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There is hereby established in the department the "state council on agricultural development and innovation" which shall consist of nine members appointed by the governor, two on the recommendation of the temporary president of the senate and two on the recommendation of the speaker of the assembly. The members of the council shall serve for terms of two years, provided, however, that of the members first appointed four shall serve for terms of one year and five shall serve for terms of two years. Four of the five members first appointed serving two-year terms shall be those recommended by the temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly. The council shall elect a chairman and vice chairman from among the members of the council. In appointing the members of the council, the governor shall ensure that none of the members shall be officers or employees of any state department or agency and each shall be, by professional training or experience and attainment, qualified to analyze and interpret matters pertaining to agricultural development and innovation. The purpose of the council shall be to work with and advise the department in all aspects of the formulation, implementation and evaluation of the programs to further research new technologies and speciality industries for New York agricultural products, to enhance agricultural product quality and market development, and to provide economic development technical assistance for agricultural businesses.

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For services and expenses related to esta-
blishing an agricultural research and
development program to finance research of
new technologies and specialty industries
for New York state agricultural products 600,000

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Amount available for nonpersonal service 19,337,500
Additional amount available for nonpersonal

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