Imágenes de páginas
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law the reimbursement rate for state aid to counties and the city of New York shall not exceed forty-six and one-half percent of approved expenditures incurred by said counties and the city of New York ........36,246,800

For services and expenses for the intensive supervision program. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the reimbursement rate for intensive supervision shall equal one hundred percent of approved expenditures incurred. Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) of this appropriation shall be used for a conditional order of probation experiment


For payment of state aid to counties and the city of New York for local alternatives to incarceration, pursuant to article 13-a of the executive law subject to the approval of the director of the budget


For payment of state aid to counties and the city of New York for the support of pilot projects related to community programming for nonviolent offenders subject to the approval of the director of the budget. The monies are to be available within the amount appropriated for services and expenses, including but not limited to services and expenses for contractual arrangements, and state operations. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer to the state purposes account of the general fund and allocate to all state departments and agencies of the executive branch such amounts as may be necessary to provide for program requirements



For services and expenses for alternative to
incarceration programs including programs
prevent crimes and protect senior
citizens. Notwithstanding any other provi-
sions of law, the director of the budget
is hereby authorized to transfer to the
state purposes account of the general fund
and allocate to all state departments and
agencies of the executive branch such
amounts as may be necessary to provide for
program requirements

For services and expenses for the Staten
Island Treatment Alternative

Crime Program





For services and expenses for the Vera Institute Neighborhood Work Project and Vocational Development Program



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For services and expenses for Wildcat Service Corporation


For services and expenses for the New York
City Court Employment Program


For services and expenses for the New York
City Court Employment Program



For services and expenses for the Erie
County Client Specific Planning Program
For services and expenses for the Erie
County Client Specific Planning Program
For services and expenses for the Onondaga
County Client Specific Planning Program 88,600





For services and expenses for the Onondaga
County Client Specific Planning Program
For services and expenses for the Kings
County Client Specific Planning Program .......... 97,200
For services and expenses for the Kings
County Client Specific Planning Program
For services and expenses for the Vera In-
stitute Sentencing Project


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For services and expenses for the Watertown
Urban Mission

For services and expenses for the Suffolk
County Community Services Program



For services and expenses for the Suffolk
County Community Services Program

For services and expenses for Project Green-


For services and expenses for Project Greenhope



For services and expenses for Alternative to
Incarceration Programs in Nassau County ....300,000

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For services and expenses for Alternative to

Incarceration Programs in Nassau County ... 12,000

For services and expenses for the Suffolk County Re-Rout Transitional Services Program for Ex-Offenders

For services and expenses for the Suffolk County Re-Rout Transitional Services Program for Ex-Offenders





For services and expenses for the Nassau
County Services to Rape Victim Task Force .... 25,000

For services and expenses for the Nassau


County Services to Rape Victim Task Force ....... 1,000

For services and expenses for the Nassau County Criminal Justice Coordination Council

For services and expenses for the Nassau County Criminal Justice Coordination Council

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expenses for the West-

chester County Treatment Street Crime Program

For services and expenses chester County Treatment

Street Crime Program


for the West


For services and expenses for the Albany Treatment Alternative to Street Crime Program

For services and expenses for the Albany Treatment Alternative to Street Crime Program

For services and expenses for the Schenectady County Residential Treatment Alternative to Incarceration Program





For services and expenses for a residential alternative program for alcohol abusers

Program account sub-total

Total for agency aid to localities


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For aid to municipalities and payments to the federal government for expenditures made pursuant to the social services law and the state plan for the individual and family grant program under the federal disaster relief act of 1974. The moneys hereby appropriated are to be available for payment of aid heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue to municipalities, and to providers of medical services pursuant to section 367-b of the social services law, and for payment of state aid to municipalities and to providers of family care where payment systems through fiscal intermediaries are not operational, for expenditures made in accordance with the following schedule.

Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the state commissioner may certify to the state comptroller estimates of the amounts due from local social services districts each month as their share of payments made pursuant to section 367-b of the social services law; such estimated amounts may be deducted from advances authorized by section 153 of the social services law or from advances of federal funds otherwise due to the local district for programs provided under the federal social security act and set aside by the state comptroller in order to ensure the orderly and prompt payment of providers under such section 367-b; provided however, any amount deducted from such advance shall be deposited in an interest-bearing account with such interest accruing to the credit of the locality.

The amount of any item or items in the following schedule, notwithstanding any other provision of law, may be increased or decreased by interchange with any other item or items in the schedule with the approval of the director of the budget, who shall file such approval with the department of audit and control and copies thereof with the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, no expenditures shall be made for any of the purposes outlined in the following schedule until a certificate of allocation has been approved by the director of the budget and copies thereof filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.

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Medical assistance program, exclusive of expenses incurred by local districts on or after April first, nineteen hundred eighty-one for administration of the medical assistance program and for medical care rates for authorized child care agencies. Rates of payment for general hospital out-patient and emergency services and for treatment or diagnostic center services shall be computed in accordance with chapter one hundred twenty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-one except that for the purposes of computing such rates, in items d and e of subparagraph (i) of paragraph (d) of subdivision 2 of section 2807 of the public health law, as subsequently renumbered, effective January first, nineteen hundred eightythree, by chapter five hundred thirty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-two to be paragraph (b) of subdivision 2 of section 2807 of the public health law, the trend factor for general hospital outpatient and emergency services shall be determined in accordance with subparagraph (i) of paragraph (j) of subdivision 2 of section 2807 of the public health law as subsequently renumbered, effective January first, nineteen hundred eighty-three by chapter five hundred thirty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-two to be paragraph (b) of subdivision 8 of section 2807-a and the trend factor for diagnostic and treatment centers shall be determined in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision 2 of section 2803 of the public health law as subsequently renumbered effective January first, nineteen hundred eighty-three by chapter five hundred thirty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-two to be subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) of subdivision 2 of section 2803 of the public health law, nineteen hundred seventy-eight shall mean nineteen hundred eighty-three, nineteen hundred seventy-nine shall mean nineteen hundred


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