been made to diveft Salt Water of its difagreeable tafte, are the most observable things in this section.-To this fucceeds a difcuffion of the characteristics, qualities, and effects of the Epfom and Cheltenham Waters; the difference between which is, faid to be, that the former is never known to be putrid, being but an impregnation of water with a pure native vitriolate falt, with a little bittern, fome earth, and a very small portion of alcaline matter: the latter is reported to be sometimes fetid, and to contain a volatile vitriolic acid, charged with iron, in the proportion of about half a grain to a pint ; a greater quantity of earth, partly felenite, but mostly calcarious, and the fame kind of falt, more confiftent, and with much lefs bittern. Scarborough Medicated Waters, are judged to partake of the fame principles with Cheltenham. In the next section, which takes up more than half the volume, are confidered Medicated Waters of the fubacid, chalybeat kind. Of thefe our Author reckons in the principality of Liege, and its neighbourhood, fifteen different springs ; moft of which, together with the Waters of Tunbridge in Kent, were fubjected to chemical torture. The Doctor's ex periments upon thefe waters, are not only very numerous, but feem to have been conducted with every neceffary circum-ftance of exactnefs: from whence he determines them all to be impregnated upon the fame principles, and, tho' in different proportions, with the fame ingredients, viz. 1. A moft exalted fubtle volatile fluid; with 2. a confiderable portion of most fine, elastic air; 3. a martial earth, or iron spoiled by folution, or otherwife, of its phlogifton and metallifing principle; 4. carth partly abforbent or calcarious, partly felenite; 5. alcaline falt, and fome partake of a small portion, or, as that of Tunbridge, chiefly confift, of muriatic falt; 6. fome portion of the oily matter inherent to all water; and 7. of the great basis of all fluids, the aqueous element; all moft intimately blended, as they are won⚫derfully produced by the inimitable chemistry of parent Na ture.' This volume concludes with fome appofite directions for the choice of the seasons, and manner of ufing these Waters. The natural warm baths of Aken (or, as more commonly called, of Aix-la Chapelle); of Borset, a neighbouring village there; of the Bath in England, and the waters of Briftol, employ the third volume of this treatife: in no part of which are our Author's application and capacity for enquiries of this fort more confpicuous, than in his inveftigation of these feveral waters. Common opinion has generally 6 hitherto fuppofed a confiderable analogy between the German and British baths: this Dr. Lucas pofitively contradicts, and from a great variety of experiments, infifts upon their being widely diffimilar. According to his analyfis, they differ and agree in the following points.- 1. These baths have evidently one. common bafis, fimple water; heated by fimilar means, an ignited and decompofing pyrite, with the volatile parts of which the one is impregnated, by the waters running over the heated pyrite, without coming into contact with it; whileft the other, by running at the bottom or lower part of, or through the like pyrite, poffibly lefs fulphureous, ⚫ or being delivered at a greater diftance from the heated mineral, appears charged chiefly with the more fixed parts. With refpect to heat, this appears in different degrees; the fource of the Emperor's bath in Aken raifing the mercury to 136; the pump of the King's bath, at Bath, to 119 in the pump-room, 120 in the bath.—2. They have an acid much of the fame nature, more volatile in Aken, partly volatile, • but mostly fixed, at Bath.-3. Aken water depofites a pale < earthy matter, which grows black in its fewers; Bath, a • yellow martial or ochrous earth.-4. A phlogifton, or fub< til inflammable principle, paffing generally with vulgar obfervers, and pretending analyfers of waters, for fulphur, when it is, in fact, but one of its conftituent parts, is evi• dent to the senses, and proved by various demonstrative experiments in Aken; but this can, in no shape, be fhewn in Bath waters, by any experiment that has yet occurred to the ⚫ favourers of this opinion, more than to me; whereas its defects appear by many inconteftible proofs.-5. The folid ⚫ contents of the Emperor's bath at Aken, are from 37 to 40° < granes in a pint; of which, about the eleventh part is an abforbent earth, with fome felenite, the reft a twofold falt, ⚫ partly purely alcaline, and partly muriatic; whileft the contents of the fame quantity of King's bath water, at Bath, 6 are about fixteen granes and three quarters; of which about one thirty-eighth part of a grane is iron; fomewhat less than feven granes earth, partly calcarious, partly felenite; the reft, being ten granes, confifting of about one third Glauber's falts, and two thirds fea-falt, without any proof an • alcaline falt, or nitre, or fulphur.' With refpect to the Bristol waters, the Doctor's fentiments are, that they differ from those of Bath, onely in the latter's containing a small quantity of iron; and fome small dispa•rity in the proportions of the oily matter, and the other ingredients which each holds in common.' If we have contented ourselves with thus giving our Author's general deductions from his experiments, it is not that there are wanting several other things in his Effay, well worthy of attention, among which we must recommend his animadverfions on the promifcuous ufe of bathing at Bath.