1862, 3-355 p. [January 7], 1863, 359-674 p. November 11, 1863, 679-699 p. "2d Session." Boston, 1865, (850 (+54) + xlvii p.) contains the following sessions:[January 6], 1864, 3-434 p. [January [Constitution inserted, 54 p.] 4], 1865, 439-850 p. Boston, 1867, (876 + lii p.) contains the following sessions:[January 3], 1866, 3-454 p. [January 3], 1867, 459-876 p. Boston, 1869, (914 + lxxiii. p.) contains the following sessions:· [January 1], 1868, 3-390 p. Boston, 1871, (876 + lxxi p.) contains the following sessions:[January 5], 1870, 3-424 p. [January 4], 1871, 429-876 p. -- Boston, 1873, (1016 + lxxvi p.) contains the following sessions: [January 3], 1872, 3-426 p. Special" Session. Boston, 1875, (980 + lxxvii p.) contains the following sessions:[January 7], 1874, 3-584 p. [January 6], 1875, 587-980 p. Boston, 1877, (1 + 796 + (2) p.) contains the following sessions:[January 5], 1876, 3-400 p. [January 3], 1877, 403-796 p. Boston, 1879, (776 + lxv p.) contains the following sessions: [January 2], 1878, 3-408 p. [January 1], 1879, 413-776 p. Boston, 1881, (764 + lxi p.) contains the following sessions:[January 71, 1880, 3-342 p. [January 5], 1881, 347-754 p. November 9, 1881, 755-764 p. Special" Session. Boston, 1883, ((1) 830 + lxi p.) contains the following sessions:[January 4], 1882, 3-328 + 1 p. [ January 3], 1883, 333-830 p. [Index and appendix, lxi p.] Boston, 1885, ((xciv) 1013 + cxxii + lxxv p.) contains the following sessions: [January 2], 1884, 3-494 p. [Appendix xciv p.] [January 7], 1885, 499-1013 p. [Appendix and index, lxxv p.] Boston, 1887, (1356 + lxxxviii p.) contains the following sessions:[January 6], 1886, 3-574 p. [January 5], 1887, 577-1356 p. Boston, 1889, (1604 p.) contains the following sessions: [January 4], 1888, 3-772 p. [January 2], 1889, 775-1604 p. Boston, 1891, (1416 p.) contains the following sessions: [January 1], 1890, 3-644 p. [January 7], 1891, 649-1416 p. Boston, 1893, (1786 p.) contains the following sessions: [January 6], 1892, 3-673 p. [January 4], 1893, 678-1786 p. Boston, 1894, (67+ 1094 p.) contains the following session:[January 3], 1894, 1094 p. Boston, 1895, (67969 p.) contains the following session:[January 2], 1895, 969 p. Boston, 1896, (67 +939 p.) contains the following session:[January 1], 1896, 939 p. Boston, 1897, (67+ 927 p.) contains the following session:[January 6], 1897, 927 p. Boston, 1898, (67 + 1112 p.) contains the following session: [January 5], 1898, 1112 p. Boston, 1899, (67 + 902 p.) contains the following session: [January 4], 1899, 902 p. Boston, 1900, (67 + 840 p.) contains the following session:[January 3], 1900, 840 p. Boston, 1901, (67 + 865 p.) contains the following sessions:[January 2], 1901, 865 p. November 13, 1901. "Extra session," Acts and Resolves, separately bound. 10+ (2) p. November 13, 1901. Extra session," 2 vols. "Revised Laws," sepa rately bound. Boston, 1902, (67 + 699 p.) contains the following session:[January 1], 1902, 699 p. Boston, 1903, (67 + 773 p.) contains the following session:[January 7], 1903, 773 p. Boston, 1904, (67 + 734 p.) contains the following session:[January 6], 1904, 734 p. Boston, 1905, (67+ 775 p.) contains the following session:[January 4], 1905, 775 p. Boston, 1906, (67 + 1046 p.) contains the following session:[January 31, 1906, 1046 p. Boston, 1907, (67 +1264 p.) contains the following session:[January 21, 1907, 1264 p. Boston, 1908, (71 + 1121 p.) contains the following session: [January 1], 1908, 1121 p. Boston, 1909, (71 + 1174 p.) contains the following session: [January 6], 1909, 1174 p. Boston, 1910, (71 + 1148 p.) contains the following session:[January 5, 1910, 1148 p. Boston, 1911, (71 + 1535 p.) contains the following session: [January 4], 1911, 1535 p. - STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes). Note. For other compilations of laws, resolves, etc., relating to the Colonies or Province, see early part of Massachusetts list. "Acts and Resolves" (Quarto reprint, 1692-1780), public and private, of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay. Prefixed are the charters of the Province, with historical and explanatory notes. Preface by Ellis Ames and Abner Cheney Goodell. 5 vols., with an Appendix (of 11 vols.) commencing at Vol. 6. 16 vols. 4to, continuing. Boston, 1869-1909. "Laws and Resolves." (Binder's Title, 1780-1805.) Reprinted under chap. 104, Resolves of 1889 [includes sessions from Oct. 25, 1780, to May 29, 1805 incl.]. 13 vols. 8°. Boston, 1890-98. [These volumes contain reprints of the "Folio Laws" during the period covered, and are intended to bring them into a publication of "a style similar to that of the blue books so-called." See chapter 104, Resolves of 1889. "Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth," from 1780 to 1908 incl. Reprinted and published by order of the General Court. 20 vols. 8°. Boston, 1805-1909. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England. Printed by order of the Legislature. Edited by N. B. Shurtleff. 8 vols. in 6. 4to. Vols. 9-12. Edited by D[avid] Pulsifer. 4 vols. 4to. Boston, 1855-57. Boston, 1859-61. Records of the Governor and Company (1628-86) of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Printed by order of the Legislature. Edited by N. B. Shurtleff. 5 vols. in 6. 4to. Boston, 1853-54. Colonial Laws of Massachusetts reprinted from the edition of 1672; with the supplements through 1686. Published by order of the City Council of Boston, under the supervision of William Henry] Whitmore. Containing a new and complete index; with an introduction. ix 395 p. 4to. Boston, 1887. Reprinted from the edition of 1660; with supplements to 1672. Containing also the Body of Liberties of 1641. With a complete index. Boston, 1889. xvi +312+ (12) p. 4to. Bibliographical Sketch of the laws of Massachusetts colony from 1630 to 1686. Including the Body of Liberties of 1641, and the records of the Court of Assistants, 1641-44. Arranged to accompany the reprints of the laws of 1660 and 1672. By William H[enry] Whitmore. Published by order of the city of Boston. xliii+150 p. 4to. Boston, 1890. Abridgment of Laws (1704), in force and use in H. M's plantations [including] New England. 3 + 284 + 304 p. 12mo. London, 1704. |