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M. Leon Cogniet was born in Paris in 1797 and was pupil of M. Guérin; he obtained the great prize at Rome in 1817. At his return he exhibited at the Salon in 1824, a large picture representing Marius seated on the ruins of Carthage, the boldness of which, produced an extraordinary effect, from the circumstance of the light coming from the back part of the painting. He has since executed an Episode of the Massacre of the Innocents, in which composition, a mother stooping down in an obscure place, puts her hand on the mouth of her child, that its cries may not be heard by the soldiers who are seen at a distance, and who seem to be seeking for her. The church of Saint- Nicholas - desChamps possesses a picture by M. Cogniet representing Saint Stephen giving relief to a poor family. A figure of Numa in the Louvre, and a cieling in the Egyptian Museum, are both executed by this artist. He received a medal of encouragement in 1824, and in 1827 on exhibiting his picture of the Brigands prostrating themselves before a Madonna, he obtained the decoration, of the Legion of Honour.




Jules-Louis-Philippe Coignet est né à Paris en 1778. Élève de M. Bertin, il s'est distingué dans la peinture du paysage: il a dessiné et peint un grand nombre de vues et de paysages faits d'après nature en Italie et en Sicile, ainsi que daus plusieurs parties de la France, telles que la vallée de l'Isère.

Monsieur Jules Coignet a mis plusieurs tableaux aux expositions du Louvre, et à celle de 1824 il a obtenu une médaille d'or..

Il a publié, sous le titre de Cours complet de paysage, un recueil de principes lithographiés par lui, d'après ses dessins. On a aussi lithographié d'après lui plusieurs vues publiées sous le titre de Voyage pitoresque en Italie.




Jules-Louis-Philippe Coignet was born at Paris, in 1778. A pupil of M. Bertin, he distinguished himself as a landscape painter; he has drawn and painted from nature a great many views and landscapes in Italy and Sicily, as also in several parts of France, such as the valley of Isère.

M. Jules Coignet has placed many pictures at the exhibitions of the Louvre, in that of 1824, he obtained a gold medal.

He published under the title of a Complete course of landscapes, a collection of rules lithographied by him from his drawings.

There has also been lithographied from him many views published under the title of a Picturesque journey in Italy.




Louis-Charles-Auguste Couder is born at Paris in 1791. His parents caused him to learn the mathematics, designing him to follow the career of the military genius, for which drawing was a necessary study. He took such a liking for that art, that he abated by degrees from his other studies to give himself wholly up to the fine arts. Having obtained the assent of his family, he at first went into the school of Regnault, which he left for David's, and was one of his last scholars.

He concurred several times for the prize of Rome, but always unsuccessfully, which disappointment did not however hinder his exhibiting at the museum in 1804 a small picture which deserved him some encouragement.

In 1817, he exhibited Masacio's death, and the levite of Ephraim; these two works were equally remarked, and the latter got him the partaking of a prize with M. Abel de Pujol. From that time, M. Couder was encouraged with an order of many pictures, among which may be worthily mentioned: the Athenian warrior announcing the victory of Marathon; the adieus of Leonidas; a portrait of Francis I, on horseback, and that one of general Rampon at the siege of Saint-Jean d'Acre.

The government has employed for several times the talent of M. Couder, by entrusting him with one of the ceilings of the Louvre, and several large pictures for some churches in Paris.




Louis-Charles-Auguste Couder est né à Paris en 1791. Ses parens lui firent apprendre les mathématiques, et le destinaient à la carrière du génie militaire, pour laquelle le dessin était une étude nécessaire. Le goût qu'il prit bientôt pour cet art ne tarda pas à se développer, et insensiblement il ralentit ses autres études pour se livrer entièrement à celle des beaux-arts. Ayant obtenu l'assentiment de sa famille, il entra d'abord dans l'atelier de Regnault; mais il quitta cette école pour suivre celle de David, dont il se trouva être l'un des derniers élèves.

Il concourut plusieurs fois pour le prix de Rome, et ne fut pas heureux, ce qui ne l'empêcha pas d'exposer au salon de 1804 un petit tableau,qui lui mérita quelques encourage


En 1817, il exposa la mort de Masacio, et le lévite d'Ephraïm; ces deux ouvrages furent également remarqués, et le dernier lui mérita le partage d'un prix avec M. Abel de Pujol. Depuis cette époque, M. Couder fut encouragé par la commande de plusieurs tableaux, parmi lesquels nous citerons: le guerrier athénien annonçant la victoire de Marathon; les adieux de Léonidas; un portrait de François Ier. à cheval, et celui du général Rampon au siége de Saint-Jean d'Acre.

Le gouvernement a employé plusieurs fois les talens de M. Couder, en lui confiant un des plafonds du Louvre, et plusieurs grands tableaux pour des églises de Paris.

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