-A point more especially laboured, is to prove, that all medicated, chalybeate, or thermal waters, derive their falutary qualities, hot or cold, from pyritæ: the hypothefis is probable and fimple, but not new; Dr. Lifter is here admitted to have mentioned it before; it was then warmly oppofed, particularly by a phyfician at Manchester, who alfo appeals to facts to prove the contrary. This opinion has been revived, and strongly supported within these few years; and it is more than poffible, that those who have read Henckell's Pyrotologia, or Macquer's Elemens de Chymie, may apprehend Dr. Lucas little entitled to the merit of having made many great discoveries: however, he has not forgot to acknowlege his obligations to Hoffman, Boerhaave, and Muschenbroeck. The Doctor's orthographical fingularities we pass over, because, tho' they render him lefs agreeable, they do not make him lefs inftructive: but the candid Reader will be more offended at the afperity with which he treats those from whom he diffents; and which often makes fuch near approaches to ill manners, that even when we are pleafed with the fagacity and learning of the Chymift, we regret the abfence of the Gentleman. * Menfe elapfo a viro cl. Domino Johanne Floyer, Milite et M. D. Collegii Reginenfis apud Oxonium, literam recepi amiciffimam; qua fe vénturum ad balneum Buxtonenfe mihi notum fecit. Novitatem avide recepi, et die viceffimo decimo menfis elapfi ibi terrarum ei obvius eram. Juxta balneum Buxtonenfe ei petram de-, monftrabam alumine, vitriolo, fulphure et ochra gravidam, ex qua aqua communi acidulas artificiales nullo negotio paravimus. Ex eadem petra ei acidulam naturalem pullulantem demonftrabam. His confpectis poft varios difcurfus, lubens illius confenfum præbuit principiis fupra recitatis: fc. acidulas folummodo imprægnari et haud pyrita vegetante, cujus hac petra nulla funt vefligia, nec quovis artificio eadem petra pyrites inveniri poteft. Ab his et argumentis quibufdam habitis, de acidularum principiis fe haud ulterius dubitare pronuntiavit, et hæc orbi literario communicari exoptavit. Poffcriptum ad Exercitationem de Aquis Mineralibus, THE MONTHLY REVIEW, For SEPTEMBER, 1756. Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minifter to Henry the Great. Continued from Page 106, and Goncluded. I N our account of the firft volume of this work, we have attempted something like an abridgment of the contents of the ten books of which that volume confifts; but as the great length of the work will not permit us to pursue the fame method any farther, without trefpaffing too much upon the patience of our readers, we shall only felect a few fuch farther particulars, as, we hope, may be agreeable to the public; referring, for the reft, to the Memoirs themselves,a truly inexhauftible fund of political learning! In the twelfth book we have the following account of Henry's journey to Calais, (anno 1601) and of the feemingly once intended interview betwixt him and Queen Elizabeth, who advanced upon that occafion as far as Dover.- The Queen ⚫ of England hearing the King was at Calais, thought it a fa⚫vourable opportunity to fatisfy her impatience of feeing and embracing her beft friend. Henry was not lefs defirous of this interview, that he might confer with the Queen upon the affairs of Europe in general, as well as on their own in particular. Elizabeth firft wrote him a letter, equally po⚫ lite and full of offers of fervice; fhe afterwards made him ⚫ the ufual compliments, and repeated thofe affurances by the Lord Edmund, whom the dispatched to Calais, till the herVOL. XV. • felf Р felf could arrive at Dover, from whence the fent the Lord Sidney with other letters.-Henry refolving not to be outdone in complaisance, answered these advances in a manner that fhewed at once his refpect for the sex of Elizabeth, and his efteem and admiration of her character. This intercourfe continued a long time, to the great mortification of the Spaniards, whofe jealoufy was ftrongly excited by proximity and clofe correípondence. Of all the letters wrote by thefe two Sovereigns on this occafion, I am poffeffed only of that in which Elizabeth informs the King, of those obftacles that prevented her conferring with him in perfon; lamenting the unhappiness of Princes, who, contrary to their inclinations, were flaves to forms, and fettered by circumfpection. This letter, because it was the occafion of the voyage I made to this Princefs, I have kept in my hands; in it he tells her "moft dear and well-beloved brother, "(for fo fhe called the King of France) that her concern at not being able to fee him, was fo much the greater, as the "had fomething to communicate to him which she durst not "confide to any other perfon, or commit to paper, and yet "fhe was upon the point of returning to London."-The King's curiofity was ftrongly excited by thefe laft words in vain did he torture his imagination to guefs their purport. < Secretary Feret being fent by him to fetch me, "I have just . now received letters," faid he to me, "from my good "fifter, the Queen of England, whom you admire fo greatly; they are more full of flatteries than ever: fee if you "will have more fuccefs than I have had in discovering her "meaning. I agreed with Henry that it must be something of great confequence which induced her to express herfelf in this manner: it was refolved, therefore, that I should embark the next day for Dover, as if with no other < design than to take advantage of the shortness of the paffage, to make a tour to London, which would give me an opportunity of feeing what step the Queen would take upon my antival; neither the King nor I doubting, but that the would be immediately informed of it. I acquainted no one with my intended paffage, but fuch of my domestics as < were to attend me, and of these I took but a very small number.-I embarked early in the morning, and reached Dover about ten o'clock; where, among the crowd of thofe who embarked and difembarked, I was immediately difcovered by the Lord Sidney, who, five or fix days before, had feen me at Calais: with him were Lord Cobham, Ra• leigh, and Griffin; and they were foon after joined by the Earls |