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Prayer by the Chaplain.

Minutes of yesterday read, and approved as read.

Mr. Moore submitted following reports of Standing Committee on Judiciary.

Mr. Speaker-Your Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred H. B. No. 21, a bill for an Act to amend an Act entitled: "An Act to regulate the price of Territorial and County printing." etc., have had the bill under consideration, and instruct me to report the same back to the House, and recommend its passage with amendment thereto annexed.

M. R. MOORE, Chairman of Committee.

Mr. Speaker-Your Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred, "H. B. No. 13, a bill for an Act in relation to fees of certain officers in Misdemeanor cases," have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House and recommend its passage with certain amendments thereto attached.

M. R. MOORE, Chairman of Committee.

Mr. Speaker-Your Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred. "H. B. No. 28, a bill for an Act concerning roads and highways." have had the bill under consideration, and instruct me to report the same back to the House and recommend its passage.

Mr. Moore gave notice as follows:

M. R. MOORE, Chairman of Committee.

Mr. Speaker-I hereby give notice that, at an early day, I will introduce a bill entitled: An Act to provide for the better collection of taxes on personal property.


Mr. Hull introduced H. B. No. 38, a bill for an Act exempting mining claims and ores from taxation; read first time. H. B. No. 30 read second time by title and referred to Committee on Judiciary.

The Committee on Corporations made the following report: Mr. Speaker-Your Committee on Corporations beg leave to report that they have examined C. B. No. 10 and would

amend by the addition of Section 2 herewith offered, and respectfully recommend that it do pass as amended.

PERRY WILDMAN. Chairman of Committee.

H. B. No. 31 read second time by title and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

H. B. No. 32 read second time by title and referred to Committee on Corporations.

Mr. Gaddis introduced the following Resolution, and on motion the same was adopted:

Resolved, That the Hon. Secretary of the Territory be requested to deliver to to the Chairman of the Printing Committee all bills as soon as printed, and that he be further requested to communicate to this House what firm or party holds the contract for printing bills of the Legislative Assembly.

H. B. No. 33 read second time by title and referred to Committee on live stock.

H. B. No. 34 read second time by title and referred to Committee on Judiciary.

H. B. No. 36 read second time by title and referred to Committee on Judiciary.

H. B. No. 37 read second time by title and referred to Committee on Education.

C. B. No. 2 read second time by title and referred to Committee on Judiciary.

C. B. No. 3 read second time by title and referred to Committee on Ways and Means.

H. B. No. 16 reported by Committee on Judiciary with recommendation that it do pass.

The same was, on motion, referred to Committee of the Whole for further consideration.

H. B. No. 21 reported by Committee on Judiciary with an amendment, and recommended for passage as amended, was, on motion, referred to Committee on Printing for further consideration.

. H. B. No. 13 reported by Committee on Judiciary with amendments and recommended for passage as amended, was, on motion, referred to Committee of the Whole.

H. C. R. No. 6 being under consideration was, on moiton of Mr. Hunt, laid on the table for ten days.

C. B. No. 10 was reported by Committee on Corporations with the following amendment:

SEC. 2. It is hereby ordered that said Board of Railroad Commissioners shall, within sixty (60) days from the passage of this Act, make a final report of all their proceedings, and all property belonging to the Territory of Arizona now in their possession shall be surrendered to the Governor of the Territory, and with the recommendation that the bill pass as amended.

On motion the report was adopted as read.

On motion C. B. No, 10 was ordered to have its third reading, considered engrossed. and placed on final passage, and passed by the following vote:

Twenty-four ayes.

Messrs. Baker, Barnes, Bernard, Brown, Chenoweth, Crosby, Cummings, Finley, Fish, Gaddis, Greenlaw, Herrick, Hinton. Hunt, Hull, Marshall, Martin, Moore, Petersen, Samaniego, Skinner, Wildman, Wright, Mr. Speaker.

House Memorial No. 4, introduced by Mr. Barnes, relating to the creation by United States of Reservation or Park to cover "Petrified Forest" of Arizona, as follows:


To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled:

Your Memorialists, the Eighteenth Legislative Assembly of Arizona, beg leave to represent to your Honorable bodies:

First. That there is in the northern part of this Territory. lying within the borders of Apache County, near the town of Holbrook, a wonderful deposit of petrified wood, commonly called the "Petrified Forest," or "Chalcedony Park."

This deposit or forest is unequalled for its extent, the size of the trees and the beauty and great variety of coloring found in the logs.

A country ten miles square is covered by the trunks of trees, some of which measure over two hundred feet in length and from seven to ten feet in diameter.

Ruthless curiosity seekers are destroying these huge trees and logs by blasting them in pieces, in search of crystals, which are found in the center of many of them, while carloads of the limbs and smaller pieces are being shipped away to be ground up for various purposes.

Second. Believing that this wonderful deposit should be kept inviolate that future generatians may enjoy its beauties and study one of the most curious and interesting effects of nature's forces;

We, your Memorialists, most respectfully request that the Commissioner of the General Land Office be directed to withdraw from entry all public lands covered by this forest until a Commissioner or officer appointed by your Honorable bodies may investigate and report to you upon the advisability of taking this forest under the charge of the General Government and making a National Park or Reservation of it.

It is annually visited now by hundreds of scientific men and travelers from every state and country and some such action by your bodies would preserve it from the vandalism it is now subjected to.

We would further state that at present there is no person living within the limits of the proposed park, so that no settlers will be disturbed by any such action on your part. And

be it

Resolved, Be the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona, that our Delegate in Congress be, and is hereby instructed to use all honorable means to have some action taken by the Congress to have this Chalcedony Park set aside and formed into a National Park under the care and charge of the General Government.

Also that the Secretary of the Territory be, and is hereby requested to transmit a copy of this Memorial to each House of Congress, our Delegate to Congress and the United States Land Commissioners.

Read first time and on motion unanimously adopted,

The Speaker called Mr. Wright to the Chair.

Mr. Wright in the Chair.

On motion House adjourned to Monday, February 4, 1895. Attest:

Chief Clerk,



House of Representatives,

Eighteenth Legislative Assembly of Arizona.
PHOENIX, Arizona, February 4, 1895.

House met pursuant to adjournment.

Speaker Carpenter in the Chair.

Roll call.

Absent-Messrs. Wright and Petersen.

Clerks roll call.

All present.

Prayer by the Chaplain.

Mr. Wright entered and took his seat.

Minutes of February 1st read and approved as read.

Mr. Moore presented a petition from residents of Arizona for conferring the elective franchise on women, and on motion the same was referred to Committee on Elections.

Mr. Chenoweth presented petition of citizens of Pima county praying for creation of Papago county.

Read and referred to Committee on Counties and County Boundaries.

Mr. Barnes presented a petition of taxpayers of Apache county praying for the creation of Navajo county, and on motion referred to Committee on County and County Boundaries.

The Judiciary Committee presented the following report:

Mr. Speaker Your Committee on Judiciary to whom was referred C. B. No. 2, a bill for an Act to amend an Act entitled: An Act to amend Paragraph 829, of Chapier 8, Title 13. of the Penal Code, of the Territory of Arizona, have had the same under consideration and instruct me to report the same back to the House with the recommendation that the bill pass. M. R. MOORE, Chairman.

The Committee on Judiciary presented the following report: Mr. Speaker-Your Committee on Judiciary to whom was referred H. B. No. 26, a bill for an Act punishing and fining officers for drunkenness, have had the same under consideration and instruct me to report the same back to the House with

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