tioned, ancient and modern, 403-407. MILTON, copies of his particular writings faid to be purchaf ed for the pleasure of burning them, 192. MINISTERS of State, portrait of a good one, 104-106. Utility of truffing a Minister up, every fifty or hundred years, 415. MINISTRY, late, vindication of, 294-298. Suppofed plan of at the commencement of the war, 408. Juftified in their choice of Adm. Byng to command in the Mediterranean, 410. More compliments to, 418-feq. MONASTERIES, what they originally were in England, 581. MONKERY, its golden reign,584. Sanctity of, called in queftion, ibid. MONOCHROMATA, the ancient way of painting, 168. Inftanced in the practice of Zauxis, ib. Examples of this kind of painting, discovered at Herculaneum, ib. Still frequently practised, ib. Inftanced in the ftair-cafe of the British Mufæum, ib. MONUMENTS, ancient in Egypt, proper time for vifiting, 257. MOON, parallaxes of, how computed, 385. MORADI, an Arabian poet taken for a forcerer, and drowned in the Nile, 356, Note. MORTALITY, Bills of, in London, why defective, 365. None kept among the Turks, 280. MOTION, of the earth, illuftrat ed, 237. MOUNTAINS, no hypothefis fuf ficient to account for, 275. MOUNTAIN of the Chain, in Egypt, whence fo called, and tradition concerning, 491. Music, by what degrees it arrived at perfection, 111. Mufic at Aleppo defcribed, 144. Musk, remarkable inftance of its medical efficacy, 390, feq. N NAR DUS Indica, account of, 378. NATURE, whether more powerful than fancy, enquiry concerning, 65. A mystical definition of, 424. NAVAL Force, the advantage of maintaining, 658, Note. NAVY, fome animadverfions on the prefent ftate of, 299, feq. NEGROS, wild, in Jamaica, reduction of,and treaty with, 31, Notes Number of annnually imported thither, 37, Note. NEREIS, deftructive to fhips, 340. How to prevent its mifchievous qualities, ibid. NILE, feftival of opening, how celebrated, 354. Overflowing of, not fufficient to fertilize the earth without labour, 357. NITRE, how produced, 378. NOEL, Mifs, a learned young Lady, account of, 504-509. NORDEN, Mr. not expert in Arabic characters, 488. Did not understand Greek, 489. NORTHUMBERLAND, kingdom of, converted to Chriftianity, 577 NUNS, characterifed, 582. O OBELISKS, Egyptian, defcription of feveral, 250-253. OFFICERS, a proper choice of, neceffary to the attainment of military fuccefs, 414. Ad. vantage of now and then making public examples of, 415. OPERAS, good ones may be produced in the English langu ÓRONTES, the only river in Sy ria, 140. ORTON, John, his hermitage and skeleton difcovered, in the wilds of Stanmore, 601. His skull kept by Mr. Buncle, for Memento Mori, ibid. P PAINTING, its origin, 112. Requifites neceffary for excelling in that art, 163-164. Caufes of its degeneracy ridiculoufly affigned, 165. PANTOMIMES, whence derived, 110. PAPERS found in Herculaneum, method of unfolding, 361. PAPISTS, more confiftent than the Hutchinfonians, 474. PARALLAXES Of the Moon, an easy method of computing, 385. PARLIAMENTS, annual, long ago contended for, 522. PARTIES, Courting the adminiftration, a union of, recommended as a Panacea for all diftempers of the state, 293, feq. PATRIARCHS, their laborious way of living, 322. PATTEN, Dr. his fermon feverely cenfured, 79, feq. Confuted from his own writings, 470, feq. His doctrines tend to lead us back to Popery, 472. PEACE, at Aix la Chapelle' cenfured, 298. PEAT, method of preparing to make it useful in melting, 388. To what other good purposes it may be applied, 389. PELAGIANISM, how introduced and fuppreffed in Britain, 572. PERCEPTION, what, 44. PERSPECTIVE. that of Brook Taylor praised, 164 — 287. Some account of that ingenious art, ibid. PETRARCH, his high ideas of the magnificence of ancient Rome, 615. PHILOSOPHY, vain, St. Paul's caution against being feduced by, explained, 81. PHYSIC, its present state in the Eaft, 281. PILGRIMAGES to Rome, what the confequences of, 582. PISA, defcription of a whimsical diverfion at, 462-465PITT, Chriftopher, fome