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1 In May, 1880, the Pall Mall Gazette changed hands, and the St. James's Gazette was started under the former editor of the P.M.G., Mr. Greenwood. The St. James's Gazette must be regarded as substantially identical with the P.M.G. cited in the following pages.


Extracts, at the foot of which the reference to the authority stands without brackets, are intended to be verbatim, save when the contrary is indicated by the use of square brackets.

Extracts which are paraphrased or more or less epitomised are introduced by a phrase, such as "The Times says." In such cases, the date is appended at foot, in round brackets.

The extracts from the parliamentary debates, or single speeches in parliament or on the platform, have been taken or compiled from newspaper reports. In such cases square brackets denote a departure from a citation intended to be otherwise verbatim.

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