Imágenes de páginas

benevolence, demanded from the city by Henry VIII., was sent by royal authority to serve against the Scots. These, at Bettling his ransom, he found still more exorbitant in their exactions than the monarch.-REDPATH'S Border History, p. 563.

Evers was much regretted by King Henry, who swore to avenge his death upon Angus, against whom he conceived himself to have particular grounds of resentment, on account of favors received by the earl at his hands. The answer of Angus was worthy of a Douglas: "Is our brother-in-law offended," said he, "that I, as a good Scotsman, have avenged my ravaged country, and the defaced tombs of my ancestors, upon Ralph Evers? They were better men than he, and I was bound to do no less-and will he take my life for that? Little knows King Henry the skirts of Kirnetable :2 I can keep myself there against all his English host."-GoDSCROFT.

Such was the noted battle of Ancram Moor. The spot, on which it was fought, is called Lilyard's Eige, from an Amazonian Scottish woman of that name, who is reported, by tradition, to have distinguished herself in the same manner as Squire Witherington.3 The old people point out her monument, now broken and defaced. The inscription is said to have been legible within this century, and to have run thus :

"Fair maiden Lylliard lies under this stane,

Little was her stature, but great was her fame;
Upon the English louns she laid mony thumps,
And, when her legs were cutted off, she fought upon her

Vide Account of the Parish of Melrose.

It appears, from a passage in Stowe, that an ancestor of Lord Evers held also a grant of Scottish lands from an English monarch. "I have seen," says the historian, "under the broad-seale of the said King Edward 1., a manor, called Ketnes, in the county of Forfare, in Scotland, and neere the furthest part of the same nation northward, given to John Ure and his heires, ancestor to the Lord Ure, that now is, for his service done in these partes, with market, &c., dated at Laner

1 Angus had married the widow of James IV., sister to King Henry VUI.

2 Kirnetable, now called Cairntable, is a mountainous tract at the head

cost, the 20th day of October, anno regis, 34."-Srow's Annals, p. 210. This grant, like that of Henry, must have been dangerous to the receiver.


That nun who ne er beholds the day.—P. 597.

The circumstance of the nun, "who never saw the day,” is not entirely imaginary. About fifty years ago, an unfortunate female wanderer took up her residence in a dark vault, among the ruins of Dryburgh Abbey, which, during the day, she never quitted. When night fell, she issued from this miserable habitation, and went to the house of Mr. Haliburton of Newmains, the Editor's great-grandfather, or to that of Mr. Ers kine of Sheilfield, two gentlemen of the neighborhood. From their charity, she obtained such necessaries as she could be prevailed upon to accept. At twelve, each night, she lighted her candle, and returned to her vault, assuring her friendly neighbors, that, during her absence, her habitation was ar ranged by a spirit, to whom she gave the uncouth name of Fatlips; describing him as a little man, wearing heavy iron shoes, with which he trampled the clay floor of the vault, to dispel the damps. This circumstance caused her to be regard. ed, by the well-informed, with compassion, as deranged in her understanding; and by the vulgar, with some degree of terror. The cause of her adopting this extraordinary mode of life she would never explain. It was, however, believed to have been occasioned by a vow, that, during the absence of a man to whom she was attached, she would never look upon the sun. Her lover never returned. He fell during the civil war of 1745-6, and she never more would behold the light of day.

The vault, or rather dungeon, in which this unfortunate woman lived and died, passes still by the name of the supernatural being, with which its gloom was tenanted by her disturbed imagination, and few of the neighboring peasants dare enter it by night.-1803.

of Douglasdale. [See notes to Castle Dangerous, Waverley Novels, vol.
3 See Chevy Chase.

Cadyow Castle.

