the House of Representatives disagree to can frigate and a British ship of war 15 the amendment, and the Senate receded 176 Enemies, a bill from the House of Representa- returned by the President of the United States tives to prohibit vessels from trading with 314 read a first time 318 - 196 District of Columbia, a bill from the House of Re- presentatives concerning the Levy Court Engineers, Mr. Smith of Maryland gave notice 127 of a bill making further provision for the 16 a bill to that effect read, &c. 18 read a third time, and passed as amended 200 read a second time, and referred 19 the House of Representatives disagree to reported without amendment 24 the amendments 248 amended, and ordered to a third reading 27 read the third time, and passed 28 a bill to provide for the more effectual organ- returned from the House of Representatives ization of the militia in the, read twice, with amendments - 216 ments Feliciana, a petition of the inhabitants of, re- fying the amendment of the Constitution 119 Field Exercise, a letter from Colonel Alexander House of Representatives to incorporate, read twice, and referred 128 Finances, an exhibit of, from the Treasury De- sented a petition of, referred 206 report from the Commissioner of the 304, 306 adverse report thereon agreed to -211 |