poems of his, published without his name, commended, 532. PLAGIARISM, an indictment a gainft, 621. Evidence in fupport of the indictment, 622— 627. PLANETS, thofe of Jupiter and Saturn, have ftronger attractive powers than the earth, 237, 238. PLATO and Ariftotle bad guides in divinity, 80, 81. PLAYS performed in England near fix hundred years ago, 73. PLEONASM, abuse of that figure, 130. Mr. Pope a great enemy to it, ibid, PLINY, fee Monochromata. Miftaken with respect to the entrance of the Nile into the firft pyramid, 262. POEM, Heroi-Comic, unknown to the antients, 63. By whom introduced into Italy, France, and England, ib. Diftinguifhed performances in this fpecies of poetry, 64. Epic, the firft in France, 72. POLYGAMY does not contribute to the increase of a people, 280. POPE, of Rome, his temporal power, vast revenues, military forces, &c. 616-619. His pre prerogative over angels, 616, Note. POPE, Mr. faid to have planned an Epic poem, 71. Some reafons for believing him unequal to the task of compleating it, ibid. PORCUPINE Man, an account of, 273 POWER Executive, what, and how far it extends, 219–224. PREROGATIVE, what, 225. PRICE, a farmer, and his learned wife, their hospitable entertainment of Mr. John Buncle, 586-590. PRIESTS enjoined to learn fome trade, 584. PRINCIPIA, Newton's, difficulties in the ftudy of, 246. PRINTING, by whom introduced into Conftantinople, 281. Reafons why not permitted among the Turks, 282. PROBLEM of Kepler, what, 386. folved by Mr. Stewart, 387. PROGNOSTICS, a caution to phyficians not to be too hafty in making, 398. PROLOGUE, Pope's to Cato, preferable to any of Dryden's, 65. PROMISSES, in what manner af fected by Civil Law, 225. PROPERTY, its juft influence in fociety, 217, feq. PROPHECIES, (fecondary ones) defects in the Bishop of London's reafoning upon them, 122. PRUSSIA, Court of, its allegations for invading Saxony, and breaking with the court of Vienna, 629-635. PRUSSIA, King of, his answer to the imperial thunder, 638 -641. PUNCH, various prefcriptions for making, 625, feq. PYRAMIDS in Egypt, fmaller fee Obelisk. Larger, where fituated, 253, feq. Abfurdly accounted for by the inhabitants, 254. Defcription of, 253-256. Superftition the firft caufe of building, 259. Whether erected before the ufe of pillars was known, 261, Note. PYRITE, alledged to give medicated waters their falutary qualities, 108. The fame hypothefis denied, ibid. Q QUICK-LIME, experiments on, 376. QUINTILIAN, his method not his only excellence, 59. R READING, no improper amufe ment for a foldier, 456. of Sermons, when and how introduced into the English church, 584, feq. REASON, can come to no compofition with Authority, in matters of religion, 115. Her rights vindicated, 116, Its ufe and importance in defending Christianity, 78. Particularly neceffary for the fupport of Proteftantifm, 79. Rejection of, introductory of many abfurdities, 247, feq. Further confidered, 475. REMINISCENCE, what, 45. RESTITUTION of stolen goods. how to be obtained in Eng. land, 15, 16. REVELATION, how to judge of, 80. The neceffity of appealing to Reason to determine the merits of, 474, feq. REVIEWERS, Monthly, stiled Infidels and Scorpians, by an angry Hutchinfonian, 516. RICHMAN, Profeffor, an ac count count of the death of, 277- SCOTLAND, number of inhabi 279. RIGHT of Defence, how limit ed, 224. Rops, pointed, their use in preventing the ftroke of Lightning, 380. ROMAN Senate, as well as their Generals, inftrumental to the lofs of the battle of Cannæ, 666-668. ROMANS, fatal remifnefs and misconduct in oppofing the progrefs of Annibal, 667669. ROME, Church of, governed by Harlots, 583. City of, its prefent ftate, extent, number of inhabitants, &c. 608--620. ROTA, at Rome, its functions, 618. RowE, Nicholas, obfervations on his writings, 70, feq. RUNDLE, Dr. vindicated from Dr. Patten's afperfion, 249. RUPTURES, fallacy of empirical pretences to the cure of, 512. Perfons afflicted with, apt to be credulous, 512. S SAILING, a medicine