Henley's Twentieth Century Formulas, Recipes and Processes; Containing Ten Thousand Selected Household and Workshop, Formulas, Recipes, Processes and Money-saving Ideas

N. W. Henley publishing Company, 1924 - 807 páginas

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Página 543 - Almanac. The object of this table is to enable any manipulator who is about to enlarge (or reduce) a copy any given number of times, to do so without troublesome calculation. It is assumed that the photographer knows exactly what the focus of his lens is, and that he is able to measure accurately from its optical centre.
Página 64 - This is composed of 8 parts of bismuth, 5 of lead, and 3 of tin. It melts at 176° F.
Página 273 - Each set of hats, after being exposed to the bath with occasional airings during 40 minutes, is taken off the pegs, and laid out upon the ground to be more completely blackened by the peroxydizement of the iron with the atmospheric oxygen. In 3 or 4 hours the dyeing is completed. When fully dyed, the hats are well washed in running water.
Página 548 - According to his method the table is made out for a distance from the camera 100 times that of the focus of the lens; that is, for a 6-inch focus lens at 50 feet, a 7-inch at 58 feet, an 8-inch at 67 feet, a 9-inch at 75 feet, or a 12-inch at 100 feet.
Página 476 - ... be silvered; the alloy should be poured into the globe by means of a paper or glass funnel reaching almost to the bottom of the globe, to prevent it splashing the sides; the globe should be turned every way very slowly, to fasten the silvering. II. — Make an alloy of 3 ounces of lead, 2 ounces of tin, and 5 ounces of bismuth. Put a portion of this alloy into the globe and expose it to a gentle heat until the compound is melted; it melts at 197°...
Página 594 - Wash well the prepared surfaces and leave them until perfectly dry, then take a linen cushion, moistened only with water, and a little powder of calcined tin of the first quality. After rubbing with this for some time take another cushion of dry rags, rub with it lightly, brush away any foreign substance which might scratch the marble, and a perfect polish will be obtained. A little alum mixed with the water used penetrates the pores of the marble, and gives it a speedier polish. This polish spots...
Página 543 - ... lesser, the distance of the picture to be copied. To reduce a picture any given number of times the same method must be followed, but in this case the greater number will represent the distance between the lens and the picture to be copied ; the latter, that between the lens and the sensitive plate. This explanation will be sufficient for every case of enlargement or reduction. If the focus of the lens...
Página 190 - Equal parts of cream of tartar and citric acid, powdered fine, and mixed together. This forms the "salts of lemon " sold by druggists. Procure a hot dinner plate, lay the part stained in the plate, and moisten with hot water; next rub in the above powder with the bowl of a spoon until the stains disappear; then rinse in clean water and dry. To Remove Red (Aniline) Ink.
Página 163 - This consists of pure zinc filings combined with twice their weight of mercury, a gentle heat being employed to render the union more complete. It is best applied as soon as made. Its color is gray, and it is said to be effective and durable.
Página 125 - Hold the book with its back on a smooth or covered table ; let the front board down, then the other, holding the leaves in one hand while you open a few leaves at the back, then a few at the front, and so...

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