THE ruins of Cadyow, or Cadzow Castle, the an- which anciently extended through the south of cient baronial residence of the family of Hamilton, Scotland, from the eastern to the Atlantic Ocean. are situated upon the precipitous banks of the Some of these trees measure twenty-five feet, and river Evan, about two miles above its junction upwards, in circumference; and the state of decay, with the Clyde. It was dismantled, in the conclu- in which they now appear, shows that they have sion of the Civil Wars, during the reign of the un-witnessed the rites of the Druids. The whole fortunate Mary, to whose cause the house of Ham-scenery is included in the magnificent and extenilton devoted themselves with a generous zeal, which occasioned their temporary obscurity, and, very nearly, their total ruin. The situation of the ruins, embosomed in wood, darkened by ivy and creeping shrubs, and overhanging the brawling torrent, is romantic in the highest degree. In the immediate vicinity of Cadyow is a grove of immense oaks, the remains of the Caledonian Forest,

sive park of the Duke of Hamilton. There was long preserved in this forest the breed of the Scottish wild cattle, until their ferocity occasioned their being extirpated, about forty years ago. Their appearance was beautiful, being milk-white, with

1 The breed had not been entirely extirpated. There re mained certainly a magnificent her1 of these cars in Cadyow Forest within these few years. 1833-EP.

black muzzles, horns, and hoofs. The bulls are described by ancient authors as having white manes; but those of latter days had lost that peculiarity, perhaps by intermixture with the tame breed.'

In detailing the death of the Regent Murray, which is made the subject of the following ballad, it would be injustice to my reader to use other words than those of Dr. Robertson, whose account of that memorable event forms a beautiful piece of historical painting.

who rode on his other side. His followers m stantly endeavored to break into the house whence the blow had come; but they found the door strongly barricadoed, and, before it could be forced open, Hamilton had mounted a fleet horse, which stood ready for him at a back passage, and was got far beyond their reach. The Regent died the same night of his wound."—History of Scotland, book v

Bothwellhaugh rode straight to Hamilton, where he was received in triumph; for the ashes of the houses in Clydesdale, which had been burned by Murray's army, were yet smoking; and party prejudice, the habits of the age, and the enormity of the provocation, seemed to his kinsmen to justify the deed. After a short abode at Hamilton, this fierce and determined man left Scotland, and served in France, under the patronage of the family of Guise, to whom he was doubtless recommended by having avenged the cause of their niece, Queen Mary, upon her ungrateful brother. De Thou has recorded, that an attempt was made to engage him to assassinate Gaspar de Coligni the famous Admiral of France, and the buckler of the Huguenot cause. But the character of Both

trader in blood, and rejected the offer with contempt and indignation. He had no authority, he said, from Scotland to commit murders in France; he had avenged his own just quarrel, but he would neither, for price nor prayer, avenge that of an other man.-Thuanus, cap. 46.

"Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh was the person who committed this barbarous action. He had been condemned to death soon after the battle of Langside, as we have already related, and owed his life to the Regent's clemency. But part of his estate had been bestowed upon one of the Regent's favorites, who seized his house, and turned out his wife, naked, in a cold night, into the open fields, where, before next morning, she became furiously mad. This injury made a deeper impression on him than the benefit he had received, and from that moment he vowed to be revenged of the Regent. Party rage strengthened and inflamed his private resentment. His kinsmen, the Hamiltons, applauded the enterprise. The max-wellhaugh was mistaken. He was no mercenary ims of that age justified the most desperate course he could take to obtain vengeance. He followed the Regent for some time, and watched for an opportunity to strike the blow. He resolved at last to wait till his enemy should arrive at Linlithgow, through which he was to pass in his way from Stirling to Edinburgh. He took his stand in a wooden gallery, which had a window towards the street; spread a feather-bed on the floor to hinder the noise of his feet from being heard; hung up a black cloth behind him, that his shadow might not be observed from without; and, after all this preparation, calmly expected the Regent's approach, who had lodged, during the night, in a house not far distant. Some indistinct information of the danger which threatened him had been conveyed to the Regent, and he paid so much regard to it, that he resolved to return by the same gate through which he had entered, and to fetch a compass round the town. But as the crowd about the gate was great, and he himself unacquainted with fear, he proceeded dirently along the street; and the throng of people obliging him to move very slowly, gave the assassin time to take so true an aim, that he shot him, with a single bullet, through the lower part of his belly, and killed the horse of a gentleman

1 They were formerly kept in the park at Drumlanrig, and are still to be seen at Chillingham Castle, in Northumberland. For their nature and ferocity, see Notes.

2 This was Sir James Bellenden, Lord Justice-Clerk, whose shameful and inhuman rapacity occasioned the catastrophe in the text.-SPOTTISWOODE.

