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Captain Basil Hall's Works.

I. FRAGMENTS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. By CAPTAIN BASIL HALL, R. N. F. R. S. First Series. Second Edit. In three handsome Volumes. Plates, 15s.

"Captain Hall has been for some time past, on the whole, the most popular writer of Travels in England; and we have no sort of doubt that his present work will find even wider acceptance than the last and best of its predecessors. The field is wider-the interest more various, and the execution, we think, more lively. The man who has read these Fragments, before he opens Lord Collingwood's Letters, Southey's Life of Nelson, or Beechey's Voyage, will have as essential an advantage over him who has not, as the student of one of Bonaparte's Campaigns owes to the possession of a good map."-Quarterly Review, No. 89.

"This book is modestly recommended by the author to the use of young persons chiefly; but we believe that few persons of any age, however advanced, will peruse it without being conscious of a salutary spice of admonition silently penetrating to some distempered corner of their heart, and correcting a latent evil. It evinces throughout a delicate perception of the consequences of our conduct as it regards the feelings of others, which bears more particularly upon the duties of the higher stations of life."-United Service Journal, July 1831.

II. FRAGMENTS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Second Series. Second Edition. Three Vols. plates, 15s.

"Captain Hall's merits do not rest on his powers to amuse, but on his effective efforts to instruct. That he is imbued with moral and religious principles, we have sufficiently shown, and can only add, that the performance of his duty is ever attended by that serene cheerfulness, without whose presence no business in life, whether little or great, can be prosperously transacted."-Frazer's Magazine, May 1832.

"None of the Captain's Voyages or Travels are calculated to be nearly so useful or so popular as these Fragments.' Indeed, we have only been reminded of our forgotten purpose to notice the book, from having seen a new game for children, entitled The Log Book of a Midshipman, illustrative of those Voyages and Travels.' We need scarcely add, that such a use of Captain Hall's Fragments' is a test of true popu larity."-Times.

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III. TRAVELS in NORTH AMERICA, in 1827 and 1828. The THIRD EDITION, with Additions. In three vols. price L.1, 11s. 6d. with a coloured map. To which is added, an Appendix, on the use of the CAMERA LUCIDA.


FORTY ETCHINGS, Illustrative of the TRAVELS, taken with the CAMERA LUCIDA. By Captain HALL. Royal 4to, price 10s. 6d.

"Colonel Davies said, he thought great benefit would result to our Penitentiary discipline, if we acted upon the system adopted in the United States. Many useful hints on these topics might be taken from the work of Captain BASIL HALL ON AMERICA."-Debate in the House of Commons, 21st May, 1830.

"Captain Hall's descriptive Views look almost as if thrown out by some happy mechanical aid, corresponding to that of his Camera Lucida." Edinburgh Review, Sept. 1829.

"Captain Hall's book may probably do good in America; we hope it will but we are quite sure it must do so here. The common-sense views he has taken, the penetration he has exhibited in sifting facts, and the powerful scrutiny he has exercised, give to his communications a very uncommon character both of interest and information."-Quarterly Review, Nov. 1829.

Sir Walter Scott's
Miscellaneous Prose Works.

6 vols. 8vo, L.3, 12s.

CONTENTS:-Vol. I. Life of Dryden.-Vol. II. Life of Swift.-Vol. III. Biographical Memoirs of Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, Cumberland, Goldsmith, Johnson, Sterne, Mackenzie, Walpole, Reeve, Radcliffe, Le Sage, Johnstone, Bage.-Vol. IV. Biographical Memoirs of Charlotte Smith, Sir Ralph Sadler, Dr Leyden, Miss Seward, De Foe, the late Duke of Buccleuch, Lord Somerville, King George III., Lord Byron, the Duke of York. Vol. V. Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk, Abstract of the EYRBIGGIA SAGA.-Vol. VI. Essays on Chivalry, Romance, the Drama.

Sir Walter Scott's

Tales of a Grandfather.

TALES of a GRANDFATHER. Being Stories from the History of Scotland. First Series. 3 vols. 10s. 6d.

TALES of a GRANDFATHER. 2d Series. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. TALES of a GRANDFATHER. 3d Series. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. * This popular work contains the most comprehensive view of Scottish History that has yet appeared.

TALES of a GRANDFATHER. Being Stories from the History of France. 3 vols. 10s. 6d.

Mrs Dalgairns' Cookery.

ADAPTED TO EVERY-DAY LIFE. A New Edition. 7s. 6d. "Mrs Dalgairns is more practical, more varied, and more suited to what we may call the practical readers of such works, than either Dr Kitchiner's Oracle, or our friend of the Cleikum Inn. It is this character of utility which appears to us to constitute its value, and we have no doubt will prove its passport to extensive circulation. One decided improvement on former works has been adopted by Mrs Dalgairns: It consists in prefixing to each chapter of her work the useful preliminary remarks relative to the subject of the chapter, instead of giving all these remarks in the shape of an introduction at the beginning of the book." -Scots Times.

"Mrs Dalgairns has not the racy wit, it is true, of Meg Dods, but her book is in every respect as practically useful."-Edin. Observer.

"We consider we have reason strongly to recommend Mrs Dalgairns' as an economical, useful, and practical System of Cookery, adapted to the wants of all families, from the tradesman to the country gentleman. It is not a gourmand's book, nor does it pretend to be, and though we shall not put away Rundell and Kitchiner for Mrs Dalgairns, she is far more copious than they are, far more various, and to us more novel."-Spectator, 13th June.

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