AID TO LOCALITIES STATE AGENCIES delinquents and persons in need of supervision .......29,000,000 For payment of state aid pursuant to section 530 of the executive law for secure detention services. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, this appropriation may provide for expenditures of one hundred percent of the cost of care, maintenance and supervision for youth whose residence is outside the county providing the service. Upon such expenditures, the division for youth shall bill, and the home county of such youth shall reimburse to the division for youth, fifty percent of such expenditures for the cost of care, maintenance and supervision for such youth ........11,400,000 For payment of state aid pursuant to section 530 of the executive law for nonsecure detention services. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, this appropriation may provide for expenditures of one hundred percent of the cost of care, maintenance and supervision for youth whose residence is outside the county providing the service. Upon such expenditures, the division for youth shall bill, and the home county of such youth shall reimburse to the division for youth, fifty percent of such expenditures for the cost of care, maintenance and supervision for such youth ... LOCAL SERVICES PROGRAM For payment of state aid, pursuant to article 19-A of the executive law, for delinquency prevention and youth development. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 420 of the executive law, eligibility for state aid reimbursement for counties which do not participate in the county comprehensive planning process shall be determined as follows: the aggregate amount of state aid for recreation, youth service and similar projects to county and municipalities within such county shall not exceed two thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($2,750) of which no more than one thousand four hundred fifty dollars ($1,450) may be used for recreation projects, per one thousand youths residing in the county based on a single count of such youths as shown by the last published a 5,100,000 .....40,600,000 For payment of aid in accordance with the following schedule .......8,284,050 For payment of state aid for the provision of services to runaway and homeless youth pursuant to subdivisions 2, 3 and 4 of section 420 of the executive law. No expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until an annual expenditure plan is approved by the director of the budget and a certificate of approval allocating these funds has been issued by the director of the budget and copies of such certificate or any amendment thereto filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee .......1,885,000 For payment of state aid pursuant to a chapter of the laws of 1985 amending the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act for the provision of transitional independent living support services and the establishment and operation of young adult shelters for youth between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one. No expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until an annual expenditure plan is approved by the director of the budget and a certificate of approval allocating these funds has been issued by the director of the budget and copies of such certificate or any amendment thereto filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and chairman of the assembly ways and means committee ..........2,200,000 For payment of aid in accordance with the following schedule. The monies hereby appropriated are to be available for payment of state aid for services provided prior to January 1, 1985 .........73,700,000 .....35,900,000 For payment of state aid pursuant to section 529 of the executive law, for juvenile delinquents and persons in need of supervision .......23,100,000 For payment of state aid pursuant to section 530 of the executive law for secure detention services. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, this appropriation may provide for expenditures of one hundred percent of the cost of care, maintenance and supervision for youth whose residence is outside the county providing the service. Upon such expenditures, the division for youth shall bill, and the home county of such youth shall reimburse to the division for youth, fifty percent of such expenditures for the cost of care, maintenance and supervision for such youth ... .......8,500,000 For payment of state aid pursuant to section 530 of the executive law for nonsecure detention services. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, this appropriation may provide for expenditures of one hundred percent of the cost of care, maintenance and supervision for youth whose residence is outside the county providing the service. Upon such expenditures, the division for youth shall bill, and the home county of such youth shall reimburse to the division for youth, fifty percent of such expenditures for the cost of care, maintenance and supervision for such youth ....... .........4,300,000 LOCAL SERVICES PROGRAM ...... For payment of state aid, pursuant to article 19-A of the executive law, for delinquency prevention and youth development. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 37,800,000 a 420 of the executive law, eligibility for state aid reimbursement for counties which do not participate in the county comprehensive planning process shall be determined as follows: the aggregate amount of state aid for recreation, youth service and similar projects to county and municipalities within such county shall not exceed two thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($2,750) of which no more than one thousand four hundred fifty dollars ($1,450) may be used for recreation projects, per one thousand youths residing in the county based on a single count of such youths as shown by the last published federal census for the county certified in the same manner as provided by section 54 of the state finance law Total of schedule ...........37,800,000 ........73,700,000 ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES State aid to counties pursuant to section 700 of the to be determined in the manner provided by section 700 of the county law, as amended, and paid in the manner therein provided, and shall be available for payment of state aid heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue to counties and the city of New York 887,500 TO THE EDUCATION ACCUMULATION REVOLVING ACCOUNT General Fund Local Assistance Account The For transfer to the education accumulation revolving account of the miscellaneous special revenue fund (339) for the purpose of providing for the payment of general support of public schools during the fiscal year commencing April first, nineteen hundred eighty-six. entire amount authorized for transfer by this appropriation shall be transferred to the education accumulation revolving account on or before March thirty-first, nineteen hundred eighty-six. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until a certificate of allocation has been issued by the director of the budget and copies thereof filed with the state comptroller and the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee. Such certificate may be amended from time to time, and a copy of such amendment shall be filed with the state comptroller and the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee ....... ........ 130,000,000 For transfer to the education accumulation revolving account of the miscellaneous special revenue fund (339) for the purpose of providing for the payment of general support of public school during the fiscal year commencing April first, nineteen hundred eighty-six. The entire amount authorized for transfer by this appropriation shall be transferred to the education accumulation revolving account on or before March thirty-first, nineteen hundred eighty-six. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no expenditures shall be made from this appropriation until a certificate of allocation has been issued by the director of the budget and copies thereof filed with the state comptroller and the chairman of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee. Such certificate may be amended from time to time, and a copy of such amendment shall be filed with the state comptroller and the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee ....... .........52,000,000 EMERGENCY FINANCIAL AID TO CERTAIN CITIES General Fund Local Assistance Account Maintenance undistributed a For payment, pursuant to the provisions of section 54-c of the state finance law, of emergency financial assistance to certain cities. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, the amount payable to each such city with population less than one million and more than one hundred twenty-five thousand shall be calculated by multiplying the maximum amount payable to each such city pursuant to the provisions of such section by nine hundred thirty-one one-thousandths, and the sum of one million nine hundred sixty thousand dollars shall be paid to any city with a population less than one hundred twenty-five thousand and more than one hundred thousand. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, the amount paid from this appropriation to any city shall constitute the complete liquidation of the state's obligation for such purposes pursuant to section 54-c of the state finance law ... 28,028,000 |