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FRIDAY, June 5.

Rhode Island Resolutions.

The amendments to the bill, entitled " An act making further provision for settling the claims to land in the Territory of Louisiana," having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, the bill was read a third time as as amended, an and the title having been amended, the bill was passed, with amendments.

The report of the committee on the memorial of James Wilkinson was resumed.

Mr. SMITH, of Maryland, from the committee to whom was referred the bill, entitled "An act for the more perfect organization of the infantry of the Army of the United States,' 'reported it

with amendments.

Mr. GERMAN, from the committee to whom was
referred the bill to revive and continue in force,
for a limited time, an act, entitled "An act to
provide for the refugees from the British pro-
vinces of Canada and Nova Scotia, and for other
purposes," passed the 24th of February, 1810, re-
ported it with amendments.

Mr. BRENT presented the memorial of William
Gamble, praying compensation for services ren-
dered the United States. Referred to the Secre
tary for the Department of Treasury, to consider
and report thereon.

The following Message was received from the

To the Senate and House of

Representatives of the United States:

I transmit, for the information of Congress, copies of a correspondence of the Minister Plenipotentiary of Great Britain, with the Secretary of State.

JUNE 4, 1812.


The Message and copies therein referred to were read, and referred to the committee appointed the first instant on the confidential Message of the President of the United States of that date.

MONDAY, June 8.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill, entitled " An act authorizing the cutting and making a canal from the river Potomac, around the west end of the dam or causeway from Mason's Island, and for other purposes," together with the amendments reported thereto by the select committee; and, having agreed to the amendments, the President reported the bill to the House accordingly. On the question, Shall this bill be read the third time as amended? it was determined in the affirmative.

The following Message was received from the

To the Senate and House of

Representatives of the United States :

I lay, before Congress, copies of letters which have
passed between the Secretary of State and the Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Great

JUNE 8, 1812.

The Message and copies were read.

JUNE, 1812.

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The amendments to the bill, entitled "An act authorizing the cutting and making a canal from the river Potomac, around the west end of the dam or causeway from Mason's Island, and for other purposes," were reported by the committee correctly engrossed.

The bill, entitled "An act for the more perfect organization of the infantry of the Army of the United States," was resumed, and having been further amended, on the question, Shall this bill be read a third time as amended? it was determined in the affirmative.

Mr. REED presented sundry resolutions, signed Richard Ridgely, chairman, the result of a meeting of a number of citizens of Ann Arundel county, in the State of Maryland, recommending the adoption of such measures as may place our country in a state of maritime defence, and procure a redress of wrongs from the belligerent nations; and the resolutions were read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.

A message from the House of Representatives informed the Senate that they insist on their disagreement to the amendments to the bill, entitled "An act to ascertain and establish the western boundary of the tract reserved for satisfying the military bounties allowed to the officers and soldiers of the Virginia line on continental establishment," insisted on by the Senate; they ask a conference on the subject, and have appointed managers on their part. They have passed a resolution requesting the State of Georgia to assent to the formation of two States of the Mississippi Territory," in which they ask the concurrence of the Senate. They have passed a bill, entitled "An act for the relief of Colonel Jonathan Williams;" a bill, entitled "An act for the relief of Lieutenant Colonel William D. Beall;" a bill, entitled "An act for the relief of Clement B. Pen Penrose;" a bill, entitled "An act authorizing the discharge of William Peck from his imprisonment;" a bill, entitled "An act confirming claims to lands in the Mississippi Territory, founded on warrants of survey granted by the Spanish Government;" also, a bill, entitled "An act authorizing the remission of forfeited recognisances within the District of Columbia;" in which bills they request the concurrence of the Senate.

RHODE ISLAND RESOLUTIONS. Mr. HUNTER presented the resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, instructing their Senators and Representatives in Congress, to use their enIdeavors to avert the evils of war, to put our mari

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time frontier in a state of defence, and for the repeal of the embargo and restrictive system; and the resolutions were read. They are as follows:



In General Assembly, May, 1812. Whereas, from the aspect of our foreign relations, and more especially from the character of the measures adopted, and proposed to be adopted, by Congress, during their present session, it is seriously to be apprehended that our country will soon be plunged into a ruinous war, unless a clear expression of the public opinion shall correct the dangerous and erroneous impression, which appears to have been made on the General Government, that the people are desirous of war, and do approve of the measures calculated to produce it; and, whereas, it is both the right and duty of the people, either immediately or by their Representatives, upon occasions so important, and in times so alarming as the present, to express their sentiments upon public affairs, and also the privilege of rulers to

be informed of those sentiments:

