Compiled Laws (1907), constitutions of United States and of Utah, Enabling Act and Naturalization Laws. Published by authority. By J. T. Hammond and G. H. Smith. xxiv + 1697 p. 4to. [Salt Lake City], (1908). CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS, CONSTITUTIONS, ETC. 1855. State of Deseret; Constitution Provisional Government, state of Deseret. Contained in "Acts, Resolutions, and Memorials " of legislative assembly, territory of Utah, published [by authority]. 460 p. 12mo. (p. 44.) 1887. Great Salt Lake City, 1855. Constitution; memorial of constitutional convention to congress, for admission to Union as a state. Accompanied by copy of constitution. [House mis. doc. 50th congress, 1st session.] 14 р. 8°. 1895. n.t.p. n.p. N.D. Proceedings and Debates of convention which assembled at Salt Lake City, Mar. 4, 1895, to adopt a constitution. Official report. 2 vols. 4to. Salt Lake City, 1898. Constitution; convention of 1895, with amendments. 37 р. 8°. [Salt Lake City], 1907. Constitution Amendments. The constitution of 1895 has been amended as follows: Art. VI, secs. 1 and 22, Art. X, sec. 6, Art. XIII, sec. 3, adopted Nov. 6, 1900; Art. X, sec. 2 adopted Nov. 6, 1906, also further amended Nov. 8, 1910; Art. XIII, secs. 3 and 12 adopted Nov. 6, 1906; Art. XIII, sec. 4 adopted Nov. 3, 1908. (Utah State Library, Jan. 15, 1912.) VERMONT. HISTORICAL. "The State of Vermont was originally claimed by Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New York, and at the commencement of the Revolutionary struggle she not only sought independence from British rule, but from the State of New York, which claimed sovereignty over the territory to the west bank of the Connecticut River, and from New Hampshire which contested the claims of both New York and Vermont." 1777. 1st Constitution of Vermont (not submitted to people). 1781. Massachusetts assented to the independence of Vermont. 1782. Difficulties with New Hampshire adjusted. 1790. New York consented to Vermont's admission to Union. U. S. Charters and Const's, Part II, p. 1857. Boston, 1892. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Title of legislative body "General Assembly." After 1787, title of legislative body "Legislature." "Bibliography of Vermont," by M. D. Gilman, Montpelier, Vt., consisting of a folio volume, newspaper clippings, contains, under the letter V, references to the Acts and laws and other statutes of Vermont. Paper read by.E. P. Walton before Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier, Oct. 15, 1878. Contains some account of the session laws of the state. "The Public Statutes of Vermont," 1906 (1907), contains an historical account of the several compilations of session laws and statutes of the state from 1778 to 1906. (Lord, Darling, and Bailey, commissioners.) SESSION LAWS. 1st Session, Mar. 12, 1778. [Met "3d Session," Oct. 8,1778. (Proc- See Slade's Vermont State Papers, p. 287, note; also paper read by E. P. Walton before Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier, Oct. 15, 1878; also Public Statutes, 1906 (1907). The following session laws, 1779-86, are appended to Vermont State Papers by William Slade, Jr. 1823. 8°. The following session laws are bound as appears below: Session, Feb. 11, 1779. (Printed by Judah Paddock and Alden Spooner. p. 101-110. Shown in Charlemagne Tower Collection of Folio. n.t.p. Session, June 2, 1779. p. 111–112. Session, Oct. 1779. п.р. (6 p.) | Fac-simile reprint. Bound in (Charter of Governor Thomas 1 vol. 4to. Chittenden prefixed.) Session, Mar. 8, 1780. (5 p.) Session, Oct. 1780. p. 125-128 + (12). Fac-simile reprint. Bound Appended (p. 1-10), are several Acts printed in Slade's State Papers. Also (p. 11-14), certain Acts passed in 1780, but not in 1 vol. 4to. printed until 1896.] Session, Feb. 1781. (11 p.) 2 + (12). } Fac-simile reprint. Bound in 1 vol. 4to. (Charlemagne Tower Collection of Colonial Laws shows folio laws of same session, 4 p.) Session, June 1781.1 (12 p.) Session, Oct. 1781. (4 p.). Fac-simile reprint. Bound in 1 vol. } 4to. Being "Revised Laws" passed at these sessions. Fac-simile reprint. Bound in 1 vol. n.t.p. Session, June 1782. Session, Oct. 1782. [Session, Oct. 1783]. } Session, June 1785.) Session, Oct. 1785. See Slade's Vermont State Papers, ante. Session, Oct. 1786. [Session, [Feb.] Mar. 1784]. Session, Feb. 1787. Session, Mar. 1787. Bound in 1 vol. Windsor, 1787. (3) + 171 р. 8°. See also "Statutes " by Anthony Haswell, Bennington, 1791. p. 15-201. 8°. (Not complete reprint.) Session, Oct. 15, 1788. Session, Oct. 1789. p. 240-253. Bound in "Statutes," by Anthony Haswell, Bennington, 1791. 8°. (Not complete reprint.) Session, Oct. 1790. Fac-simile reprint. 11 p. 4to. See also "Stat Contained in "Statutes," by Anthony Haswell, Ben nington, 1791.8°. (Not complete reprint.) utes," by Anthony Haswell, Bennington, 1791. 8°. (p. 253 Bound in appendix to Laws revised by legislature by Josiah Fay, Rutland, 1798. in 1797. Printed 8°. (Not complete reprint.) 171 p. 8°. Bound in appendix to Laws revised by legislature in 1797. Printed by Josiah Fay, Rutland, 1798. 8°. (Not complete reprint.) 141 + (4) p. 8°. 133 р. 8°. 171 + 12 + (1) p. 8°. Session, Oct. 1800. Session, Oct. 1802. 222 p. 8°. Charlemagne Tower Collection of Colonial Laws shows folio laws, session June 1781. p. 28+. Session, Oct. 1803. Adjourned Session, Jan. 1804. 95 p. 8°. (pp. 96-100 lacking.) Session, Oct. 1826. p. 1-112. Session, Oct. 1827. p. 1-102. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. Session, Oct. 1828. p. 1-72. Session, Oct. 1829. p. 1-84. Session, Oct. 1830. p. 1-67. Session, Oct. 1831. p. 1-126. Session, Oct. 1832. p. 1-124. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. Session, Oct. 1833. p. 1-110. Session, Oct. 1834. p. 1-111. Session, Oct. 1835. p. 1-159. Session, Oct. 1836. p. 1-181. Bound in 1 vol. 8°. Session, Oct. 1837. p. 1-112. Session, Oct. 1838. 115 p. 8°. Session, Oct. 1839. 102 p. 8°. Session, Oct. 1840. 68 p. 8°. Session, Oct. 1841. 69 p. 8°. } Bound in 1 vol. 8°. Session, Oct. 1842. p. 1-133. [Appended is Parmalee's analysis, etc., see Statutes, etc.] |