Imágenes de páginas



Hortense-Victoire Lescot, the spouse of Mr. Haudebourt an architect, is born at Paris.

Being a pupil of Mr. Lethière, she went to Italy with her master, and lived several years at Rome; her portofolios were full of a great number of her sketches made in that city, which supplied her with plenty of subjects for an immense quantity of fine pictures wherein the artist very truly retraces the scenes, dress, usages and the expression of the inhabitants of Italy.

During her abode at Rome Miss Lescot exhibited in the Capitole several landscapes which deserved her a crown. Since her return to Paris, in 1810, she has placed at several exhibitions of the Louvre, a great number of small pictures justly esteemed by the public, many of which have been engraved and lithographied.

Madame Handebourt-Lescot has been included in the distributions of medals, at the Museum in 1810, 1819 and 1827.




Philippe-Auguste Hennequin est né à Lyon en 1763. C'est dans cette ville qu'il étudia d'abord, et ses rapides progrès, dans l'art du dessin, le mirent bientôt dans le cas de venir à Paris, où il se plaça sous la direction de David.

Ayant remporté le grand prix de peinture, il se trouvait à Rome dans les premières années de la révolution Française. Ses opinions, couformes aux principes émis par la Convention, le mirent dans le cas d'être poursuivi en Italie. Il rentra alors dans sou pays, et fut mis en prison après la mort de Robespierre. Étant parvenu à s'évader, il vint se réfugier à Paris; mais, arrêté de nouveau, il allait être traduit devant une commission militaire, lorsqu'une personne influente dans le gouvernement, et protectrice des arts, parvint à le faire mettre en liberté.

M. Hennequin voulut alors se livrer entièrement à la peinture, et il fit son grand tableau des Remords d'Oreste, puis le plafond d'une des salles du Louvre, au rez-de-chaussée.

Lors de la restauration, M. Hennequin a quitté la France pour aller résider à Liége, où il a fait un grand tableau représentant 300 citoyens de Franchimont, se dévouant à la mort pour la défense de la ville. Il fut ensuite nommé professeur de dessin à Tournay, où il est mort en 1833.



Philippe-Auguste Hennequin is born at Lyon in 1763. It is in that town he first practised, his rapid progress in drawing soon enabled him to come to Paris, where he placed himself under the direction of David.

Having obtained the great prize of painting, he happened to be at Rome in the first years in the French revolution. His opinion conform to the principles emitted by the Convention, caused him to be persecuted in Italy. He then returned into his own country, where after Robespierre's death, he was cast into prison. Having succeeded to escape, he took refuge in Paris, but being taken again into custody, he was about to be transferred before a military commission, when a powerful person in the government, a protector of the arts succeeded in getting him set at liberty.

Mr. Hennequin was then willing to give himself up wholly to painting, he performed his great picture, the Remorse of Orestes, after that, the ceiling of one of the ground-floor rooms of the Louvre.

On the restauration, Mr. Hennequin left France to reside at Liège, where he painted a great picture representing the 300 citizens of Franchimont, devoting themselves to death for the defence of the town.

He was afterwards named a professor of drawing at Tournay; where he died in 1833.




Louis Hersent est né à Paris, en 1777. Élève de Regnault, il obtint un second prix de peinture, en 1797.


Parmi les tableaux que cet artiste a exposés aux salons, plus remarquables sont, en 1814: Las Casas, soigné par des Sauvages; en 1817, Louis XVI distribuant des secours aux indigens, lors du grand hiver de 1788; Daphnis et Chloé, et la Mort de Bichat; en 1819, l'Abdication de Gustave Vasa ; en 1822, Booz et Ruth.

M. Hersent a fait aussi plusieurs portraits en pieds, tels que ceux du duc de Richelieu, de Casimir Périer et de sa femme.

Membre de l'Institut, et professeur de l'Académie, M. Hersent est aussi officier de la Légion-d'Honneur. Il a épousé mademoiselle Mauduit, également célèbre par son talent dans la peinture.





Louis Hersent is born at Paris in 1777. A pupil of Regnault, he obtained a second prize of painting in 1797.

The most remarkable pictures this artist has exhibited in the Museums in 1814, are: Las Casas attended by the Savages; in 1817, Louis XVI distributing supplies to the poor in the severe hard winter in 1788; Daphnis and Chloe, and the Death of Bichat; in 1819, the Abdication of Gustave Vasa; in 1822, Booz and Ruth.

Mr. Hersent has also performed many pictures in whole length, such as the duke de Richelieu, Casimir Perrier and his wife.

A member of the Institut, and a professor of the Academy, Mr. Hersent is also an officer of the Légion of Honour. He married miss Mauduit, equally celebrated for her talent in painting.

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