Imágenes de páginas
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For assistance to towns and villages located wholly or partially within the Adirondack park for the development of local land use programs pursuant to article 27 of the executive law, and within the amounts available, to reimburse the cost of implementing approved local land use programs and for liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 1985. Funds from this appropriation shall only be available as certified by the director of the budget



For the payment of aid to localities in accordance with the following schedule.

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For the payment of aid to localities in accordance with the following.

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For services and expenses of the New York
State Wine/Grape Foundation to be created
pursuant to the provisions of a chapter of
the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-five.
The department shall enter into a contract
or contracts with the foundation for the
purpose of enabling the foundation to
carry out the provisions of such chapter
and copies of such contracts shall be
filed with the chairman of the senate
finance committee and the chairman of the
assembly ways and means committee. Not-
withstanding any other provisions of law,
the amount made available herein may not
be transferred or interchanged with any
other appropriation and shall be used
solely for the purposes prescribed in such
chapter creating the foundation

For services and expenses to operate the
North Country Agricultural Development





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For the payment of aid to localities in accordance with the following schedule.

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State financial assistance to non-profit
cultural organizations offering services
to the general public, including but not
limited to orchestras, dance companies,
museums and theatre groups in accordance
with an allocation plan formulated by the
New York state council on the arts and ap-
proved by the director of the budget prior
to July first, nineteen hundred eighty-
five. Such services may include: cultural
or artistic activities directly undertaken
by the grantee; re-award of funds by,
among other organizations, regional or
local arts councils or county governing
bodies to non-profit cultural organiza-
tions as part of a program of decen-
tralized decision making on grant applica-
tions under $3,000 conducted under
guidelines approved by the division of the
budget; and re-award of funds to provide a
limited number of fellowships for profes-
sionally qualified New York state artists
providing contractual services of benefit
to the general public. Copies of the ap-
proved allocation plan shall be filed with
the chairmen of the assembly ways and
means and senate finance committees. The
plan shall not provide for state financial
assistance for
period in excesS of



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