Imágenes de páginas


[In Acts of 1873.]

31 p. 8°.

Montgomery, 1874.

Official Constitution, reprint as revised and amended 1867. [Colophon.] Printed at Great Republic Office, Washington, D. C. 20 p. 8°.

n.t.p. N.D.

In Statute Law of the Southern States, T. L. Cole, Southern History Association, Vol. I, 1897, p. 74.


Journal of constitutional convention assembled Sept. 6, 1875. Montgomery, 1875.

231 p. 8°.

Constitution contained in foregoing pp. 175-211. Also in Acts 1875-6 and codes 1876 and 1887.

A copy is contained in United States Charters and Constitutions,
Part I, p. 76.


Official proceedings of constitutional convention, May 21, 1901, to Sept. 3, 1901. J. B. Knox, F. N. Julian, Pat McGauly [officers of convention. This is a bound volume of newspapers containing the report].

[blocks in formation]

Shown in Library Bulletin, 98, New York State Library, Albany, 1905.

A copy (paralleled with that of 1875) is contained in Vol. 3, Code of Alabama, Nashville, 1907.

ALASKA (Territory).


1867. Purchased by United States from Russia.


No legislative assembly.


Codes; annotated with reference to decisions by the United States Courts and the Supreme Court of Oregon. By Thomas H. Carter.

xxxix + 533 p. 8°.

Chicago, 1900..

Harvard Law School shows an edition containing the Treaty of Session (Carter) 1907

[blocks in formation]

1848. Part of territory ceded by Mexico to United States by treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

1854. Part of territory obtained through "Gadsden Purchase."

1863. Arizona Territory erected by Act of Congress (Feb. 24). 1912. Admitted to Union on proclamation (Feb. 14).


Title of legislative body "Legislative Assembly.'
Session laws called "Acts."

[blocks in formation]

[Contained in Revised Statutes of 1887. Misc. Acts contained in appendix.]

15th Assembly, Jan. 1889.

16th Assembly, Jan. 1891. 17th Assembly, Feb. 1893. 18th Assembly, Jan. 1895. 19th Assembly, Jan. 1897.

119 p. 8°.

213 p. 8°.

176 p. 8°.
153 p. 8°.

140 + 2 + 3 p. 8°.

[Session laws of the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th assemblies are bound with those of the 19th assembly duplicating those previously noted.]

[blocks in formation]

STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes).

Compiled Laws (1871), including "Howell Code" and session laws from 1864-71 incl. By Coles Bashford.

vi + 627 p. 8°.

(1864-77); John P. Hoyt.

vi +692 p. 8°.

Albany, N. Y., 1871.

Detroit, Mich., 1877.

Revised Statutes (1887), containing legislation of 14th assembly in

the appendix (p. 889). By King, Goodrich, Wells.
904 (1) p. 8°.

Prescott, Ariz., 1887.

Columbia, Mo., 1901.

(1901), containing laws passed by 21st assembly.
1514+ (1) p. 8°.



Constitution; adopted Sept. 3, 1901; in effect Nov. 28, 1901.
In Department of Justice.


Minutes of Constitutional Convention of territory of Arizona, begun Oct. 10, 1910.

450 p. 8°.

Phoenix [1910?].

Proposed Constitution; adopted by constitutional convention, held at Phoenix, Oct. 10 to Dec. 9, 1910. 40 p. 8°.

n.p. N.D.

Constitution; certificate of Governor [and other officials] transmitting [to congress] copy constitution of Arizona and ascertainment of vote adopting same. (House Doc. No. 1423.) 43 p. 8°.

Washington, 1911.

Enabling Act by Congress; Act to enable people of New Mexico and Arizona to form state governments, and to be admitted to Union on proclamation of President. Approved June 20, 1910. (See United States Statutes at Large. Vol. 36, Part I, p. 557.)


Special Message of President; [vetoing] House joint resolution, No. 14, to admit territories of New Mexico and Arizona as states. Dated August 15, 1911. House Doc. No. 106. [This message relates to Arizona only.]

10 p. 8°.

Washington, 1911.

Joint Resolution to admit territories of New Mexico and Arizona as states, upon proclamation of President, after they shall have complied with the conditions set forth in this joint resolution. Approved August 21, 1911. (See Senate Journal resolution, 57. Pub. Doc.)

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