Imágenes de páginas

Session, Oct. 1845. Session, Oct. 1846. Session, Oct. 1847. Session, Oct. 1848. Session, Oct. 1849. Session, Oct. 1850. Session, Oct. 1851. Session, Oct. 1852. Session, Oct. 1853. Session, Oct. 1854. Session, Oct. 1855. Session, Oct. 1856. Session, Feb. 1857. Session, Oct. 1857. Session, Oct. 1858. Session, Oct. 1859.

[blocks in formation]

237 + (1) p. 8°.
196 p. 8°.

Session, Oct. 1860. 200 p. 8°.

Extra Session, Apr. 1861. p. 175-193. Bound in 1 vol. 205 p. 8°.
Session, Oct. 1861. p. 1-174.
Annual Session, [Oct. 9].1862. 160 p. 8°.
Annual Session, 1863. 140 p. 8°.
Annual Session, 1864. 240 p. 8°.

Special Session, [Mar.] 1865. p. 269-272.

Bound in 1 vol. 293 p. 8°.

Annual Session, 1865. p. 1-268.

Annual Session, 1866. 348 p. 8°.

Special Session, [Mar.] 1867. p. 335-374.
Annual Session, 1867. p. 1-334.

Bound in 1 vol. 408 p. 8°.

Annual Session, 1868.

378 p. 8°.

344 p. 8°.

648 p. 8°.

Annual Session, 1869.
1st Biennial Session, 1870.
2d Biennial Session, 1872.
3d Biennial Session, 1874.
Special Session, Jan. 13, 1875.
4th Biennial Session, 1876.
5th Biennial Session, 1878.
6th Biennial Session, 1880.
7th Biennial Session, 1882.
8th Biennial Session, 1884.

747 p. 8°.
p. 1-493.
p. 1-14.
496 p. 8°.
328 p. 8°.1
329 p. 8°.
374 p. 8°.
320 p. 8°.
283 p. 8°.
391 p. 8°.
350 p. 8°.

9th Biennial Session, 1886.
10th Biennial Session, 1888.
11th Biennial Session, 1890.
Special Session, [Aug. 25] 1891.
12th Biennial Session, 1892. p. 1-504.
13th Biennial Session, 1894. 493 p. 8°.

Bound in 1 vol. 8°.

p. 1-34. Bound in 1 vol. 8°.

540 p. 8°.

p. 1-20. p. 1-505. 472 p. 8°.

14th Biennial Session, 1896.
Special Session, May 5, 1898.
15th Biennial Session, 1898.
16th Biennial Session, 1900.
17th Biennial Session, 1902. 624 p.
18th Biennial Session, Oct. 5, 1904.
19th Biennial Session, Oct. 3, 1906.
20th Biennial Session, Oct. 7, 1908.
21st Biennial Session, Oct. 5, 1910.


Bound in 1 vol. 8°.

670 p. 8°.

878 p. 8°.
717 p. 8°.
689 p. 8°.

STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests).

Laws enacted by Governor Sir Edmund Andros (1686–89), and his Council for the territory and dominion of New England, 1686-89; 2, 3, 4, and 5 James II. (Contained in "Laws of New Hampshire," Vol. I, Province period, pp. 143–258.) xcix+914 p. 8°.

Manchester, 1904.

State Papers (1823), being a collection (of) Vermont records and documents; with journal of Council of Safety, the first constitution, early journals of General Assembly, and laws from 1779 to 1786; [also] proceedings of 1st and 2d Council of Censors. Compiled and published by William Slade, Jr. xx+567+ (1) p. 8°.

Middlebury, 1823. Governor and Council; [Binder's title], 1775-1836. Records of Council of Safety and governor and council with records of general conventions, etc. By E. P. Walton.

8 vols. 8°.

Montpelier, 1873-80.

Revised Laws (1782), printed by Haswell and Russell. [Fac-simile


38 p. Folio.

Bennington, 1783.

Statutes (1787), passed by legislature, Feb. and Mar., 1787. Printed by George Hough and Alden Spooner.

(3) + 171 p. 8°.

Windsor, 1787.

(1791), revised and established by authority in 1787; including session of Jan. 1791. Likewise Acts respecting sales by surveyor general. Printed by Anthony Haswell.

315+ (5) p. 8°.

The foregoing is not a complete reprint.

Bennington, 1791.

Laws (1798), revised and passed by legislature in 1797; with Declaration of Independence and constitutions of U. S. and of State. With appendix containing laws heretofore passed relating to [a variety of subjects]. Published by authority. Josiah Fay. 621205+ (2) p. 8°.

The foregoing is not a complete reprint.

Printed by

Rutland, 1798.

Acts and Laws [1798-1800].


In Harvard Law School.

Windsor, 1801.

Compilation of Laws (1816), to and including those of the session of 1816, published in 1817, by Fay, Davidson, and Burt.

