November and March to the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee, the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee and the director of the budget the amount available for transfer to the state university special income offset account pursuant to this act. Prior to making each such certification, the chancellor shall provide to the chairman of the senate finance commitee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee, and the director of the budget documentation on the methodology and information used in determining the amount to be transferred to the state university special income offset account pursuant to this act. In the event that funds are not available for transfer before the first day of November, the chancellor shall report to the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee, and the director of the budget on or before the fifteenth day of November on the circumstances preventing the collection of funds from rate appeals related to the extended phase-in of the state university hospital at Stony Brook Total of schedule .......30,000,000 § 8. The several sums specified in this section, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to accomplish in full the purposes designated by the appropriations, are hereby appropriated from the mental hygiene facilities improvement fund income account, and are made available for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of April, nineteen hundred eighty-five. DEBT SERVICE FUND--MENTAL HYGIENE FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT For services and expenses, including transfers to other funds, in accordance with the following schedule 911,170,400 ......... SCHEDULE The sum of fifty million, two hundred sixty thousand, four hundred dollars ($50,260,400), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for payment by the facilities development corporation of all obligations under the terms of contractual agreements between the corporation and the New York state housing finance agency during fiscal 1985-86 ........ ............ The sum of eight hundred fifty-two million, four hundred thousand dollars ($852,400,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for transfer by 50,260,400 the facilities development corporation to the mental hygiene patient income account notwithstanding the provision of any other law during fiscal 1985-86 ....852,400,000 ........ The sum of six million, eight hundred seventy thousand dollars ($6,870,000), or SO much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for transfer by the facilities development corporation to the mental hygiene patient income account notwithstanding the provisions of any other law during fiscal 1985-86 ....... The sum of one million, six hundred forty thousand dollars ($1,640,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for transfer by the facilities development corporation to the office of mental retardation and developmental disabilities laboratory revenue account notwithstanding the provision of any other law during fiscal 1985-86 Total of schedule ..... 6,870,000 § 9. The sum specified in this section, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to accomplish in full the purposes designated by the appropriation, is hereby appropriated from the emergency highway reconditioning and preservation fund and is made available for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of April, nineteen hundred eighty-five. DEBT SERVICE FUND--EMERGENCY HIGHWAY The sum of twelve million, eight hundred thousand dollars ($12,800,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for payment by the state comptroller to the New York state thruway authority for the purpose of meeting the terms of any contractual agreements between the commissioner of transportation and the New York state thruway authority. a On or before the thirtieth day next preceding the date upon which payment shall be made under cooperative highway contractual agreement between the commissioner of transportation and the New York state thruway authority, the commissioner of taxation and finance shall certify to the director of the budget and the commissioner of transportation and the chairman of the New York state thruway authority the amount of such payment to be made under a cooperative highway contractual agreement. Upon receipt of such certification from the commissioner of taxation and finance, the director of the budget shall cause to be prepared a certificate of approval of availability to enable the payment from the emergency highway reconditioning and preservation fund to the New York state thruway authority; provided, however, that the maximum amount to be paid shall not exceed the amount available in such fund for such payment pursuant to the provisions of section eighty-nine of the state finance law. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, no portion of this appropriation shall be available for the purpose designated until a certificate of approval of availability shall have been issued by the director of the budget and a copy of such certificate filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. Such certificate may be amended from time to time subject to the approval of the director of the budget and a copy of each such amendment shall be filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee ..........12,800,000 § 10. The sum specified in this section, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to accomplish in full the purposes designated by the appropriation, is hereby appropriated from the emergency highway construction and reconstruction fund and is made available for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of April, nineteen hundred eighty-five. DEBT SERVICE FUND--EMERGENCY HIGHWAY The sum of twelve million, eight hundred thousand dollars ($12,800,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for transfer from the emergency highway construction and reconstruction fund established by section eighty-nine-a of the state finance law to the general fund to the credit of the local assistance account therein. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, no money may be transferred to the general fund pursuant to this appropriation unless and until the director of the budget and the commissioner of taxation and finance shall have entered into an agreement providing for repayment of all or a portion of such transfer in the event that the commissioner of taxation and finance shall certify to the director of the budget that insufficient moneys are available in the emergency highway construction and reconstruction fund to meet the payments required pursuant to a cooperative highway con tractual agreement between the commissioner of transportation and the New York state thruway authority. The agreement between the director of the budget and the commissioner of taxation and finance shall also provide that the director of the budget shall request an annual appropriation sufficient to permit the repayment of the entire balance of the transfer that is outstanding at the time the appropriation is requested. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, no portion of this appropriation shall be available for the purpose designated until a certificate of approval of availability shall have been issued by the director of the budget and a copy of such certificate filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. Such certificate may be amended from time to time subject to the approval of the director of the budget and a copy of each such amendment shall be filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means commit tee ....12,800,000 ......... CHAPTER 53 (See REPEAL NOTE at end of Chapter.) AN ACT in relation to the aid to localities budget; to amend the education law, in relation to state aid to local school districts; to amend the state finance law in relation to the education accumulation revolving account; to amend chapter five hundred seven of the laws of nineteen hundred seventy-four, relating to providing for the apportionment of state moneys to certain nonpublic schools and to reimburse them for their expenses in certain cases; and to amend chapter two hundred eighty of the laws of nineteen hundred seventy-eight relating to the adoption of school district budgets, in relation to advances due certain school districts and cities; and to amend chapter fiftythree of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty, relating to the local assistance budget and chapter fifty-three of the laws of nineteen hundred seventy-nine, relating to the local assistance budget, and chapter fifty-three of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-one relating to the local assistance budget, and chapter four hundred nineteen of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-two, relating to state aid to local school districts, and chapter fifty-three of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-three, relating to the local assistance budget and chapter fifty-three of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-four relating to the local assistance budget; in relation to the effective dates thereof; repealing certain provisions of the education law relating thereto and making appropriations therefor AID TO LOCALITIES BUDGET a Became law April 17, 1985, with the approval of the Governor. Passed on message of necessity pursuant to Article III, section 14 of the Constitution by a majority vote, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Where applicable appropriations contained herein for expenditures from Federal Grants beginning on or after April first, nineteen hundred eighty-four supplement existing appropriations for the same Federal Grant authorized by chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-four and reappropriated by section 3 of this chapter. The several amounts named in this section, or so much hereof as shall be sufficient to accomplish the purposes designated by the appropriations, are hereby appropriated and authorized to be paid as hereinafter provided, to the respective public officers and for the several purposes specified, which amounts shall be available for the state fiscal year beginning on the first day of April, nineteen hundred eighty-five, namely: EXPLANATION-Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets ( ) is old law to be omitted. |