STATE OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE care beds for adults to be located on the grounds of state facilities. Expenditures may be made from this appropriation for residential care centers for adults, as defined by the mental hygiene law pursuant to a chapter of the laws of 1985. ............ For services and expenses related to the initial implementation of a medical plan for residents of psychiatric centers located on Long Island. No later than July 1, 1985, the commissioner of OMH in cooperation with the commissioner of the department of health, shall submit a plan to the director of the budget, with copies to be filed with the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee, which shall be comprehensive, cost effective and reflect coordination with existing community general hospitals .. 793,000 1,000,000 For services and expenses related to the purchase of emergency medical transport services or vehicles. Notwithstanding any other provision of law the office of mental health is authorized to purchase necessary emergency transport vehicles not to exceed the amount appropriated herein ...........400,000 For services and expenses related to a feasibility study to consolidate and enhance laboratory services for OMH and OMRDD ........... 100,000 .........70,000 STATE OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE Special Revenue Funds Amount appropriated as an offset to the general fund state purposes account ..........393,500,000 An additional amount appropriated as an offset to the general fund state purposes account .. Program account sub-total Enterprise Funds Mental Hygiene Community Stores Fund For services and expenses related to the operation of community stores and canteens at the office of mental health facilities. Amount available for personal service (excluding fringe benefits) Program fund sub-total Enterprise Funds Facilities Special Services Fund .. ........ 4,150,000 397,650,000 ..2,452,800 4,591,000 819,000 ....... 7,862,800 For services and expenditures related to a variety of facility based fee generating activities including but not limited to laboratories and recreational facilities .......401,500 PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF MENTAL ILLNESS IN CHILDREN AND ser Notwithstanding any other provision of law, ..........72,898,800 |