Imágenes de páginas

Tous les Catechumenes pourfuiuirent ardamment
leur Baptefme, vn entr'autres defia aagé, voyant que
le Pere luy refufoit cette grace, le remettant pour
l'efprouuer iufques au Printemps de l'année suiuante
entra dedans l'Eglife, harangua fortement en la
prefence de tous les Chreftiens, protestant que s'il
mouroit deuant ce temps-là, il accuferoit le Pere
deuant la Iuftice de [151] Dieu de fa perte & de fa

Le Demon enragé de voir qu'on luy arrache des
mains vne proye dont il joüit depuis tant de fiecles,
a tasché de troubler ces bons Neophytes par l'impo-
sture d'vn ieune homme, que fes parens protestent
auoir enfeuely & enterré, & le iour fuiuant de fes
funerailles il parut, difent-ils, fur le foir tout plein
de vie, affeurant qu'vn certain qu'il ne cognoiffoit
pas l'auoit tiré du fepulchre, & luy auoit enseigné la
façon d'honorer Dieu; il condamne les prieres & les
deuotions des Chreftiens, auec tant d'attache à fon
jugement, qu'encore qu'il auoüe que le Demon foit
mauuais, & qu'il faille croire en IESVS-CHRIST,
il le veut neantmoins feruir à sa mode, traisnant deux
& trois femmes apres foy. Il a fait folliciter quel-
ques ieunes Chreftiens par fa fœur, à qui il a fait croire
qu'elle pouuoit fans crime leur accorder ce qu'ils
fouhaiteroient d'elle, pourueu qu'ils renonçaffent à
la Foy & aux prieres qu'on leur a enfeignées dans
Tadouffac, mais les Anges font plus puiffans que les
Demons, ces bons Neophytes ont conferué la pureté
de leurs corps, par la pureté de leur creance.

[152] Enfin le Pere eftant fur fon depart, vn bon
Sauuage l'inuita au festin, luy rendant mille graces,

prove him,- entered the Church and vigorously harangued in the presence of all the Christians, protesting that, if he died before that time, he would charge the Father, before the Justice of [151] God, with his ruin and damnation.

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The Demon, enraged at seeing snatched from him a prey he had possessed for so many ages, has endeavored to disturb those good Neophytes by the following imposture. A young man who, his relatives affirmed, was shrouded and buried, appeared, they said, in the evening of the day after his funeral, full of life,-asserting that a certain person, whom he did not know, had taken him from the tomb, and had instructed him in the way he should honor God. He condemned the prayers and devotions of Christians with such obstinate adhesion to his own way of thinking, that although he acknowledged the wickedness of the Demon, and the necessity of believing in JESUS CHRIST he would nevertheless serve him after his own fashion, keeping with him two or three wives. He induced his sister to solicit some young Christians, by making her believe that she might without wrong grant them what they might desire of her, provided they would abandon the Faith, and the prayers which had been taught them in Tadoussac. But the Angels have more power than the Demons; these good Neophytes have preserved the purity of their bodies by the purity of their belief.

[152] At length, when the Father's departure was near, a good Savage invited him to a feast,-returning him a thousand thanks, and bestowing on him a thousand benedictions for the trouble he had taken in coming to visit them with so much pains; assuring

& luy donnant mille benedictions, de la peine qu'il auoit prise de les venir visiter auec tant de trauaux, l'affeurant qu'auffi-toft que l'Hyuer feroit paffé, il meneroit la plufpart de fes gens à Tadoussac, pour y eftre inftruits plus à loifir, le priant de nommer en chaque cabane quelque bon Neophyte des plus sages, & des mieux inftruits, pour tenir fa place en fon absence, & pour luy rendre compte en fon temps des actions & des déportemens de ces nouueaux enfans de Dieu, qui en verité compofent vne petite Eglife fort innocente.

Vn braue & genereux Catechumene voulut accompagner le Pere, mais il le fit paffer par fon païs, où ayant fait affembler fes compatriotes il demanda le Baptefme d'vne façon bien agreable, & pleine de ferueur. Mon Pere, luy dit-il, i'ay autresfois manié nos tambours, & ie me fuis meflé de fouffler & de chanter nos malades, ie renonce en la prefence de mes gens à toutes ces fuperftitions, ie defire d'eftre baptisé deuant [153] eux, afin qu'eftans tefmoins de la Foy que ie profeffe, ils foient mes accusateurs fi ie n'obey à tout ce que la Loy de IESVS-CHRIST me commande, ie les inuite, & les conjure de me reprocher en ta prefence tout ce que ie commettray contre la profeffion du Chriftianisme. Ie defire qu'ils me veillent, & qu'ils examinent mes actions pour t'en faire vn fidelle rapport, me foumettant au chastiment que tu me voudras impofer, fi ie contreuiens aux loix de mon Baptefme; ne fais donc point de difficulté de m'accorder cette grace, qui doit non feulement profiter à mon ame, mais qui doit encore donner lumiere à la nation des 8takɣamiɣek, qui font diftans de ce lieu de dix iournées. Mon frere iadis Capitaine de

him that, as soon as Winter was over, he would bring the greater number of his people to Tadoussac, to be there instructed more at leisure; and beseeching him to name, in each cabin, some good Neophyte,- one of the most discreet, and most fully instructed, to take his place in his absence, and to render him an account, in due season, of the actions and behavior of these new children of God, who, in truth, form a small but a very innocent Church.

A worthy and generous Catechumen determined to accompany the Father, but brought him through his own country,-where, when he had assembled his fellow-countrymen, he solicited Baptism in a manner most acceptable and full of fervor. "My Father," he said, "in former times I handled our drums, and took part in blowing upon and singing over our sick people; I renounce, in the presence of my people, all these superstitions. I desire to be baptized before [153] them, that, being witnesses to the Faith which I profess, they may be my accusers if I obey not all the commands of the Law of JESUS CHRIST; and I invite and conjure them to reproach me before thee with whatever I may commit contrary to the profession of Christianity. I desire that they watch me, and examine my actions, that they may make to thee a faithful report of these, submitting myself to the chastisement which thou shalt impose upon me, should I transgress the rules of my Baptism. Do not then make any difficulty of according me this favor, which must not only benefit my soul, but enlighten also the nation of the Outakwamiwek, ten days' journey hence. My brother, at one time a Captain at Tadoussac, having instructed me in the truths of which thou hast told us, I have given an

Tadouffac m'ayant instruit des veritez, dont tu nous a parlé, i'en ay fait le recit à ces peuples qui font mes alliez. Ie les ay efpouuantez par les peines d'Enfer, ie les ay confolés par les delices dont iouyffent les Chreftiens au Ciel, ie les ay fait prier Dieu, ils m'ont tefmoigné vn grand defir d'eftre instruits; baptife-moy donc, mon Pere, nous les irons voir l'Efté prochain tous [154] deux ensemble. Il ne

falloit pas éconduire vn fi bon cœur.

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