November 3, 1721, Prorogued Session, 359-360 p. August 8, 1722, Prorogued Session, 369–372 p. October May November 11, 1724, Prorogued Session, 399-412 p. 26, 1725, (see p. 413). May November 3, 1725, Prorogued Session, 413-—— p. Pen and ink MS. Also contained in the volume is the follow ing Act of Parliament: Page 197, "Act for ascertaining the rates of foreign coins in her Majesty's plantations in America," passed in 1704. "Acts and Laws" of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, from [October 12] 1692 to [November 4] 1719. [With] Charter granted by King William and Queen Mary, 1691, prefixed. Printed by John Baskett. xvi + xvi + 359 p. Folio. London, 1724. Charters and "Acts and Laws" of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, "Reprinted by order of . . . the Lieutenant Governour, Council and Assembly." B. Green, printer. [Title page imprint] Boston, 1726. 14+ (8 blanks) + 17 + (2) + 728 p. Folio. Contains the Charter of King William and Queen Mary [1691]; also the "Explanatory Charter" granted by King George [1726]; and the "Acts and Laws" from October 12, 1692, to May 25, 1726 inclusive as in volumes previously noted. Appended are "Acts and Laws" of the following subsequent sessions: November 23, 1726, Prorogued Session, 349-354 p. May 31, 1727, 355-370 p. August 16, 1727, Adjourned Session, 371–373 p. October 4, 1727, Adjourned Session, 375-376 p. November 22, 1727, 377-400 p. May 29, 1728, 401-412 p. July April May 24, 1728, Prorogued Session, 413-416 p. Omitted Act of this session (see p. 425). 2, 1729, Prorogued and Adjourned Session, 417-418 p. 28, 1729, (see p. 418). August 27, 1729, Prorogued and Adjourned Session, 418-419 p. September 9, 1730, Prorogued Session, 426-436 p. November 3, 1731, Adjourned Session, 463-468 p. December 1, 1731, Adjourned and Prorogued Session, 469-476 p. 31, 1732, 477-483 p. May November 1, 1732, Adjourned Session, 485–490 p. April May August April May April May 4, 1733, Adjourned Session, 491–498 p. 30, 1733, p. 499. 15, 1733, Adjourned Session, p. 500. 3, 1733, Adjourned Session, 501-508 p. 10, 1734, Adjourned Session, 511–512 p. November 20, 1734, Adjourned Session, 527-530 p. November 19, 1735, Adjourned Session, 551-558 p. November 24, 1736, Prorogued Session, 565-592 p. November 30, 1737, Adjourned Session, 627-644 p. (2) May 31, 1738, p. 665. November 29, 1738, Prorogued Session, 667-684 p. 30, 1739, 685-691 p. December 5, 1739, Prorogued Session, 693-698 p. March May 12, 1740, Prorogued Session, 699–700 p. 28, 1740, 701-714 p. August 20, 1740, Prorogued Session, 715-716 p. March paged. 26, 1741, Prorogued Session, 721-728 p. Book wrongly Charters and "Acts and Laws" of the Province of Massachu setts-Bay. "Reprinted by order of . . . the Lieutenant Governour, Council and Assembly." B. Green, printer. [Title page imprint] Boston, 1726. 14 +17 + (2) + 789 p. Folio. The contents of this volume cover the same matter comprised in book previously noted of same imprint date, except that: Appended are " Acts and Laws" of the following sessions subsequent to March 26, 1741: September 16, 1741, Prorogued and Adjourned Session, 737–742 p. Charters and "Acts and Laws" of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, [Binder's Label " Perpetual Laws "]. "Printed by order of . . . the Governour, Council and Assembly." Samuel Kneeland and Timothy Green, printers. 14+28+ (2) + 526 p. Folio. [Title page imprint] Boston, 1742. Contains the Charter of King William and Queen Mary [1691]; also the "Explanatory Charter "granted by King George [1726]; and "Acts and Laws" from October 12, 1692, to May 26, 1742 inclusive, as in the volumes previously noted. Appended are "Acts and Laws" of the following subsequent ses sions: November 18, 1742, Prorogued and Adjourned Session, 332-333 p. Re print. March 31, 1743, Prorogued and Adjourned Session, 335-337 p. September 8, 1743, Adjourned Session, 341-344 p. October 20, 1743, Adjourned and Prorogued Session, 345-348 p. (1) February 8, 1744, Adjourned and Prorogued Session, 349-352 p. (2) February 8, 1744, Adjourned and Prorogued Session, 353-356 p. 30, 1744, (see p. 357). May August October November May May November May August February 9, 1744, Adjourned Session, 357-359 p. 10, 1744, Adjourned and Prorogued Session, 