Imágenes de páginas
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For grants-in-aid to municipalities and non-
profit community-based orgianizations to
provide new or expanded social service
centers and supportive social services 6,018,300


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For payment of aid in accordance with the following schedule.

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For payment of state aid to municipalities for fire prevention and building code enforcement under section 54-g of the state finance law. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, amounts received pursuant to section 9108 of the insurance law shall be deposited by the state comptroller to the credit of the account created by this section. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the moneys hereby appropriated shall be for reimbursement of expenses incurred for code enforcement activities in the nineteen hundred eighty-four calendar year. Notwithstanding any other provision of law the moneys hereby appropriated shall be apportioned in accordance with regulations promulgated by the secretary of state and approved by the director of the budget and shall be made available pursuant to a certificate of approval of availability issued by the director of the budget.



The comptroller is hereby authorized and
directed to loan money by transfer to this
fund from the general fund or any other
fund, which loans shall be limited to the
amounts immediately required to meet dis-
bursements, made in pursuance of an appro-
priation by law and authorized by
certificate of approval issued by the di-
rector of the budget with copies thereof
filed with the comptroller and the
men of the senate finance committee and
the assembly ways and means committee. The
director of the budget shall not issue
such a certificate unless he shall have
determined that the amounts to be SO
transferred are receivable on account or
are otherwise readily available for pay-
ment. When making loans, the comptroller
shall establish appropriate accounts and
if the loan is not repaid by the end of
the month, provide on or before the fif-
teenth day of the following month to the


[blocks in formation]

director of the budget, the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee, an accurate accounting and reporting of the financial resources of each such fund at the end of such month. Within ten days of the receipt of such accounting and reporting, the director of the budget shall provide to the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee an expected schedule of repayment by fund and by source for each outstanding loan. Repayment shall be made by the comptroller by transfer of the first cash receipts of this fund

Program account sub-total


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Special Revenue Funds
Federal Health and Human Services Block Grant Fund

For expenditures related to federal grant years beginning October first, nineteen hundred eighty-four, and ending September thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-five, in accordance with the following:

For allocations from the community services block grant to community action agencies and other eligible entities in accordance with chapter eight hundred seventy of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-four.

The comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to loan money by transfer to this fund from the general fund or any other fund, which loans shall be limited to the amounts immediately required to meet disbursements, made in pursuance of an appropriation by law and authorized by certificate of approval issued by the director of the budget with copies thereof filed with the comptroller and the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee. The director of the budget shall not issue


[blocks in formation]
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