Domestic, may be used in bonded manufacturing warehouse.. Free withdrawal of, from bond for scientific purposes....... Preparations, Vino de Salud .............. Used in the manufacture of medicinal compounds, drawback on... 15854 16578 Paragraphs for, in act of 1890, repealed by paragraphs in act of 1894......... 15592 Allowance- For breakage and outage upon imported olive oil and liquors..... 16554 16028 For loss of brandy in bottles packed twelve bottles in a case.... 15547 Of drawback of copper ascertained originally by wet assay, the fire assay to Artists, certificate necessary for the free entry of works of art.. 15540 16536 Goods returned, certificate of collector at port of exportation not required to show that goods are domestic ......... 16078 Goods returned, free entry of.......... 15785, 16508 Goods returned require consular invoices if valued at over $100......... 16383 Whisky, reimported, not entitled to renewal of bonded period of eight years.. 16379 Canadian, not free when crossing boundary for grazing purposes..... 16142 Disinfection of hides of neat cattle........ 16557 Expenses of quarantine of imported......... 16443 Exportation of cattle in transit confined to the port of Portland, Me. 15941 For breeding purposes, oath of exporter to be taken before a consular officer.. 16462 15942 Imported by a college for scientific investigation, not free of duty.. 16441 Animals-Continued. Synopsis No. Neat, and hides of, regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury and Secre- .... 16560, 16561 Of domestic origin must be reimported at a designated quarantine station... 16126 Quarantine of Canadian cattle...... 15660, 15745 Quarantine of cattle, sheep, and other ruminants and swine from South Sheep and lambs imported for slaughter, inspection of.......... 16598 16620 ..... 16544 15554, 15574, 15590, 15929 Strayed or driven across the boundary, no limitation as to time......... 15534 16623 Appeal by collectors of customs of customs cases to court arising on decisions of 16370 Of small importations by travelers, valued at not over $25..... 16499 Articles and materials for construction of vessels under section 7 of act of 1894.... 16633 Astrakhan trimmings, classification of, under the act of 1890...... 15558 Astronomers' instruments free......... Atlanta Exposition- .... 15829 Distribution of samples of whisky at......... 16547 Atlanta Exposition-Continued. Employees of exhibitors at ...... Revised regulations governing the importation of articles for Atomizers....... Synopsis No. 16117 16369 16529 Auditor- Certificate of, in settlement in case of the death of claimant......... 15932 15933 Of Treasury Department, suspension and disallowance of items by............. 15930 15934 Settlement of accounts by, where appropriation is exhausted or carried to 16191 Of diplomatic representatives of foreign governments, no examination of.... 16592 16461 Of passengers of steamers plying between United States and Havana 16246 Of tourists, cording and sealing of......... 16368 Bagging for cotton, "Dundee bagging", 16164 Bags- Foreign, clean, renovated and mended in this country, not entitled to entry 15619 Grain........ 15997 Of American manufacture exported filled with cotton seed and returned 16612 Or wrappers made from imported unbleached cotton cloth, and exported as Synopsis No. Baskets, straw, lined with cotton and silk, classification of, under act of 1890...... 15665 Trimmings on a woven foundation, dutiable as manufactures of glass, under Benefits provided by act of May 4, 1882, to promote efficiency of life-saving Foreign, imported free of duty for repairs as machinery...... 15797 Free of duty as personal effects, free entry limited to one bicycle brought by Health to be surrendered at first port of entry in the United States ..... 15662 |