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[WM. R. SMITH & Co......Printers to the State.]


RESOLVES relating to the Public Domain.

WHEREAS resolutions in relation to the public 2 lands of the United States have been transmit3 ted to the Governor of this State, from the 4 States of Missouri and Vermont; and whereas 5 it is expedient and proper that this Legislature 6 should express its opinions upon a subject in 7 which the people of Maine are deeply interested: 8 therefore,

Resolved, That the Public Domain was pur2 chased with the blood and treasure of the people 3 of all the States composing our federal Union; 4 and that, consequently, they have a joint and 5 equal interest and right in and to that domain, 6 and all privileges and advantages resulting from 7 its possession.

Resolved, That the principle of joint, equal, 2 undisputed, and indisputable right and interest 3 in the public lands, on the part of all citizens of

4 the United States, is clearly recognized and 5 established in the deeds of cession by which a 6 large portion of those lands were conveyed, and 7 is incontrovertibly deducible from the mode in 8 which the title to the residue was acquired; and 9 that all legislation by the general government on 10 the subject, down to the present day, has fully 11 admitted the existence of that principle, and 12 been based thereon.

Resolved, That the domain thus possessed is 2 of immense, and in many respects almost incal3 culable value; that rightly managed, it might 4 be productive of vast benefit to the people of 5 our common country, and their posterity to the 6 remotest generations; that, whether for peace 7 or war, we, in common with our fellow citizens 8 of other States, have, in that rich domain, a 9 resource that, carefully, yet liberally, husbanded, 10 would not fail us for ages to come; and, there11 fore, that all legislation in relation thereto should 12 be impartial, cautious though liberal, tempering 13 magnanimity with wisdom.

Resolved, That such legislation, in relation to 2 the public lands, as, keeping in view the great 3 principle of joint and equal right, should best

4 promote their speedy sale, on the lowest reas5 onable terms, to actual settlers and cultivators, 6 would, in our opinion, be most eminently advan7 tageous to all the people of all the States, 8 collectively and individually.

Resolved, That a law ceding to any of the 2 States of this Union the public lands within 3 their limits, either without a consideration, or 4 for one merely nominal, or for less than their fair 5 value, would be manifestly unequal and partial 6 in its operation upon the several States within 7 which such lands lie, contrary both to the spirit 8 and letter of their original cession, and a viola9 tion of the rights of the whole people.

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Resolved, That the general government is the 2 best guardian of an interest so important as the 3 Public Domain; and that such legislation with 4 regard to its proceeds as would produce the 5 most equal participation in the joint fund, by 6 those jointly interested in it, would, in our view, 7 best effectuate its fair and equitable disposal.

Resolved, That, in common with the General 2 Assembly of Missouri, this Legislature "dep3 recate all attempts to connect the question of the 4 public lands with party politics, and to make

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