Shown in preface of "Public Statutes of Vermont," 1906 (1907).

Laws (1797-1816), including Declaration of Independence and constitutions of United States and of State. Digested and compiled [by Thomas Tolman]. Published by authority.

3 vols. 8°.

Vols. 1 and 2, Randolph, 1808.

Vol. 3, Rutland, 1817.

Vol. 3 contains laws 1808-16.)

(Vols. 1 and 2 bound in one. (1824), of a publick and permanent nature to 1824 incl. Prefixed are Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, constitutions of United States and Vermont. Compiled, by authority of legislature, by William Slade, Jr.

vii +756 p. 8°.

Windsor, 1825. (1834), [from 1824] to 1834. Compiled, by authority of legislature, by Daniel P. Thompson.

iv + (3) + 228 p. 8°.

Montpelier, 1835.

Revised Statutes (1839), to which are added several public Acts in force. Prefixed are constitutions of United States and of State. Published by order of legislature. [By R. Pierpoint, S. Swift, J. Smith, N. Williams, and L. B. Peck.]

xi +676 p. 8°.

Burlington, 1840.

Brattleboro, 1844.

(1844), reduced to questions and answers. By W. B. Wedgewood.


In Harvard Law School.

Analysis and Index (1845), of revised statutes and laws in force. By S. N. Parmalee. Published by order of legislature. 24 p. 8°.

Burlington, 1845.

A duplicate of this is appended to Acts and Resolves of 1844.

Compiled Statutes (1850), being such of revised statutes and of public Acts and laws passed since, as are in force. Prefixed are constitutions of United States and of State. Compiled in pursuance of Act of legislature by C. L. Williams.

xiv + 815 p. 8°.

Burlington, 1851.

General Statutes (1863), passed at annual session commencing Oct. 9, 1862; with certain public Acts of 1862. Prefixed are constitutions of United States and of State. Edited, etc., pursuant to Act of legislature [by William G. Shaw].

(2) 1050 p. 4to.

xi [Cambridge, Mass.], 1863. (1862-70), passed at annual session commencing Oct. 9, 1862; with certain public Acts of 1862. [Also] constitutions of United States and of State. 2d edition with appendix comprising public laws enacted since annual session of 1862. Edited and published pursuant to Act of legislature [by William G. Shaw]. xiii + (1) + 1352 p. 4to. [Cambridge, Mass.], 1870.

[M. D. Gilman in "Bibliography of Vermont" shows editions of the foregoing in 1873 and 1877.]

Revised Laws (1880), with public Acts of 1880. With constitutions of United States and of State. Published by authority [by C. H. Pitkin, H. A. Huse, and A. R. Willard, commissioners.] xv+1169 p. 4to. Rutland, 1881.

Vermont Statutes (1894), including public Acts of 1894; with Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and constitutions of United States and of State. Published by authority [by O. M. Barber, L. M. Read and John Young, commissioners]. xvii +1313 p. 4to. Rutland, 1895.

Index (1894), to general and special legislation of the state. By Albert P.



In Department of Justice.

Montpelier, 1894.

Revision of Laws (1906), report to General Assembly by commissioners, W. A. Lord and H. K. Darling.

Burlington, 1906.

Public Statutes (1906), "proposed revision." W. A. Lord and H. K.

413 p. 8° paper covers.

Darling, commissioners.

xvi + 1341 p. 4to.

Burlington, 1906.

Public Statutes-Continued.

(1906), including public Acts of 1906; with Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, constitutions of United States and of State. Published by authority. [Lord, Darling, Bailey, commissioners.]

xx+1302 +380 p. 4to.

[Concord], 1907.

Public Acts (1906), of general interest passed at the 19th biennial session. Published by authority.

44+ (2) p. pamph. 4to.

n.p. N.D.

[Supplement to Burlington Daily News, Jan. 10, 1907.]

(1908), of general interest passed at the 20th biennial session. Published by authority.

32 p. pamph. 4to.

n.p. N.D.

(1910), of general interest passed at the 21st biennial session. Published by authority.

64 p. pamph. 4to.

n.p. N.D.


Note. The constitution at present in force in this state is that of 1793.


Constitution; a copy of this constitution is contained in United States Charters and Constitutions, Part II, p. 1857, where it appears that the same was framed by a convention which assembled at Windsor, July 2, 1777. It was not submitted to the people for ratification.

Revised (1785). See Minutes of first and second council of censors, post.


Resolves of convention of delegates from 22 towns on New Hampshire Grants, both sides Connecticut River, held at Cornish, Dec. 9, 1778. (4 p.) With public defence of right of N. H. Grants to associate together and form themselves into an independent state. 456 p. 16mo. Dresden, 1779.

Shown in Library Bulletin, Nov. 1894, New York State Library.


Constitution; a copy of this constitution is contained in United States Charters and Constitutions, Part II, p. 1866, where it appears that this constitution was adopted by the legislature in Mar. 1787.

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