Imágenes de páginas

two joints; so that, as the sides of rivers are generally sloping, the two extremities of the rod may lie on either bank, while the central part keeps its horizontal position on the bed of the river. To this road are attached a number of creepers, at the end of small chains, about a foot asunder. This instrument, towed by a small boat, will, it is conceived, completely search the bed and banks of any small river.

African Expedition.-Accounts have been received from Lieutenant Campbell, on whom devolved the command of the expedition for Exploring the Joliba or Niger River, on the death of Major Peddie, stating his arrival at the head of the river Nunez, whence he intended proceeding across the mountains towards Bammakoo, the place at which Mr Park embarked; on the surface of which Lieutenant Campbell and his companions are in all probability at this


Earthquakes. The following is an enumeration of earthquakes felt in different parts of the world since the first of January


Jan. 13. In the Gulf Stream.

17. At Chamouny, in Switzerland.
19. At the same place.

20. At the same place, and also at
Alcocer, in Spain.

Feb. 11.



At the same place.

the expense of raising them will proba bly be not more than one-fifth part of the money.

Saturday, the 10th ult. Mr Moir exhibited a model of a machine before the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, for impelling a vessel against the stream, without the application of sails, oars, or steam.

Bath Literary and Philosophical Society.-March 17.-Mrs Grose favoured the Society with some specimens of the Cicada mannaferens, or locust of New South Wales, and likewise of the wild honey or manna deposited by that animal on a large Forest tree called the Eucalyptus. This insect continues but a short time in its winged state; it was first observed in November 1800, by Colonel Paterson, in the pupa state, and on the same day it appeared with its wings through an opening in the back of the outer covering; it was then in a very weak state, and slowly left its original abode. The rapidity with which the insect enlarges after this is surprising; in the course of a few hours it can fly to the top of the tallest eucalyptus, which generally grows to the height of sixty or seventy feet. On this tree Colonel Paterson first discovered the manna in great quantities, apparently produced by these insects. It may be collected both in a liquid and in a saccharine state: the inhabitants gathered it, and used it for some

18. At Madrid, Barcelona, Lerida, time as sugar, but soon discovered that

and Saragossa.

March 11. At Lyons.

15. At Chamouny, and Messina, in

18. At Madrid, Pampeluna, and
several other parts of Spain.
22. At Pampeluna.

26.) At Frascati, Gensano, and
other adjacent places in Italy.

26.S One shock particularly vio


28. At Chamouny.
30. ditto.

31. ditto.

April 1.


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ditto, very violent, direction from north to south. (Day not mentioned) At Palermo.

A gentleman at Blackheath has found that alcohol and snow, or ice mixed to gether, form an absorbent of such capacity, that the temperature of snow, when the alcohol is not very strong, is reduced from 32° to 17°.

Orders have gone down to Plymouth for the Resolute bell-vessel to repair to Portsmouth, in order that the state of the Royal George may be ascertained, preparatory to the removal of her hull, either together or in pieces. Her remains are estimated to be worth £56,000, while

it possessed in some degree the quality of manna. The extraordinary noise these little creatures make is deserving of notice: the males first begin with a note similar to that of the land-rail, and repeat it for several times; at length the females join, when the combination of notes exactly resembles the noise of grind. ing knives or razors; and hence the insect is popularly known by the name of the razor-grinder. It makes its appear

ance about the end of November, and early in January deposites its eggs in the ground. The larva is perfect in September, when it is formed into the pupa, in which state it remains until November. There is a species of the insect in New South Wales of the same appearance, and which make the same sort of noise, but produces no manna.

The university of Cambridge has recently received a gift of £20,000 from an unknown individual, who is stated to be on the verge of concluding a century, and who has adopted this plan in preference to a testamentary bequest, as the legacy duty is thereby saved. The gift is expressly to St Peter's College; the Master and Fellows of which, it is said, intend to expend the interest of the sum in founding some new Scholarships, and

augmenting the income of some of the poorer fellowships.

The Rev. Robert Tyrwhitt, of Jesus College, Cambridge, has bequeathed to that university £1000 navy five per cents, for the promotion of Hebrew learning.

