matter was taken, had been violently scorbutic at the age of four, his larger teeth confuming with a caries, almost as foon as formed. The material point, however, is, that the inoculated has been thefe four years without any proofs of fcorbutical infection, We must needs think it a happy circumflance for this practice, that all the diseases which have occurred, in different families, for fome generations paft, have not been handed down by writing, or tradition, to the prefent; fince this ridiculous hypothefis might very naturally be extended by fuch reafoners, to the imaginary communication of a disease, which killed fome rectilineal anceltor (of the perfon who gave the fmall-pox) fome centuries fince: or by a further fubtilizing, this objection might fuppofe the ino. culated would die (fome time or other) of the complicated diftemcapers of all the ancestors. But as a late writer on this practice has obferved, If it has appeared in many inftances, that the confluent fmall-pox has not conveyed its own fpecies, or degree, of the fmall pox [of which Mr. Frewin has given us above twenty, inftances, by inoculation] how is it imaginable, that it should conto vey any difeafe effentially different from itself? It is too probable, that the operation of this pamphlet may be reftrained, from the Author's not affording u his own name at leaft to the facts; fince one of competent reputation, and known intesvegrity, would confiderably increafe their impreffion. We have heard that evidence viva voce, is always preferred to what is -1 written, even fuppofing it fubfcribed too, which we cannot fup99pose an anonymous pamphlet to be. We must beg leave to be indulged, on this public occafion, in a further reflection, even on fo little a work, viz. That in all these cafes, no inftance is even hinted of any physician's being once confulted about any of the patients, or about the conftitutions of those from whom the matter was taken; fome of which appear to have been fuch, as a very prudent one, whatever were on his hypothefis, would have declined to take it from. We are told, in each cafe, of fome nameless furgeon, as entirely conducteding it, with compliments to the abilities of fome on this occafion, fee page 13. 16, of which one at leaft may be defigned for this 1) anonymous writer, who is probably a furgeon: fo that in a little time, the furgery is likely to be provided with medicines for the fmall-pox too. But as it feems not enough to have received a stevery useful method for imparting that diffemper, without guarding it as well as poffible from all mifcarriage or abufe, the phyfi cians may very fpeciously affirm, that none are fo proper to dif pofe for, to excite, and to conduct this diféafe, as thofe who have really ftudied the nature of it, and of other internal difeafes. They may add, that thefe compliments of the prefcribing fur2139 geons to each other, are pronounced by incompetent judges of the cafe; and fuggeft, that fuch an over-industry may tend to defeat its own purfuits: fince it is fcarcely to be doubted, confidering the great facility of this operation, that wherever a good phy. *་ ་ fician will accommodate the patient on the furgeon's terms, every perfon of common fenfe will fooner truft the former to fcratch, than the latter to prepare and prefcribe. Nor is it impoffible, that this engroffing fpirit may incite fome of them to fpecify a few modern mifcarriages of inoculation, where furgeons have affumed the fole conduct of it. This might as naturally beget a few recriminations; which, inftead of producing a more guarded and judicious application of this practice, by which the Public would certainly gain, might end in a confiderable difufe of it, by which they muft undoubtedly fuffer. Our Author's remarks on the unfair calculation, in the Whitehall Evening-poft of Sept. 23, figned Philopater, are juft, and feasonable. RELIGIOUS and CONTROVERSIAL. XXXI. Sermons upon the following fubjects, viz. on hearing the Word; receiving it with Meeknefs; renouncing grofs Immoralities; the neceffity of obeying the Gofpel; being found in Chrift; Juftification by Faith; the Nature, Principle, and Extent of Evangelical Obedience; the Deceitfulness of the Heart, and God's Knowlege thereof; the Shortnefs and Vanity of human Life; the true Value, Ufe, and End of Life, together with the Conduciveness of Religion to prolong, and make it happy. By Jonathan Mayhew, D. D. 8vo. 5s. Millar. As thefe difcourfes were not composed with a view to be offered to the public; they have little to recommend them in point of accuracy or elegance; the candid Reader, however, will, notwithstanding this, find his account in beftowing upon them an attentive perufal. There appears, through the whole of them, a fpirit of manly freedom: the Author, indeed, differs widely from those who call themselves orthodox; but he does not, as it is to be feared too many do, exprefs his fentiments in phrases of ftudied ambiguity, in order to conceal his real opinions, and appear to believe what he neither does nor can believe; but, laying afide all disguise, he speaks out openly and boldly, what he really thinks, acting herein the part of an honest man, and of a worthy advocate for that religion, which is the declared enemy of every species of diffimulation and hypocrify. He declares, that he will not be, even religiously fcolded, nor pitied, nor wept and lamented, out of any principles which he believes upon the authority of Scripture, in the exercise of that share of Reafon which God has given him: nor will he poftpone the autho rity of Scripture, he fays, to that of all the good Fathers of the Church, even with that of the good Mothers added to it. Nor are his difcourfes only valuable for the free fpirit they breathe; there is a great deal of just reafoning, and strong sense. to be met with in them. He is at great pains to fhew, and it is of the utmost importance to fhew, the abfurdity of founding our hopes 8 hopes of final happiness, and acceptance with God, on the orthodoxy of our faith, the merits, and imputed righteoufnels of Chrift; or, indeed, on any thing feparate from purity of heart and life; and he combats, very fuccesfully, fome dangerous notons that prevail, it is to be feared, among too many who call themfelves by the Chriftian name, in regard to what the Scripture fays concerning our being