PLAYS OF William Shakspeare, ACCURATELY PRINTED FROM The Text of the Corrected Copy left by the late GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. WITH GLOSSARIAL NOTES, AND A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF SHAKSPEARE, IN EIGHT VOLUMES. VOL. III. CONTAINING ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL....TAMING OF THE SHREW ... Stereotyped by J. Howe.....N. York. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY MCARTY & DAVIS, 1830. PERSONS REPRESENTED. King of France. Duke of Florence. Bertram, Count of Rousillon. Lafeu, an old Lord. Parolles, a follower of Bertram. Several young French Lords, that serve with Ber Steward, Clown, A Page. tram in the Florentine war. } servants to the Countess of Rousillon. Countess of Rousillon, mother to Bertram. Helena, a gentlewoman protected by the Countess. An old Widow of Florence. Diana, daughter to the widow. Violenta, neighbours and friends to the widow. Mariana, Lords, attending on the King; Officers, Soldiers, &c. French and Florentine. Scene, partly in France, and partly in Tuscany. |