361-362 p. 28, 1744, Adjourned and Prorogued Session, 363-366 p. 29, 1745, (see p. 367).1 11, 1745, Adjourned and Prorogued Session, 367-372 p. 28, 1746, (see p. 373).1 6, 1746, Adjourned Session, 373–374 p.1 27, 1747, (see p. 375).1 12, 1747, Adjourned Session, 375–377 p.1 3, 1748, Adjourned and Prorogued Session, 379-380 p. 25, 1748, (see p. 381).2 1 Ford and Matthews "Bibliography of Laws of Mass. Bay," shows sessions Oct. 30, 1745, Aug. 4, 1746, Aug. 27, 1746, Dec. 24, 1746, Apr. 16, 1747, Oct. 14, 1747. Ford and Matthews "Bibliography of Laws of Mass. Bay," shows a session Oct. 26, 1748, a special session Sept. 5, 1755, a session Mar. 30, 1756, and a session Aug. 13, 1760. December May March May September January March May December November March May 21, 1748, Prorogued and Adjourned Session, 381–390 p. 31, 1749, (see p. 391). 23, 1749, Prorogued Session, 391–394 p. 22, 1750, Prorogued and Adjourned Session, 395–398 p. 30, 1750, (see p. 399). 26, 1750, Prorogued Session, p. 399. 10, 1751, Prorogued Session, 401-404 p. 27, 1751, Prorogued and Adjourned Session, 405-410 p. 29, 1751, 411-420 p. [Contains Act of Parliament for correction of calendar, p. 415.] 27, 1751, Prorogued Session, 421-424 p. 27, 1752, 425-430 p. [Contains Act of Parliament of November 14, 1751, p. 427.] 22, 1752, Prorogued Session, 431-432 p. 28, 1753, Prorogued and Adjourned Session, 433-438 p. 30, 1753, 439–443 p. September 5, 1753, Prorogued Session, 445-446 p. 4, 1753, Prorogued Session, 447-452 p. 27, 1754, Prorogued Session, 453-460 p. 29, 1754, 461-462 p. December October March 17, 1754, Adjourned Session, 463–467 p. September 24, 1755, Prorogued Session, p. 473. May May October January March May November April May December 26, 1756, (see p. 475).1 5, 1756, Prorogued and Adjourned Session, 475-476 p. 6, 1757, Prorogued Session, 477-480 p.2 30, 1757, Prorogued and Adjourned Session, 481-483 p. 25, 1757, 485-486 p. 23, 1757, Prorogued Session, 487-489 p. 2, 1758, Prorogued Session, 491–492 p. 4, 1758, Prorogued Session, p. 495. May October January 3, 1759, Prorogued Session, 511–514 p. 1 Ford and Matthews "Bibliography of Laws of Mass. Bay," shows a session Oct. 26, 1748, a special session Sept. 5, 1755, a session Mar. 30, 1756 and a session Aug. 13, 1760. Part of the "Acts and Laws" of the prorogued session of January 6, 1757 are contained in the edition of 1759, at p. 411. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT. Also contained in this volume are the following Acts of Parliament: (Page 415) Act for regulating the commencement of the year, and for correcting the calendar, passed in 1751. (Page 427) Act for avoiding doubts relating to the attestation of wills passed in 1751. 66 Charters and "Acts and Laws" of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, [Binder's Label " Perpetual Laws "]. Printed by order of... the Governor, Council and Assembly." S. Kneeland, printer. 14+24+ (2) +679 p. Folio. [Title page imprint] Boston, 1759. Contains the Charter of King William and Queen Mary [1691]; also" The Explanatory Charter" granted by King George [1726]; and "Acts and Laws" from October 12, 1692, to May 28, 1760 inclusive, as in the volume previously noted. Appended are Acts and Laws" of the following subsequent ses sions: 66 December 17, 1760, Prorogued Session, 392-396 p. Reprint. March May 25, 1761, Prorogued Session, 397-403 p. 27, 1761, 405-409 p. [Omitted Acts of January 6, 1757, p. 411.] November 12, 1761, Prorogued Session, 415-418 p. 13, 1762, Prorogued Session, 419-429 p. 14, 1762, Prorogued Session, 430–431 p. 26, 1762, 433-436 p. January April May September 8, 1762, Prorogued Session, 437-439 p. December 22, 1763, Prorogued Session, 451-455 p. May October 30, 1764, 457-477 p. [Contains Act of Parliament of 1733, p. 459; and Act of Parliament of 1764, p. 464.] 18, 1764, Prorogued Session, 479-480 p. January 9, 1765, Prorogued Session, 481–489 p. May 29, 1765, 491-497 p. September 25, 1765, Prorogued Session, 499-500 p. January 15, 1766, Prorogued Session, 501-503 p. 28, 1766, 505-518 p. May October [Contains Acts of Parliament of 1766, pp. 507 and 517.] 29, 1766, Prorogued Session, 519-521 p. January -, " 1766 " [1767], 523-530 p. 27, 1767, 531-542 p. May [Contains Act of Parliament, 7 Geo. III, p. 535.] |