Constitution - Continued. Amended Feb. 18, 1873. A copy of this constitution is contained in United States Charters and Constitutions, Part I, p. 527. Constitution Amendments. This constitution has been amended as follows: Amendment adopted Feb. 18, 1873, relating to Wabash and Erie Canal certificates; March 14, 1881, four amendments extending suffrage to negroes, etc.; amendment regarding township, etc., election; amendment relating to public officers; amendment relating to superior courts. (Indiana State Library, Jan. 8, 1912.) 1911. Proposed Constitution; Jacob Piatt Dunn. 47 + 8 p. 8°. Indianapolis, 1911. IOWA. HISTORICAL. 1803. Included in Louisiana Purchase. 1805-36. Formed a part of Louisiana in 1805; of Missouri in 1812; of Michigan in 1834; of Wisconsin in 1836. 1838. Iowa Territory created by Act of Congress (June 12). Sabin's "The Making of Iowa." BIBLIOGRAPHY. Territory Title of legislative body "Council and House of Representatives." State Title of legislative body "General Assembly." Session laws called "Acts and Resolutions." Historical Bibliography of Iowa Statute law (1891); T. L. Cole. [Bound in Law Bulletin of Iowa State University, Iowa City, 1891.] Territory SESSION LAWS. 1st Session, 1838-39. 597 + (1) p. 8°. [Original edition, Dubuque, 1839. The Library also has a reprint of the laws of 1838 and 1839 by Charles Aldrich, Des Moines, 1900. 634 p. 8°.] Session, Nov. 1839. 227 p.. 8°. [Reprint.] [This reprint also contains a reprint of the extra session, held July 1840. next below.] See Extra Session, July 1840. 63 p. 8°. [Original edition. The Library also has a reprint of the laws of the extra session, July 1840, bound with the 2d session of Nov. 1832. 80 p. 8°.] Session, Nov. 1840. 135 p. 8°. Session, Dec. 1841. 150 p. 8°. Session, Dec. 1842. [Contained in Revised Statutes, published Iowa City, 1843.] 1 The Code containing all the statutes of a general nature of 1873, was passed at this adjourned session. Territory STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes). Report of Commissioners (1871), to revise statutes. (1884), [with supplements showing statutes, etc., in force, 1884]. Encyclopedia of Iowa Law (1902); E. C. Ebersole. xiv 1475 p. 8°. Chicago, 1880. Chicago, 1884. Chicago, 1888. Toledo, Ia., 1902. Codes Code (1850-51). xv+685 p. 8°. Code of Civil and Criminal Practice (1860). In Department of Justice. Code (1873). xi + 1039 p. 8°. Iowa City, 1851. 1860. Des Moines, 1873. Criminal Code and Digest (1879), and criminal pleading and prac tice. By J. C. Davis. (3) + 678 p. 8°. In Harvard Law School. Des Moines, 1879. Revised and Annotated Code (1880); W. E. Miller. 2 vols. 4to. Des Moines, 1880. New Revised and Annotated Code; the statutes in force, 1884. By Annotated Code and Statutes (1888); E. McClain. 2 vols. 8°. Supplement (1888-92); E. McClain; "Vol 3." In Department of Justice. Chicago, 1888. Chicago, 1892. Report of Code Commissioners (1895), to accompany code reported 66 to 26th General Assembly. viii+163 p. 8°. In Social Law Library. Des Moines, 1895. Proposed Revision of the Code," [Binder's title] (1895), reported to 26th General Assembly by code commission. 1031 p. Folio. Annotated Code (1897); E. C. Ebersole. xxxii+2362 p. 4to. Des Moines, 1895. Des Moines, 1897. |