Imágenes de páginas

King Hrothgar to his house betook him seeking rest

in sleep

Earls without number kept the hall, as erst was wont

to keep.

They cleared the benches from the floor, and over it they spread

The beds and bolsters. (Doomed to die one drinker sought his bed. *)

War-shield and wooden buckler bright beside their heads did lie;

And on the bench o'er every knight was seen his helmet high,

His corselet ringed, and glorious spear. Such was their custom aye,

Whether on foray or at home, oft ready for the fray Howe'er their liege lord chanced to need. A noble people they !

* This refers to Eschere, slain that night by Grendel's mother.




Grendel's mother bursts upon the sleepers in the hall and carries off Æschere. The grief of the Danes is renewed, but Beowulf comforts Hrothgar and promises to take revenge. They track the footsteps to the mere in the joyless wood. Beowulf plunges in, and in the cavern beneath the waves slays Grendel's mother. He smites the head from Grendel's body and swims ashore with it. There are great rejoicings at Heorot. Laden with gifts, Beowulf and his men take leave of Hrothgar, and return to their own land, where Beowulf tells the story of his adventures to Higelac.



THEN sank they all to sleep. But one bought dear his evening rest;

As oft befell since that gold hall by Grendel was possessed,

Ill doing, till his end was come, and death came

after ill.

'Twas seen and widely known 'mong men that after him lived still

Long after the fierce battle lived-th' avenger of his


His mother; she, the monstrous hag, upon her woes did brood.

Doomed was she ayein wildered waves and waters cold to dwell,

Since guilty Cain his brother slew, and, with that murder fell

Branded, forsook the joys of men and trod the waste. Thence woke

To life the evil sprites of yore; and Grendel of that


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