1793. Constitution established by a convention July 10, 1793; and amended by conventions in 1827, 1836, 1850, and 1870, and by the people in 1883. 64 p. 24mo. n.p. N.D.. A copy of this constitution is contained in United States Charters as Constitution Amendments. This constitution has been amended as follows: Art. I, amended in 1828; Arts. II-XIII, amended in 1836; Arts. XIV-XXIII, amended in 1850; Arts. XXIVXXVI, amended in 1870; Arts. XXVII-XXVIII, amended in 1883. (Vermont Legislative Directory, 1910.) 1822. Journal of Convention assembled at Montpelier, Feb. 21, 1822. Published by order of convention. Burlington, 1822. 1828. Journal of convention convened at Montpelier, June 26, 1828. Published by order of convention. [Contains proposed amendments to constitution.] 22 р. 8°. Royalton, N.D. 1836. Journal of convention holden at Montpelier, Jan. 6, 1836; with amendments of the constitution adopted by convention, and the whole of the constitution as now in force. Published by order. 124 р. 8°. St. Albans, 1836. 1843. Journal of convention holden at Montpelier, Jan. 4, 1843. Pub lished by order of convention. Montpelier, 1843. 1850. Journal of constitutional convention holden at Montpelier, Jan. 2, 1850, to consider certain amendments proposed to the constitution. Published by order of convention. 114 + (1) p. 8°. Burlington, 1850. 1852. Constitution adopted by convention held in 1777; with amendments. Journal of Proceedings of constitutional convention begun in Mont pelier, June 8, 1870. Printed by authority. 1910. Burlington, 1870. Proposals for amendment to constitution; report of commis sion, Jan. 6, 1910. St. Albans, 1910. Council of Censors. 1785 and 1792. Minutes of the first and second council of censors (1785, 1792), and revised constitution (Oct. 1785); with accompanying address of council of censors. [Contained in "Vermont State Papers," by W. Slade, Middlebury, 1823. pp. 511, 516, 545.] 1820 and 1821. Journal of Council of Censors at their sessions in June and Oct., 1820, and Mar. 1821. Published by order. 64 р. 8°. 1827. Danville, 1821. Journal of Council of Censors at their sessions [held] at Montpelier and Burlington in June, Oct., and Nov. 1827. Published by order. 48 р. 8°. 1834-5. Montpelier, 1828. Journal of Council of Censors at sessions holden at Montpelier and Middlebury, in June and Oct. 1834, and Jan. 1835. Pub- 1841-2. Middlebury, 1835. Journal of Council of Censors held at Montpelier in June and Oct. 1841, and in Burlington, Feb. 1842. 75 р. 8°. Burlington, 1842. 4 1848-9. Journal of Council of Censors at their several sessions [held] in Montpelier and Burlington, 1848-9. Published by authority. 87 р. 8°. Burlington, 1849. 1855-6. Journal of Council of Censors at their several sessions [held] in Montpelier and Middlebury, 1855-6. 108 р. 8°. Middlebury, 1856. 1862. Journal of Council of Censors at its first session in Montpelier, June 1862. Published by order. 24 р. 8°. Montpelier, 1862. 1869. Journal of Council of Censors at its several sessions held in Mont pelier, 1869. Published by order. Montpelier, 1869. VIRGINIA. HISTORICAL. 1584. Grant to Sir Walter Raleigh. 1606. First charter of Virginia by King James I dated Apr. 10, 1606, entitled "Letters Patent to Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers and others, for two several colonies and plantations to be made in Virginia and other parts and territories of America." [First colony consisting of certain persons of London, to locate between the 34th and 40th degrees of latitude; second colony, see Massachusetts.] 1609. Second charter of Virginia to Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers and others. 1611-12. Third charter of Virginia (covering islands off the coast). 1776. Virginia bill of rights adopted June 12. 1776. June 29, First constitution of Virginia. 1781-87. Cession of Western lands excepting "Virginia Military Lands," the latter being the name given by Virginia to bounty lands reserved from grant to United States. 1788. Federal constitution ratified, June 25. 1863. Virginia and West Virginia divided, June 19. (See West Virginia.) Colony U. S. Charters and Const's, Part II, p. 1888. "Virginia," by J. E. Cooke ("American Commonwealths,”), Boston, 1883. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Title of legislative body "Grand Assembly." Commonwealth Title of legislative body "General Assembly." For an account of early colonial sessions and laws, see preface to Vol. I, 1st edition of William Waller Hening's "Statutes at Large of Virginia." "A Complete Library of Virginia Statute Law," giving a list of sessions and session laws from the earliest date to 1906, is contained in Vol. XI, Virginia Law Register (1905-06). p. 1048. SESSION LAWS. Colony Session Laws (Octavo) Session, June 1619 ("1st session of legislature"). p. 119. Session, May 16, 1620. p. 119. 1632(3). p. 202-209. Session, Aug. 21, 1633. p. 209–224. 1633-38. [Gap in sessions.] Session, Nov. 20, 1654. p. 386–393. Session, Mar. 24, [1654]55. p. 404–408. Session, Mar. 31, 1654(5). p. 408-414. Session, Mar. 10, 1655(6). p. 393-403. Session, Dec. 1, 1656. p. 414-428. Session, Mar. 13, 1657(8). p. 429-505. Session, Mar. 1, 1658(9). p. 505-525. Session, Mar. 13, 1659(60). p. 526–552. Session, Oct. 11, 1660. p. 9-16. Reprints contained in Vol. 1, Hening's Statutes at Large. 8°. Reprints contained in Vols. 1 and 2, Hening's Statutes at Large. 8°. |