INDIAN TERRITORY. Not a "Territory " in the formal sense, but a body of land under the jurisdiction of Congress. No legislative Assembly or local head. No session laws. HISTORICAL. 1803. Part of Louisiana Purchase. 1834. Settlement of "The Five Civilized Tribes." (See Indians, Treaties, etc., post.) 1893. The Dawes Commission. 1897. Extension of Federal judicial system over the district. 1898. The Curtis Act, providing for tribal local government. STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes). Annotated Statutes; "embracing all laws of a general and permanent character in force at the close of the 2d session, of the 55th Congress." By Dorset Carter. lxxxiii+1149 p. 4to. St. Paul, 1899. INDIANA. HISTORICAL. 1780-86. Cession to the United States of claims to western lands by New York (1780), Virginia (1784), Massachusetts (1785), Connecticut (1786). Indiana included in lands so ceded. 1787. "Northwest Territory " created by Act of Congress. 1800. Division of "Northwest Territory " by Act of Congress. 1800. Creation of Territory of Indiana, embracing present states of Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. 1804. District of Louisiana added to Territory of Indiana for purposes of government only. 1805. Michigan Territory set off. 1809. Illinois Territory set off. 1816. Admitted as a state by Act of Congress (Dec. 11). See Illinois. See also, Dunn's Indiana ("American Commonwealths "). U. S. Charters and Const's, Part I, p. 496. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Indiana Territory (including Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois). Title of legislative body to Sept. 1804, "The Governor and Judges of the Indiana Territory." Session laws called "Laws." Title of legislative body after July 1805, "General Assembly." State Title of legislative body "General Assembly." Session laws called "Laws." SESSION LAWS. Territory Laws for the Government of the District of Louisiana, passed by the Governor and Judges of the Indiana Territory, at their 1st session Uegun [sic.] and held at Vincennes, on the first day of October 1804. Published by authority. Printed by E. Stout. 136 Vincennes, (I. T.), 1804. (1) p. 12mo. 1st Session, Jan. 1801. [Contained in "Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the laws" of the territory from Jan. 1801, to Feb. 1802, to Congress, 32 p. 12 mo. Message dated Feb. 14, 1803. A reprint is contained in "Throop and Clark's reprint of laws of Indiana Territory, 1801-06.” 8°.] 2d Session, Jan. 1802. [Contained in "Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the laws" of the territory from Jan. 1801, to Feb. 1802, to Congress, 7 p. 12mo. Message dated Feb. 14, 1803. A reprint is contained in "Throop and Clark's reprint of laws of Indiana Territory, 1801-06." 8°.] 3d Session, [Feb. 1803]. [Contained in "Message from the President of the United States transmitting the laws" of the territory (1803) to Congress. Message dated Dec. 7, 1803. A reprint is contained in "Throop and Clark's reprint of laws of Indiana Territory, 1801-06." 8°. 4th Session, [Sept. 1803-Sept. 1804]. [Contained in "Throop and Clark's reprint of laws of Indiana Territory, 1801-06." 8°.] 1st General Assembly, 1st Session, July 1805. [Contained in "Throop and Clark's reprint of laws of Indiana Territory, 1801-06." 8°.] 1st General Assembly, 2d Session, Nov. 3, 1806. 30+ (1) p. Folio. [An original copy of the laws of this session. Also contained in "Throop and Clark's reprint of laws of Indiana Territory, 1801-06." 8°.] 7th Session, Dec. 1822. [General and Special.] 165 + viii p. 8°. 302 p. 8°. 264 p. 8°. 393 p. 8°. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. [General and Special.] 15th Session, Dec. 1830. Special. 206 p. 8°. 299 p. 99 p. 8°. 414 p. 8°. General. 118 p. 8°. Local. 460 p. 8°. [In Revised Statutes, Indianapolis, 1838.] 22d Session, Dec. 1837. Local. 476 p. 8°. 26th Session, Dec. 1841. [Separately bound.] General. 189 p. 8°. [Bound with general laws of 25th Session.] 26th Session, Dec. 1841. Local. 203 p. 8°. General. 128 p. Bound in 1 vol.1 8°. 224 p. } 135 p. 8°. Local. 196 p. 8°. General. 111 p. 8°. Local. 314 p. 8°. General. 176 p. 8°. Local. 383 p. 8°. 27th Session, Dec. 1842. 35th Session, [Dec. 30, 1850]. Local. 592 p. 8°. 36th Session, [Dec. 1, 1851]. [See Revised Statutes, Indianapolis, 1852. 2 vols. For month of session, see Vol. 1, Rev. Stats., page 71, paragraph 6.] 36th Session, [Dec. 1, 1851]. 37th Session, Jan. 6, 1853. 38th Session, Jan. 1855. Special and Local. 229 p. 8°. 39th Session, Jan. 1857. [General.] 139 p. 8°. Called Session,2 Nov. 1858. [General.] 60 p. 8°. 40th Regular Session,2 Jan. 1859. [General.] xxi + 327 p. 8°. 41st Regular Session, Jan. 1861. [General.] 252 p. 8°. [Harvard Law School notes an edition in German.] Indiana State Library notes editions in German for the called session of 1858, and the regular session of 1859 (bound in 1 vol., 365 p.), also the regular session of 1867 (447 p.). |