faved by Grace; being found in Chrift, not having our own righteousness; and being juftified by Faith. Of the fourteen difcourfes which he offers to the public, the firft ten are from James i, 21, 22. Lay apart all filthiness and fuperfluity of naughtin fs, and receive with meekness the ingrafted word, which is able to fave your fouls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own felves. The feveral things contained in this paffage, he confiders particularly; fhewing the obligation that lies upon all Chriftians in general to be bearers of the word, and to receive the Gospel with an humble and teachable temper of mind, as oppofed to that pride, captioufnefs, and wrangling difpofition, which are but too commonly found among the profeffors of Chriftianity; pointing out the ne ceffity of obeying the Gofpel, in order to obtaining the falvation of it; and rectifying fome mistakes concerning the terms of falvation, and juftification by Faith, as Faith is diftinguished from, and oppofed to, evangelical obedience.-The other four are practical difcourses, on the deceitfulness of the heart, the fhortnefs and vanity of human life, the true value and end of life, and the tendency of religion to prolong and make it happy. XXXII. A Collection of Seventeen Practical Sermons, on various and important Subjects. Preached and publifhed feparately, on divers on Occafions, but moftly out of Print. To which is added, a Minifterial Exhortation. By John Guyfe, D.D. 8vo, 5s. Buckland. As thefe fermons have been former published, it does not fall within our province to give any account of them; and, indeed, if what the Author fays in his preface, be true, they have alrea dy received a much higher recommendation than any we could venture to bestow, were we ever fo much difpofed to recommend them; for we are told, that they have me with a favourable reception from the SAINTS.It had been kind in this good Doctor to have told us the names of fome of thefe Saints, that the public might have profited by their example; the force of which we all know to be very great. We may, however, comfort ourselves with the confideration, that there are Saints ftill in the land, tho' we are denied the fatisfaction of knowing where they are to be met with. XXXIII. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of the Eaft-Riding of York, at a primary Visitation, held at Hunmanby on the rft, at Beverley on the 3d, and at King fton fton upon Hull on the 4th of June, 1756. By Robert Oliver, M. A. Archdeacon. 8vo. 6d. Sandby. This is a very fenfible and modeft discourse. It contains fome juft reflections on the Deistical Writers, and fome useful directions to the Clergy. Mr. Oliver appears to be a warm friend to our constitution, both civil and religious; and ftrongly recommends to his brethren, as a matter of great importance in our prefent circumstances, that they take all poffible care to make their people good fubjects, as well as good Chriftians; to give them a due fenfe of, and a juft value for, our Conflitution, and encourage them, by every tie of duty, by every motive of intereft, to exert the utmost of their power in support of it. XXXIV. An Answer to the Rev. Mr. Charles Bulkeley's Pleas for mixt Communion. As published in two Difcourfes on John iii. 5. under the Title of Catholic Communion, &c. By Grantham Killingworth. 8vo. 6d. Baldwin. In our Review for January, 1755, we gave a fhort account of Mr. Bulkeley's two Difcourfes on Catholic Communion; the defign of which difcourfes was to fhew, that different fentiments in regard to the particular doctrines, or external appointments, of the Gospel, ought not to be the leaft bar or impediment to our unlimitted communion, or participation in all the exercises of religion, and ordinances of the Gofpel. Mr. Killingworth, in the piece now before us, makes an attempt to answer thefe difcourfes, telling us, at the fame time, that they did not require an answer on account of the matter they contained, fo much as on account of the character and popularity of their Author. Without entering into the merits of the controverfy, we shall only observe, that what Mr. Killingworth advances, to prove the neceffity of water baptifm, in order to Chriftian communion, and churchmembership, appears very trifling; and that the texts of Scripture which he produces, in fupport of his opinion, are either grofsly perverted, or nothing to his purpofe. Indeed, whoever will be at the pains to read what he has here faid, or what he has faid in his other pieces on the fubject, will not, we appréhend, be inclined to entertain any high opinion of him, as a clear, or a fair Reafoner.What Mr. Bulkeley fays upon the subject, has a natural, and obvious tendency to promote peace and good will among Chriftians, notwithstanding their diverfity of fentiments; whereas Mr. Killingworth's notions are evidently calculated to keep alive a spirit of animofity, and perpetual contention, and violence. THE MONTHLY REVIEW, For DECEMBER, 1756. To the AUTHORS of the MONTHLY REVIEW. H AVING, in a former letter*, given you an account of the first volume of the Analyfe de Bayle, and of the plan of the work, I now crave your acceptance of a fketch of the three other volumes, flattering myself that it will be agreeable to the generality of your Readers. The fecond volume is a very entertaining one, comprehending a variety of miscellaneous fubjects, viz. An anecdote concerning the parliament of Paris; an extraordinary cafe of confcience; an account of what the Turks call Nephes-Ogli; an examination of fome of the laws of Lycurgus; an account of the heretics called Mammillarians; the hiftory of Cambabus and Stratonice; reflections upon fortune; the antiquities of Ypres; a comparison of antient and modern Rome; reflections upon dreams; a long differtation concerning the hiftory of Pope Joan; fome particulars concerning the life of fop; the prophecies of Angelo Cattho; the hiftory of Borri; the hiftory of Ruggeri, &c. &c. For the entertainment of your English Readers, I shall lay before them, in their own language, a view of fome of these articles, and begin with that relating to the laws of Lycurgus. Lycurgus's method of training up children,' fays Bayle, was extremely proper, to make them good foldiers, but he extended this fyftem of education too far; Review for April last. N n 6 VOL, XV. for |