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peated several times in different tones, grave and heavy, although pleasant enough to the ear. We asked him why he sang this to capture animals. "I learned," said he, "this song in a dream; and that is why I have preserved and used it since." He requested us earnestly to teach him what must be sung to cure the sick, and to have a good chase, promising us to observe it exactly.

Here is one of the methods employed by the wicked ones to kill their countrymen. Some one has told me that they had formerly tried to use these deviltries against the French, but that they could not make them sick. If the Christian realized his own dignity he would hold it in high esteem. A Sorcerer, wishing to kill some one, enters his Tent and summons the Genii of the light, or those who make the light; they call them thus, and we call them Devils. When they arrive, he sends them after the soul of him, or of those, whom they wish to kill. If these persons belong to another Nation, they change their name, lest their relatives, getting wind of the affair, [158] take vengeance on the sorcerer. The Genii bring these poor souls in the form of stones, or in some other shape. Then the sorcerer strikes them with blows of javelins or hatchets, so hard that the blood runs down from them, so copiously that the javelin or the hatchet remains all stained and red with it. When this is done, the one whose soul had been struck falls sick, and languishes unto death. See how these poor people are deluded by the Demons. When one Savage hates another, he employs a sorcerer to kill him in this way; but they say that if the sick man happens to dream who it is that has bewitched him, he will get well and the sorcerer will die. These

en hayt quelqu'autre, il fe fert d'vn forcier pour le tuer en ceste maniere: mais ils difent que fi le malade vient à fonger qui eft celuy qui l'a enforcelé, qu'il guerira & que le forcier mourra. Ces Genies ou faifeurs de Iour leur font accroire qu'ils ayment beaucoup leur Nation, mais que le mefchant Manitou les empefche de leur procurer les biens qu'ils leur defirent.

Ils s'imaginent que celuy qui fouhaitte ou desire la mort à vn autre, notamment s'il eft forcier, obtient fouuent l'effect de fon defir: mais auffi le forcier qui a eu ce fouhait, meurt apres les autres. C'est chofe estrange de voir comme ces peuples s'accordent fi bien à l'exterieur, & comme ils fe hayffent à l'interieur. Ils ne fe faschent pas & [159] ne s'entrebattent pas fouuent: mais au fonds du cœur ils fe veulent bien du mal. Ie ne fçay comme cela fe peut accorder auec le bien & le fecours qu'ils fe preftent les vns les autres.

Vn de ces Sorciers ou Iongleurs m'a dit, que parfois le diable parle à quelque Sauuage, on entend feulement fa voix fans rien voir. Il luy dira par exemple: tu trouueras vne pierre fur la neige, ou en tel endroit, ou dans le cœur, ou dans l'efpaule ou autre partie d'vn Elan, ou d'vn autre animal: prends cefte pierre & tu feras heureux à la chaffe: Celuy-cy m'affeuroit qu'il auoit trouué vne de ces pierres dans le cœur d'vn Elan, & qu'il l'auoit donné à vn François: C'eft pourquoy, difoit-il, ie ne tueray plus rien.

Il difoit encores que le Diable fe communiquoit par fonges. Vn Orignac se prefentera à quelqu'vn en dormant, & luy dira, viens à moy: Le Sauuage efueillé va chercher l'Orignac qu'il a veu; l'ayant trouué,

Genii, or makers of Light, induce them to believe that they greatly love their Nation, but that the wicked Manitou prevents them from procuring for it the blessings they would desire.

They imagine that he who longs for, or desires the death of another, especially if he be a sorcerer, will often have his wish gratified; but also the sorcerer who has had this wish dies after the others. It is strange to see how these people agree so well outwardly, and how they hate each other within. They do not often get angry and [159] fight with one another, but in the depths of their hearts they intend a great deal of harm. I do not understand how this can be consistent with the kindness and assistance that they offer one another.