among the ancient physicians, 204. Revival of, recommended, ibid. Inftances of its utility, ibid. SAINT, a Turkish, metamorphofed to a ferpent, 487. Wonderful effects afcribed to, ibid. SALVIATI, form of his initiation to the Cardinalfhip, 618, feq. SAPPHO, remarks on her writ ings, 73, feq. SASAUGE MAKER, refufes to be candidate for Prime-Minifter, 668. SCIENCE, moral and political, wherein fuperior to natural, 565. tants in, 378. If duly cultivated capable of maintaining a fourth more people than it now maintains, ibid. SCRIPTURE, facred, advantages of ftudying, 500. Highly preferable to the philofophy and morality of Greece and Rome, ibid. SEA, the air of, more falutary to fome conftitutions than that on fhore, 204. SEAMEN, a fcheme for a more ready raifing of, 309. SEASONS, what occafions their variety, 478. SEA-WATER, Contents of, 205. SECURITY of Civil Governors, wherein placed, 229, feq. SEPULCHRAL CAVES, or Grottos in Egypt, fome account of, 256. SHARP, Dr. (Archdeacon of Northumberland) grofsly abufed by an Hutchinfonian, 516. SHEEP, account of a remarkable one, 373. SHIP-WORM, fee Nereis. SIENNA, ftrange executions at, defcription of, 459-461, SIGHT, not abfolutely neceffary in acquiring mathematical learning, 245. SOLDIERS, the ufe reading might be of, to them, 406. SOLITUDE, a fong, by Mr.Buncle, 507. SPEAKING by action, what, 108. SPIRIT, igneous, produced from volatile alcaline falts and quick-lime, what, 377. SPIRITUOUS Liquors, ufeful premonitions against the ufe of, 395, feq. SPRING, abfurdity of a British Poet's celebrating that season of of the year in our cold climate, 201. SQUARE, military, ought to be abolished, 405. STANMORE, in Weftmoreland, its romantic wildness defcribed, 585---590, feq. STATE (future) the belief of it not a popular doctrine among the ancient Jews, 117-122. STRABO, his account of the Tumuli Merculiales controverted, 259. STRANGERS, inquifitive, taken by the Turks for Magicians, 491. SUBTANGENT, how found by common Algebra, 603. By Fluxions, ibid. SUCCESSION to eftates, real or perfonal, how limited and determined by the law of England, 14, 15. SULLY, Duke of how his Memoirs were collected, 97. Regulates the finances, and the neceffity of fo doing, 104. His portrait of a good Minifter of State, 104-106. Arrives in England, and is well received by Queen Elizabeth, 210, feq. Sent Ambaffador to King James I. 214. SUN's Motion between the Tropics, defcribed, 480. SUPERSTITION. pernicious to arts and fciences, 59, feq. SWALLOWS, or openings in the earth, conjecture relating to, 597, 598. SYMPSON, Thomas, his account of the advantages refulting from taking the mean in a number of aftronomical obfervations, 279. SYNOD, the first National one, of the English Church, 579. SYRIA, but one river in, 140. No metals in, 142. T TAYLOR, Brook, account of his Treatife on Perspective, 287. TERAPHIM, its derivation, 516. TERTULLIAN, doctrines of, frought with enthufiafm, 81. TESTAMENT, what the effential part of it is, according to the law and practice of England, 13. THERMOMETER, one fo adjusted as to determine pretty precifely how much one climate differs from another in heat, 478-482. THIGH, complete luxation of, method of reducing,393--395TOXICODENDRON, juices of, imparts an excellent black dye 368. Not a new difcovery, ibid. TRANSUBSTANTIATION, arguments againft, properly deducible from reafon, 78, feq: TRAVELLERS through Egypt, neceffary cautions to, 353Young, proper qualifications of, 452. Through France, directions for, 455. TRAVELLING, the use and abuse of, confidered, 451-453. TREASURE TROVE, what, and the laws refpecting it in different countries, 12. TRINITY, Athanafian doctrine of, the primary fundamental article of Chriftianity, 430. TURKS, in what their learning confifts, 281. TYRANNY, deftructive of arts and sciences, 59, feq. VAPOURS, caufe of their afcent, according to Des Cartes, 363. According to Delaguliers, ibid. According to Mr. Eeles, 364. How electrified, 565. How proved to be elec trified, 367. |