Resolved, That, for ourselves individually, and as Representatives of the freemen of this State, we deprecate at all times, and especially at a time when the pecuniary resources of the country have been exhausted and cut off, both by the depredations and sequestrations of foreign Powers, and by our own ruinous commercial restrictions; when, by the raising of a large military force, for the purpose of territorial conquests, great expenses will be incurred, and heavy burdens imposed, while, from the very limited appropriations made for the protection of commerce and the defence of our seaports, the former will be exposed to certain capture, and the latter to invasion and pillage, thereby leaving the burdens to be borne almost entirely by the agricultural interest.

Resolved, That, from the extent of our commerce, the immediate and important interest which the whole community have in its encouragement, and the entire dependence of many of our citizens for support upon the employment it affords, the legislative restrictions upon trade operate with peculiar severity upon this State; that, from our inability to sustain the increasing burdens of war, destitute of public funds and of public lands, and depending, in time of peace, upon direct taxes for the support of our State government, the proposed land tax and internal taxes of the United States will be exceedingly oppressive upon our citizens; and that the accessible situation and defenceless state of our harbors and seaports, and their superior eligibility, as a naval resort, for the cruisers of an enemy, rendering them exposed to invasion and liable to capture, will cause war, under such circumstances, to be ruinous to many of our towns, and eminently injurious to the whole State.

Resolved, That, when the unequalled privations, sufferings, and exertions, of the citizens of this State during the Revolutionary war, are considered, it cannot be doubted that, whenever the country shall necessarily be involved in war, they will again exhibit the same patience, fortitude, and patriotism.

Resolved, That the Senators from this State, in Congress, be instructed, and the Representatives requested, to use their utmost endeavors to cause the legislative restrictions on our commerce to be removed; to prevent the passing of the proposed laws for imposing direct taxes; and also to oppose all measures which may


be brought forward tending to involve the country in war.

Resolved, That, if these desirable objects cannot be obtained, and war shall appear to be unavoidable, our Senators and Representatives be instructed to represent to Congress, and to the Executive, the exposed and defenceless situation of this State, the want of arms for our militia, and the importance of our harbors and seaports to the United States; and to urge upon Government the propriety, necessity, and practicability, of their defence, and to solicit and claim from them adequate and timely means of defence and security against those imminent dangers and perils to which we are to be unwillingly exposed.


Resolved, That His Excellency, the Governor, be requested to transmit copies of the preceding resolutions to the Senators and Representatives from this State in the Congress of the United States.


Mr. SMITH, Of New York, presented the following petition of sundry inhabitants, merchants, and others, of the city of New York, praying that the embargo and non-importation laws be continued as a substitute for war against Great Britain: To the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, the memorial of the subscribers, merchants, and others, inhabitants of the city of New York, respectfully showeth:

That your memorialists feel, in common with the rest of their fellow citizens, an anxious solicitude for the honor and interest of their country, and an equal determination to assert and maintain them.

That your memorialists believe that a continuation of the restrictive measures now in operation will produce all the benefits while it prevents the calamities of war. That when the British Ministry become convinced that a trade with the United States cannot be renewed, but by the repeal of the Orders in Council, the distress of their merchants and manufacturers, &c. their inability to support their armies in Spain and Portugal, will probably compel them to that measure.

Your memorialists beg leave to remark, that such effects are even now visible; and it may be reasonably hoped that a continuance of the embargo and non-importation laws a few months beyond the fourth day of July next, will effect a complete and bloodless triumph of our rights.

Your memorialists therefore respectfully solicit of your honorable body the passage of a law continuing the embargo and giving to the President of the United States power to discontinue the whole of the restrictive system on the rescinding of the British Orders in Council.

The conduct of France in burning our ships, in sequestrating our property entering her ports, expecting protection in consequence of the promised repeal of the Berlin and Milan decrees, and the delay in completing a treaty with the American Minister, has excited great sensation, and we hope and trust will call forth from your honorable body such retaliatory measures as may be best calculated to procure justice.

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John Slidell

John K. Townsend

Andrew Ogden & Co.

Thomas Storm

Amos Butler

Ebenezer Burrill

Isaac Heyer

Ralph Bulkley

Samuel Bell

John F. Delaplaine.
Peter Stagg
David Taylor
William Adee
John T. Lawrence
Joseph W. Totten
Isaac Schermerhorn
Alexander Ruden
Joseph Otis
Lewis Hartman

Garret Storm

George Bement

S. A. Rich

New York Memorial.

