&c. From London and Dry goods, and beef, pork, but ter, tongues, &c. the produce Dry goods and wines Dry goods, provisions, and wines Mules, affes, camels, and Spanish 7 manufactures, copper and iron 4 8 2 I 8 From Bristol and { Goods of the fame fort, and Irish 15 Cork From Liverpool di- From Liverpool and From Liverpool and the only inaccuracy we meet with in his figures. For inftance, the article rum he computes at 4600 puncheons, or 50,600 gallons, amounting to 69.5751. At this rate a puncheon would contain no more than eleven gallons, and the price would be 27 s. 6d. per gallon. How widely diftant this is from truth, is manifeft to every one in the leaft converfant with this commodity. Numerical errors ought very particularly to be guarded againft, fecing they are lefs perceptible, and at the fame time more apt to mislead, than mere literal mistakes. However, this matter may be easily rectified; our Author need only advertise his readers to add a single cypher to the number of gallons, and the puncheon will be restored to its ufual contents, 110 gallons, and the value reduced to a tolerably moderate price, viz. 2 s. 9d. a gallon. From From Lancafter di- Manufactured cottons, and dry rectly goods of a coarse nature, From Lancaster and 5 Goods of the like kind, and pro-} 5 Ireland From Hull, Ply-Y mouth, and the other out-ports of England, of which two called at Madeira From Great Britain, vifions Dry goods per cockets, fhip- by the way of Af-Slaves (k) rica. English fhips entered directly from fo 9 29 reign ports, viz. From Madeira From Cape de Verds Mules, affes, camels, and Spanish From Bourdeaux From Lifbon Wines { wines In ballaft Ditto 4 4 (k) The number of new negros annually imported is faid to have diminished, fince the commencement of the late war, from about 9000, which was then nearly the medium, to 6624, the number imported in the year 1752; but that they have lately begun to increase. Veffels D 3 Veffels from North America. Ports from whence the Ships came. From New-York, From Philadelphia. From Virginia and From Nor. & South The veffels from thefe places bring the fame commodities, viz. flour, bread, beef, pork, hams, dried and pickled fish, onions, apples, corn, peafe, rice, foap, cheese, and candles; horfes, fheep, hogs, ducks, geese, and turkies; butter, lard, tallow, pitch, oil, tar, and turpentine; planks, boards, flaves, hoops, headings, fhingles, and bricks. Bread, flour, hams, and gammons; iron in bars, bricks, lumber, ftaves, hoops, heading, fhingles, &c. Peafe, flour, bread, pork, bacon, foap, candles, tar, and fhingles. Rice, leather, lumber, fhingles, and tar, Braziletto, turtle, falt, fifh, poultry, onions, and building ftones. Veffels trading to the Main, From different Parts of the Coaft. From Hifpaniola. From Curaffoa. Carried forward } 23 3 9 35 (4) The wines imported from that island are but few, and generally run, as they cannot be entered in the Cuftom-Houfe; they are commonly cordial wines, and much wanted in Jamaica in fickly feafons, therefore overlooked,' Brought Brought forward Veffels trading to the Main. From the Bay of { Logwood. Honduras. From the Mufquito{cacoa, and turtle. Shore. Mahogany, cedar, logwood, { ડ 49 190 227 49 466 Total of Veffels trading to Jamaica (m). European North American From the Coaft and the neighbouring Islands The value of the principal commodities, annually imported into Jamaica, comes next under our Author's confideration; he would willingly,' he tells us, have gone through the whole, could the quantities or value of them be ascer• tained; but this was impoffible, where the greatest part of the imports pay no duties; and many principal articles are entered fo confufedly, that no juft calculation can be made, either of their quantities or value,' for which reason he takes notice of only fuch as admit no doubt. The moft expenfive articles,' he obferves, are thofe immediately introduced from England; the value of thefe has been lately calculated, to be laid before the parliament; and, on an exact computation, for four years, ending in December 1751, has been found, at a medium, to amount to • 2617281. 5s. fterl. per annum, which, in that ifland, would amount to 4589241. 8s. 9d. currency, as goods are generally debited there (2). But as we may reasonably suppose (m) Our author is a little mistaken in the addition of these feveral totals; for, tho' according to his account of particulars, the amount of the whole number of thips is as we have ftated it; he makes the total of European veffels 189, and of North American 230. (2) It is to be wifhed our Author had informed us at what rate European and other foreign goods are commonly debited in Jamaica; or by what rule he has been guided (not only in this, but also in fume other D 4 fuppofe a fourth part of thefe, at the most moderate calculation, to be imported by the Planters themfelves, and fubject to none of thofe extraordinary charges to which debited goods are liable;' the Doctor computes the • annual amount of the whole at To which he adds, for expences of Planters refiding in England, and in the education of their youth here For new Negros, 6624, Irish provifions, in the year 1752, were as follows, viz. 19921 barrels of beef, 43072 barrels of pork, and 15876 firkins of butter, rated at 874931. But deducting for what may be imported by the Planters themselves, this fum will be reduced to Madeira wines, 827 pipes, From this state of the Jamaica trade, a tolerable judgment, we apprehend, may be formed of the opulence of its inhabitants, and the advantages derived from that ifland to Great other refpects) in forming his calculations, feveral of which, efpecially in the larger numbers, feem very doubtful; nor is it poffible, for want of this knowlege, to judge with any tolerable exactnefs of their rectitude. We would not have Dr. Brown entertain any opinion, that our mention of this, or of fome other evident mistakes, was made with a view of depreciating his work. We believe he is often pretty nearly in the right; but it would certainly be a greater fatisfaction to his readers to find him perfectly fo. One, and not the leaft, purpofe, in thefe remarks, was to put him in mind of revifing his arithmetical computations; in which, as his plan is not compleated in this volume, he may, in his future publication, take an opportunity of rectifying the errors he fhall find; and, furely, the difcovery will come with a better grace from himself than any body else. (0) The imports from North America are, juftly, observed to be the articles moft immediately neceffary for a Sugar Colony. The Doctor rates them at 70 or 80000l. per annum, we have taken the medium. Britain |