One of these Sorcerers or Jugglers told me that occasionally the devil speaks to some Savage, who hears only his voice, without seeing any one. He will say to him, for example, "Thou wilt find a stone upon the snow, or in such a place, or in the heart, or the shoulder, or some other part of an Elk, or of another animal; take this stone, and thou wilt be lucky in the chase." He assured me that he had found one of these stones in the heart of an Elk, and that he had given it to a Frenchman. "Hence I shall kill nothing more," said he.

He also said that the Devil made himself known

through dreams. A Moose will present itself to a man in his sleep, and will say to him, " Come to me." The Savage, upon awaking, goes in search of the Moose he has seen. Having found it, if he hurls or launches his javelin upon it, the beast falls stonedead. Opening it, he occasionally finds some hair or a stone in its body, which he takes and keeps with

s'il lance ou darde fur luy fon espee, la beste tombe roide mort: l'ouurant il trouue par fois du poil ou quelque pierre dans fon corps, il le prend & le gardent foigneusement pour estre heureux à rencontrer & tuer force animaux.

[160] De plus il adiouftoit que les Demons leur enfeignoyent à faire des vnguens de crapaux & de ferpens pour faire mourir ceux qu'ils ont en hayne. S'il dit vray, il n'y a point de doute qu'ils n'ayent communication auec le Diable. Ie croy que de ceste fuperstition ou refuerie eft prouenuë vne coustume qu'ont les Sauuages d'auoir vn sac si particulier pour eux, que pas vn autre n'oferoit regarder dedans, ils s'en offenferoyent peut-estre iufques à s'entretuer. Ils ne veulent pas qu'on voye cefte pierre ou chofe femblable s'ils en ont: & l'vn d'eux me dit vn iour, en ce poinct tu cognoiftras fi vn Sauuage veut croire veritablement en Dieu, s'il te donne cefte pierre s'il en a quelqu'vne.

Makheabichtichiou m'a raconté qu'eftant encor jeune garçon & chaffant tout feul dans les bois, il vit venir à foy vn Genie du iour: il eftoit vestu & paré comme vn Hiroquois, il eftoit porté par l'air: Ie m'arrestay, difoit-il, tout remply de peur: il s'arresta auffi vn peu loing de moy, toute la terre à l'entour de luy fembloit trembler: il me dit que ie ne craigniffe point, que ie ne mourrois pas fi toft, mais qu'il n'en feroit pas de mefme de mes gens. En fin, ie le vy enleuer [161] en l'air disparoiffant de deuant mes yeux. le retourne en la Cabanne tout efpouuanté, ie raconte ce que i'auois veu à mes compatriotes: ils prirent cela à mauuais augure, & dirent que quelqu'vn d'eux feroit tué par leurs ennemis. Incontinent apres

great care, that he may be fortunate in finding and killing many animals.

[160] Moreover, he added that the Demons taught them to make ointments from toads and snakes, to cause the death of those whom they hate. If he tells the truth, there is no doubt they have communication with the Devil. I believe that from this superstition or notion has sprung a custom the Savages observe, of having a little bag so especially for their own use, that no one else would dare look inside of it; they would be greatly offended thereat, perhaps even so much as to kill the other. They are unwilling that any one should see this stone, or similar object, if they have one; and one of them said to me one day, "In this way thou wilt know whether a Savage really desires to believe in God, if, having one of these stones, he gives it to thee."

Makheabichtichiou has related to me that once, when he was still a young lad, and was hunting all alone in the woods, he saw coming toward him a Genie of light; he was dressed and adorned like an Hiroquois, and was borne through the air. "I halted," said he, "filled with fear. He stopped also, at a little distance from me, and all the earth around him seemed to tremble. He told me that I should not fear; that I would not die so soon, but that it would not be the same with my people. At last I saw him rise [161] into the air, and disappear before my eyes. I returned to the Cabin, thoroughly frightened, and related to my countrymen what I had seen; they took it as a bad sign, and said that some one of them would be killed by their enemies. Immediately after this, some one came to tell them that one of their fasters, being separated from the

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