Samuel Stillwell
Jacob P. Giraud
John Hone

John Kane

Amasa Jackson
William J. Robinson
Joseph Strong
Abraham S. Hallet
Joshua Jones
Frederick Giraud, jr.
Robert Roberts
John Crookes
Hugh McCormick
John Depeyster
Gilbert Haight
James Lovett
Leffert Lefferts
Augustus Wynkoop
John W. Gale
Thomas Rich
Samuel Marshall
Elbert Herring.

After the memorial had been read,

Mr. TAYLOR said, that the respectability of the subscribers to a petition presented to this body, and the importance of the matter therein contained, had, on various occasions, been used as inducements to us to give such petition a respectful disposition in the course of our proceedings. He recollected a case in point. It was the case of the petition of an eminent merchant of Massachusetts, presented by an honorable Senator from that State, and which at the suggestion of that honorable gentleman was, by the Senate, ordered to be printed. He was of opinion that the petition just read ought not to be treated with less attention, That he had seen the petition, and had inquired into the character of its subscribers and had been informed that the tifty-eight signers to it were among the most respectable, wealthy, and intelligent merchants of the city of New York. There are to be found in that list the names of two presidents

JUNE, 1812.

tempted to stamp upon the majority in Congress the foul and unjust censure of being enemies to commerce. That, however unfashionable and obstinate it might appear, he still believed that the embargo and non-importation laws, if faithfully executed, were capable of reaching farther than our cannon. We were at this very time tendering an urgent argument, to be felt by each city, village and hamlet in England. This touching to the quick the vital interests of that empire, would demonstrate to the people at least the folly and absurdity of the Orders in Council. The ordeal of the twenty weeks of scarcity, which the people of that unhappy country are undergoing, to relieve which, but for the madness and folly of their rulers, every yard of American canvass would be spread to the gales: The thousands of starving manufacturers thrown out of employ for want of our custom, which custom, but for the injustice of their masters, we were willing to give, now feel the efficiency of the restrictive system. These matter-of-fact arguments want no sophistry nor long speeches to give them weight. But Great Britain is proud, and will never yield to this sort of pressure. Hunger has no law. Where was her pride during the last year when she exported to her enemy on the Continent more than eleven millions of pounds sterling for provisions; and meanly truckling to her enemy, consented to buy the privilege of laying out her guineas for bread; and actually submitted on the compulsion of Napoleon to buy the wines, brandies, and silks of France, which she did not want! This restrictive system, when commenced under the former embargo law, encountered every opposition among ourselves, which selfish avarice, which passion and party rage could suggest; and so successful were its assailants that while it was operating with its fullest effects, (which the prices current of that day will show.) some of its greatest champions in the National Legislature abandoned

of banks; three presidents of insurance compa-it-yes, sir, in the tide of victory they threw down

their arms. How were the mighty fallen, and the shield of the mighty vilely cast away! The disavowal of Erskine's arrangement was the consequence of this retreat. But it may be said that the sentiments in their petition were extorted by the apprehension of a greater evil-war. In all our trials, those who had not predetermined to submit to Great Britain must have anticipated this alternative. Let those who by their acrimony, sneers, and scoffs, have thrown away this chief defence of our nation, be held responsible for the compulsion they have imposed on us to take this dire alternative. He said that although he was unwilling to abate a single pang which we might legally inflict upon our enemy, and might at the proper time oppose anything like the swap propo. posed of one system for another, when we had the power and the right to impose upon our enemy both the one and the other, he nevertheless thought the petition was deserving of the attention which he now moved it should receive. He moved that the petition should be printed.

nies; thirteen directors of banks; besides other
names of pre-eminent standing in the mercantile
world. They had all united in the sentiments
contained in the petition, notwithstanding that
there existed among them a difference in political
opinions for he understood that of the petition-
ers forty-two were federal and sixteen republican.
Mr. T. added, that he considered some of the sen-
timents contained in the petition as of the high-
est importance. He hailed it as an auspicious oc-
currence, that these honorable merchants, in pray-
ing that the evils of war might be averted from
them and from the nation, had nevertheless held
fast to the principle of resistance to the aggres-
sions and unhallowed conduct of Great Britain
towards our nation-and had exercised the can-
dor and firmness to bear testimony to the efficien-
cy of the restrictive system for obtaining a re-
dress of our wrongs, and of course to the integri-
ty and honor of those who had imposed this sys-
tem for that purpose. He hoped that the exam-
ple of these petitioners would tend to counteract
those strenuous and unremitting exertions of pas-
sion, prejudice, and party feeling, which had at- | adjourned.