This projecting gallery is still shown. The house to which

The Regent's death happened 23d January, 1569. It is applauded or stigmatized, by contemporary historians, according to their religious or party prejudices. The triumph of Blackwood is unbounded. He not only extols the pious feat of Bothwellhaugh, "who," he observes, "satisfied, with a single ounce of lead, him whose sacrilegious avarice had stripped the metropolitan church of St. Andrews of its covering;" but he ascribes it, to immediate divine inspiration, and the escape of Hamilton to little less than the miraculous inter ference of the Deity.-JEBB, vol. ii. p. 263. With equal injustice, it was, by others, made the ground of a general national reflection; for, when Mather urged Berney to assassinate Burleigh, and quoted the examples of Poltrot and Bothwellhaugh, the other conspirator answered, "that neyther Poltro nor Hambleton did attempt their enterpryse, without some reason or consideration to lead them to it; as the one, by hyre, and promise of preferment

it was attached was the property of the Archbishop of St. An drews, a natural brother to the Duke of Chatelherault, and uncle to Bothwellhaugh. This, among other circumstances, seems to evince the aid which Bothwellhaugh received from his clan in effecting his purpose.

4 The gut of Lord John Hamilton, Commendator of Ar broath

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The death-shot parts-the charger springsWild rises tumult's starting roar! And Murray's plumy heimet rings— -Rings on the ground, to rise no more.

"What joy the raptured youth can feel, To hear bar love the loved one tellOr he, who broaches on his steel

The wolf, by whom his infant fell!

“But dearer to my injured eye

To see in dust proud Murray roll; And mine was ten times trebled joy, To hear him groan his felon soul.

"My Margaret's spectre glided near;

With pride her bleeding victim saw; And shriek'd in his death-deafen'd ear, 'Remember injured Bothwellhaugh!'

"Then speed thee, noble Chatlerault ! Spread to the wind thy banner'd tree!1 Each warrior bend his Clydesdale bowlMurray is fall'n, and Scotland free!"

1 An oak, half-sawn, with the motto through, is an ancient eognizance of the family of Hamilton.

"Scott spent the Christmas of 1801 at Hamilton Palace, in Lanarkshire. To Lady Anne Hamilton he had been introluced by her friend, Lady Charlotte Campbell, and both the ate and the present Dukes of Hamilton appear to have partaken of Lady Anne's admiration for Glenfinlas, and the Eve of St. John. A morning's ramble to the majestic ruins of the old baronial castle on the precipitous banks of the Evan, and among the adjoining remains of the primeval Caledonian forest, suggested to him a ballad, not inferior in execution to any that he had hitherto produced, and especially interesting as the first in which he grapples with the world of picturesque incirent unfolded in the authentic annals of Scotland. With the magnificent localities before him, he skilfully interwove the daring assassination of the Regent Murray by one of the clansmen of the princely Hamilton.' Had the subject been taken up in after years, we might have had another Marmion or Heart of Mid-Lothian; for in Cadyow Castle we have the materials and outline of more than one of the noblest ballads.

"About two years before this piece began to be handed about m Edinburgh, Thomas Campbell had made his appearance

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sound the pryse!-P. 600.


Pryse-The note blown at the death of the game.-In Caedonia olim frequens erat sylvestris quidam bos, nunc vero rarior, qui, colore candidissimo, jubam densam et demissam instar leonis gestut, truculentus ac ferus ab humano genere abhorrens, ut quæcunque homines vel manibus contrectarint, vel halitu perflaverint, ab iis multos post dies omnino abstinuerunt. Ad hoc tanta audacia huic bovi indita erat, ut

non solum irritatus equites furenter prosterneret, sed no tantillum lacessitus omnes promiscue homines corn bus ac ungulis peterit; ac canum, qui apud nos ferocissimi sunt, impetus plane contemneret. Ejus carnes cartilaginosa, sed saporis suavissimi. Erat is olim per illam vastissiman Caledonia sylvam frequens, sed humana inglurie jam es‐ sumptus tribus tantum locis est reliquus, Strivilingii, Cum◄ bernaldia, et Kincarniæ.--LESLEUS, Scoriæ Descriptio, p. 13.-[See a note on Castle Dangerous, Waverley Novels vol. xlvii.-ED]

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