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By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1983, as amended and reappropriated by chapter 50, section 4, of the laws of 1984:

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By chapter 620, section 3, of the laws of 1983, as reappropriated by chapter 50, section 4, of the laws of 1984:

The sum of ninety-six million five hundred forty-one thousand three hundred sixty dollars ($96,541,360), or so much thereof as may be

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necessary, is hereby appropriated from the federal emergency jobs fund and shall be available to all state departments and agencies for services and expenses, including but not limited to, travel outside the state, the purchase of automobiles, the payment of general state charges, fringe benefits, contractual agreements, aid to localities, for capital construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and improvement, including the acquisition of property and equipment and payment of advances including liabilities heretofore accrued and hereafter to accrue, provided however, that no expenditures shall be made for the purposes specified herein until a certificate of approval has been issued by the director of the budget and copies thereof filed with the state comptroller and the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee


........(re. $18,497,000)

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By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1983, as amended by chapter 13, section 9, of the laws of 1984, and as reappropriated by chapter 50, section 4, of the laws of 1984:

Maintenance undistributed

For apportionment to departments and agencies for services and expenses in providing restitution to overcharged petroleum consumers from funds received in connection with the federal petroleum overcharge cases, through implementation of restitutionary programs to meet the terms and conditions of Public Law No. 97-337, Section one hundred fifty-five or to meet the terms and conditions specified by the United States department of energy or a court in petroleum overcharge consent orders or other orders in accordance with the following schedule .............(re. $8,257,000)





In accordance with the provisions of chapter eight hundred ninety-nine, of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-four, the undisbursed balances of the following appropriations, formerly appropriated to the Division of Housing and Community Renewal, are hereby transferred and reappropriated to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation, including the transfer of any outstanding obligations.

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By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1983 as amended and reappropriated by chapter 50, section 4, of the laws of 1984:

For expenditures related to federal grant years beginning prior to April first, nineteen hundred eighty-three, in accordance with the following:


(re. $160,000)

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By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1984:

The comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to loan money by transfer to this fund from the general fund or any other fund, which loans shall be limited to the amounts immediately required to meet disbursements, made in pursuance of an appropriation by law and authorized by certificate of approval issued by the director of



the budget with copies thereof filed with the comptroller and the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee. The director of the budget shall not issue such certificate unless he shall have determined that the amounts to be so transferred are receivable on account or are otherwise readily available for payment. When making loans, the comptroller shall establish appropriate accounts and if the loan is not repaid by the end of the month, provide on or before the fifteenth day of the following month to the director of the budget and the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee,

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an accurate accounting and reporting of the financial resources of each fund at the end of such month. Within ten days of the receipt of such accounting and reporting the director of the budget shall provide to the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee an expected schedule of repayment by fund and by source for each outstanding loan. Repayment shall be made by the comptroller by transfer of the first cash receipts of this fund.

For expenditures related to federal grants beginning on or prior to April first, nineteen hundred eighty-four, and in accordance with the following...351,000 .........(re. $351,000)

By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1984:

For expenditures related to federal grants beginning April first, nineteen hundred eighty-four, and in accordance with the following 100,000. ........(re. $100,000)



Special Revenue Funds Federal
Federal Operating Grants Fund
Federal Miscellaneous Grants Account

By chapter 1056, section 8, of the laws of 1981, as reappropriated by chapter 50, section 4, of the laws of 1984:

For expenses related to the federal grant years beginning prior to April first, nineteen hundred eighty-three, in accordance with the following:

Maintenance undistributed

For services and expenses to finance high technology commercial adventures under the corporation for innovation development program


(re. $250,000)

General Fund

State Purposes Account

By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1984:

Development Organization...200,000.......

..(re. $800,000) For services and expenses related to the Western New York Technology ......(re. $200,000)

For the state match necessary to secure a federal grant for additional capitalization for the Foundation's revolving loan and investment fund provided, however, that such fund shall only be available to the extent necessary to secure funds from the federal government for this purpose...800,000.

For services and expenses related to the operations of the Hall of
Sciences in Flushing Meadow Park...100,000(re. $100,000)
For services and expenses related to the Regional Industrial Technical
Education Council..25,000...
..........(re. $25,000)

§ 5. Section twelve of section one of chapter one thousand forty of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-one, constituting the lobbying act, is amended by adding a new subdivision (c) to read as follows:

(c) There is hereby established in the custody of the state comptroller a special fund to be known as the "Lobbying Act Enforcement

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