The motion was agreed to; and the Senate then

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The amendments to the bill, entitled "An act. for the more perfect organization of the infantry of the Army of the United States," having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, the bill was read the third time, as amended, and, on motion, the title was amended, so as to read as follows: "An act for the more perfect organization of the Army of the United States."

Resolved, That this bill pass with amendments.

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was read the second time, and referred to a select committee to consider and report thereon; and Messrs. HUNTER, HOWELL, and Goodrich, were appointed the committee.

The bill, entitled "An act authorizing the remission of forfeited recognisances within the District of Columbia," was read the second time.

The Senate resumed the consideration of the amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill, entitled "An act supplementary to the

The PRESIDENT Communicated the report of act, entitled 'An act to establish an Executive the Secretary of the Treasury on the petition of Department, to be denominatel the Department William Gamble, made in obedience to a resolu of War.

tion of the Senate of the 5th instant; and the report was read.

Mr. GAILLARD presented the petition of Joseph Willington Page, of Charleston, in the State of South Carolina, merchant, praying to be exonerated from a judgment obtained against him by the United States, as surety in a custom-house bond, for a certain Barnard Laffon, for reasons therein stated; and the petition was read.

The six bills and the resolution brought up yesterday from the House of Representatives for concurrence were read, and severally passed to the second reading.

On motion, the Senate took into consideration the resolution of the House of Representatives, requesting a conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the bill, entitled "An act to ascertain and establish the western boundary of the tract reserved for satisfying the military bounties allowed to the officers and soldiers of the Virginia line on Continental establishment; and, having agreed thereto, Messrs. WORTHINGTON, GILES, and GREGG, were appointed managers on the part of the Senate.

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The bill, entitled "An act confirming claims to lands in the Mississippi Territory, founded on warrants of survey granted by the Spanish Government," was read the second time, and referred to a select committee to consider and report thereon; and Messrs. GREGG, TAIT, and WORTHINGΤΟΝ, were appointed the committee.

The bill, entitled "An act for the relief of Colonel Jonathan Williams," was read the second time, and referred to a select committee to consider and report thereon; and Messrs. GREGG, GERMAN, and DANA, were appointed the com


The bill, entitled "An act for the relief of Cle ment B. Penrose." was read the second time, and referred to the committee last mentioned, to consider and report thereon.

The resolution requesting the State of Georgia to assent to the formation of two States of the Mississippi Territory was read the second time, and ordered to the third reading.

The bill, entitled "An act authorizing the discharge of William Peck from his imprisonment," 12th CON. 1st SESS.-9

On motion, by Mr. LEIB, the bill and amendment were postponed to the first Monday in October next.

The bill, entitled "An act authorizing the cutting and making a canal from the river Potomac around the west end of the dam or causeway from Mason's island, and for other purposes," was read a third time as amended, and passed with amendments.

The Senate resumed the consideration of the

resolution reported by the committee on the memorial of General James Wilkinson, which is as follows:

Resolved, That the proper accounting officer of the Department of War be directed, in the settlement of General Wilkinson's account, to place to his credit the sum of four thousand and thirty-six dollars seventy

seven cents.

And the resolution was agreed to, and recommitted to the original committee, with instruction to bring in a bill accordingly.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill to revive and continue in force, for a limited time, an act, entitled "An aet to provide for the refugees from the British provinces of Canada and Nova Scotia, and for other purposes," together with the amendments reported thereto by the select committee; and, having agreed to the amendments, the PRESIDENT reported the bill to the House accordingly.

On the question, Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time as amended? it was determined in the affirmative.

FRIDAY, June 12.

Mr. GAILLARD presented sundry resolutions, signed by John Geddes, chairman, adopted at a numerous meeting of the citizens of Charleston, in the State of South Carolina, approbatory of the measures of the General Government for the maintenance of the national honor and the preservation of its dignity and independence; and the resolutions were read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill, entitled "An act authorizing the remission of forfeited recognisances within the District of Columbia." Ordered, That it pass to a third reading. Mr. GILES presented a memorial, signed by a great number of the inhabitants of the city of

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Richmond and town of Manchester, deprecating the calamities of war, but expressing their opinion that, if peace cannot be procured with honor, and war is inevitable, it ought to be declared, not against Great Britain only, but against Great Britain and France; and the memorial was read.

