It derives its name from the Latin Word Decem Ten, because it was the roth Month of the old Roman Year. Commodus in vain attempted to style this Month Amazon, in honour of his Concubine Martia: but after his Death it foon returned to its antient Name, A TABLE and RULES for the Moveable and Immoveable FEASTS together with the Days of Fafting and Abftinence, through the whole Year. Rules to know when the Moveable Feafts and Holy-days begin. ASTER-DAY, on which the rest depend, is always the first Sunday after the Full Moon, which happens E after a Day is the Sunday after. Ad-vent-Sunday is always the nearest Sunday to the Feast of St. Andrew, whether before or after. ATABLE of all the FEASTS that are to be obferved in the Church of England throughout the Year. A TABLE of the VIGILS, FAST'S, and Days of Abftinence, to be Obferved in the Year. Note. That if any of thefe Feaft-Days fall upon a Monday, then the Vigil or Faft-Day shall be kept upon the Saturday, and not upon the Sunday next before it. A Table to find EASTER-DAY from the prefent Time, till the Year 1899 inclufive, according to the foregoing Calendar." 16 Letter. 12 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 ΤΗ HIS Table contains so much of the Calendar as is neceffary for the determining of Eafter; to find which, look for the Golden Number of the Year in the First Column of the Table, against which stands the Day of the Pafchal Full Moon; then look in the third Column for the Sunday Letternext after the Day of the Full Moon, and the Day of the Month ftanding against that Sunday Letter is Eafter-Day. If the Full Moon happens upon a Sunday, (then according to the Firit Rule) the next Sunday after is Eatter, Day. To find the Golden Number, or Prime, add one to the Year, of our LORD, and then divide by 19; the Remainder, if any, is the Golden Number; but if nothing remaineth, then 19 is the Golden Number. To find the Dominical or Sunday Letter, according to the Calendar, until the Year 1799 inclufive, add to the Year of our LORD its Fourth Part, omitting Fractions, and alfo the Number 1: Divide the Sum by 7; and if there is no Remainder, then A is the Sunday Letter: But if any Number remaineth, then the Letter ftanding against that Number in the fmall annexed Table is the Sunday Letter. 2 Α AGFEDCE 3 4 5 6 B For the next Century, that is, from the Year 1800 till the Year 1899 inclufive, add to the current Year only its Fourth Part, and then divide by 7, and proceed as in the last Rule. Note, That in all Biffextile or Leap-Years, the Letter found, as above, will be the Sunday Letter from the intercalated Day exclufive, to the End of the year. Another TABLE to find EASTER till the Year 1899 inclufive. O make use of the preceding Table, 13 To find the Sunday Letter for the Year in the Uppermoil Line, and the Golden Number, or Prime, in the Column of Golden Numbers, and against the Prime, in the fame Line under the Sunday-Letter, you have the Day of the Month on which Eater falleth that Year. But Note, That_the_name of the Month is fet on the left Hand, or juft with the Figure, and followeth not, as in other l'ables, by Defcent, but Collateral. 22 8 23 24 25 10 13 14 15 3 4 5 Mar 30 3 Apr. 1 XVII Apr. 23 24 18 19 XVIII pr. 9 XIX Apr. 2 Mar. 27 A TABLE of the Moveable FEASTS for Forty-one Years according to the foregoing Calendar. 16 May 26 25 I 8 18 26 Nov 30 1764 Apr. 22 May 27 May 31 June 10 23 Dec. 2 Mar. 22111 Jan. 18 Feb. 4, Apr. 261 Apr. 30 May 10 27 Nov. 29 17651 7 1766 Mar. 30 1767 Apr. 19 1768 3 1 12 228 June 723 1769 Mar. 26 Apr. 30 •'301 1770 Apr. 15 May 20 97 2 2 233 22 23 27 May 1 28 29 30 9 May 1 56785 1127 12 27 Dec. 13 27 1427 3" 26 Nov. 27 26 1626 17 18 26 1926 Dec. 20 26 21 26 28 29 23700 1 2 373 2 10 2 12 22 25 Nov. 27 23 25 28 2 19 15 25 25 30 16 26 25 Dec. I 21 13 222 22 14 23 21 16 56 12 25 17 18 78 9 20 I 1127 Nov 30 29 21 28 22 27 Apr. 20 1794 25 29 Jane 8 23 5 1795 14 May 24 25 29 1796 Mar. 27 I 51 15/26 1797 Apr. 16 25 June 4 24 Dec. 3 1798 8 Mar. 24 Apr. 28 Apr. 15 May 13 18 14 May 24 25 1802 18 23 27 June 623 29 28 27 923 Dec. 1 1023 I 123 12 22 Nov. 27 22 june 124 Nov 30 Note, That in Biffextile or Leap Year, the Number of Sundays after Epipha 20 26 Dec. 2 29 24 Nov. 27 20 30 24 28 21 22 June 124 30 23 224 Dec. I 24 25 4 24 26 27 5 23 Nov 27 623 28 29 723 823 378 012 3 2 2 2 3 3 28 29 30 3 O find the Dominical or Sunday Let- 4500 13 460013 4700 14 B 4800 14 4900 14 5.000 15 510016 8300 29 B 8400 29 85000 &c. Tonna the Month and Days of the Month, to which theGoldenNumbers ought to be prefixed to the Calendar, in any given Year of ourLord confisting of entire 100 Years, and in all the in termediate Years betwixt that and the next codth Year following, look in the 2d Column of Table 11. for the given Year confifting of entire hun dreds, and note the Number or Cypher which ftands against it in the third Column; then, in Table lil. look for he fame Number in the Column unJer any given Golden Number, which when you have found, guide your Eye deways to the left Hand, and in the rit Columa you will find the Month nd Day, to which that Golden Number ought to be prefixed in the CalenJar during that period of 100 Years. The Letter B denotes Leap Year. 7:18291021) 2013/24 5/16,27 8:19 0/11/221 I he Order for MORNING and EVENING PRAYER, T HE Morning and Evening Prayer thall be used in the accustomed place of the Church, Chapel, or Chancel; ‹xcept it fhall be otherwife determined by the Ordinary of the Place. And the Chancels fhall remain as they have done in times past. And here it is to be noted, That fuch Ornaments of the Church, and of the Minifters thereof, at all times of their Miniftration, fall be retained, and be in ufe, as were in this Church of ENGLAND by the Authority of Parliament, in the fecord Year of the Reign of King EDWARD the Sixth. |