The bill to revive and continue in force, for a limited time, an act, entitled "An act further to provide for the refugees from the British provinces of Canada and Nova Scotia, and for other purposes," passed the 24th day of February, 1810, having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, was read a third time, and passed.

The resolution requesting the State of Georgia to assent to the formation of two States of the Mississippi Territory, was read a third time, and


On motion, by Mr. REED, the bill, entitled "An

act for the relief of Lieutenant Colonel William
D. Beall," was referred to a select committee, to
consider and report thereon; and Messrs. REED,
LAMBERT, and GERMAN, were appointed the

The following Message was received from the
To the Senate and House of

Representatives of the United States :
I transmit, for the information of Congress, copies
of letters which have passed between the Secretary of
State and the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plen-
ipotentiary of Great Britain.

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The Message and copies therein mentioned were read.


JUNE, 1812.

To the honorable the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled: The Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts beg teave respectfully to state :

That, presuming the respectful expression of the public sentiment, from any portion of the Union, might be acceptable to Congress in the present critical state of public affairs, they trust that a communication to your honorable body of the opinions and feelings of the people of this Commonwealth, upon the momentous subject of a British war, will not be construed into a subject disposition to interfere with the functions of the Na

tional Government.

It is with deep regret, and with such emotions as the love of country should inspire, that we perceive the entire failure of the negotiations instituted by the Na

tional Government, with a view to obtain from the

belligerent nations respect for our neutral rights, and a revocation of edicts which operate so injuriously upon our lawful commerce.

In the present unprecedented posture of Europe, we are firmly convinced that an immense majority of our constituents cannot be reconciled to the belief that an offensive war with Great Britain' is demanded by the interest or honor of our country.

We presume not to enter upon a comparison of the injuries sustained by our commerce from the respective nations at war, nor to arraign the conduct which Government has seen fit to adopt, in order to obtain redress. It would be foreign to our present purpose to enlarge upon the duplicity and prevarication exhibited by France in all her negotiations, which aggravate her numerous outrages, or to discuss the motives alleged by Great Britain in defence of a system of retaliation which bears with a severe pressure upon neutral rights. It is sufficient that every consideration arising from good policy, and from the duty of a nation to itself, forbids us to plunge into a war which desolates the European world, and from which it seems to have been the design of Almighty Providence to exempt us, if true to ourselves, by placing us remote from the theatre of their contentions.

Mr. LLOYD presented a resolution of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, passed June 2d, instant, expressing their opinion "that an of fensive war against Great Britain, under the present circumstances of this country, would be in the highest degree, impolitic, unnecessary, and, ruinous; also, a memorial of the said House of Representatives, passed by a majority of one hun-aggressions. When such, therefore, is the local situ

dred and sixty-six, on the same subject; and the resolution and memorial were read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.

They are as follows:



June 2, 1812.

An offensive war against any nation can be justified only by the reasonable motive of obtaining reparation for past injuries, or security against future dangers and

ation and relations of a country, that the hope of effecting either of these objects is precluded by an overruling necessity, its honor is not stained by yielding to circumstances which it cannot control; nor is the reluctance of its citizens to expose themselves in such case to the certain dangers and calamities of war, a reproach upon their want of sensibility to injury, their courage, or patriotism.

A war with Great Britain would furnish temptations to her Government to sequester the millions belonging to our citizens deposited in that country, and an opportunity to her navy and cruisers to sweep the ocean of the remains of our once flourishing commerce.

Resolved, As the opinion of this House, that an offensive war against Great Britain, under the present circumstances of this country, would be in the highest degree impolitic, unnecessary, and ruinous; that the great body of the people of this Commonwealth are decidedly opposed to this measure, which they do not The conquest of Canada, ada, the only point in which believe to be demanded by the honor or interests of the she is assailable, would afford no indemnification, if nation; and that a committee be appointed to prepare achieved, for the losses to which we should be exposed a respectful petition to be presented to Congress, pray- upon our unprotected seaboard, and upon the ocean. ing them to arrest a calamity so greatly to be depre- Destitute as we are of a navy, and the means of immecated, and, by the removal of commercial restrictions, diate maritime defence, we cannot perceive in what to restore, so far as depends on them, the benefits of mode a war with this nation, so powerful on the ocean, trade and navigation, which are indispensable to the can promise the attainment of its avowed object-the prosperity and comfort of the people of this Common- revocation of the Orders in Council. The Emperor TIMOTHY BIGELOW, Speaker. I of France having lately republished the decrees of Ber


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