The Rev. Dr Charles Burney, and the Rev. John Cleaver Banks, trustees of a certain fund appropriated to the use of the late Professor Porson during his life, have conferred to the university of Cambridge, £400 navy five per cent. stock, the interest of which is annually to be employed in the purchase of a book or books, to be given to the resident under-graduate who shall make the best translation of a proposed passage in Shakspeare, Ben Jonson, Massinger, or Beaumont and Fletcher, into Greek verse.

The passage fixed upon for the present year is the second part of Henry IV. act third, scene first, beginning with "O Sleep," and ending with "Deny it to a King."

The List of Publications entered at Stationers' Hall, has made its appearance, in 26 folio pages, for the year since June last. Above three-fourths of these have been demanded by the ten Universities, and Libraries entitled thereto. It appears that Trinity College, Dublin, and the Scottish Advocates' Library, are the only two institutions which do not demand novels and music.

We may soon expect to be gratified by the commencement of the Grand National monument, which is finally determined on, upon the design of Mr Wilkins, author of the Antiquities of Magna Græcia, and M.A. of Cambridge. There was a choice of two hundred designs, and the expense is estimated at £200,000.


A translation into French of the "Tales of my Landlord" has just been published at Paris, in 4 vols 12mo.

Les Archives des découvertes et inventions pendant l'année 1816, lately published at Paris, contain accounts of the discoveries of M. Gay-Lussac on the combinations of azote and oxygen, and on prussic acid: of those of M. Poisson on the theory of the tides; and of M. Biot on light. M. Biot, it appears, is making rapid advancement in the career of the illustrious Malus; and his invention of the fine instrument to which he has given the name of colorigrade, proves how eagerly he seeks to turn the results of his discoveries to purposes of


It is a well established principle, that three united agents concur in the destruc tion of alimentary substances-air, heat, and water; and that, by neutralizing one

of these agents, the action of the other two is paralysed. M. Fouque, jun. of Paris, is said to have succeeded in effecting this, by producing a vacuum in an apparatus, simple, easily used, and not expensive. He has made his apparatus of two sizes. One, which is intended to be kept in the kitchen to receive the dishes to be preserved, is made of a square piece of flat stone, thirteen inches in diameter. In this stone a circular groove is cut, and furnished with mastic (or lute); a cast-metal is fixed into the groove, and a hole is pierced in the top of the bell of one line in diameter. The other safe consists of a large earthen pot of a thin consistence, round the mouth of which a luted groove is cut, and a castmetal bell, with a hole in the top fitted into it, in the same manner as in the other safe. When the substances, which it is desired to preserve, have been placed in either of these safes, a little spunge is dipped into spirit of wine, of 33 degrees, then placed in a sauce upon the eatables, and afterwards set fire to by means of a match. A considerable dilation immediately takes place, which expels the atmospheric air; and in order to prevent its return into the apparatus, the hole in the top of the bell is quickly stopt with common wax. A small quantity of atmospheric air may perhaps get again into the bell; but not more, it is probable, than the combustion of the spirit of wine, not yet finished, will suffice to decompose, and convert into carbonic acid gas, the preservative property of which is well known.

A new census has been taken of the popu lation of Paris, which has been found to exceed 860,000 being 20,000 more than London within the bills of mortality.

Dr Esquirol has read to the Academy of Sciences of the Institute, a memoir on the kind of mental derangement to which he gives the name of hallucination, a new term, denoting a species of insanity, in which the patient receives, through one or more senses, those impressions which sight alone otherwise conveys. In support of the principles and considerations which he has developed, he adduces some very curious facts, and among others, the case of a person almost the only sign of whose derangement consisted in his hearing secret voices, which incessantly reproached him with something that he had done.

M. Laugier, who was the first that discovered the presence of sulphur and of chronium in aërolites has submitted to the Academy of Sciences a memoir, in which he proves, by the details of chemical analysis, the identity of the elements of those substances with the enormous masses of iron found in Siberia by Pallas, and which seem, in their composition and origin, to be like other masses found in

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different parts of the world, in the midst of vast plains from all the fossils of which they differ.


Perpetual Motion. To the many supposed solutions of the problem of perpetual motion, another has just been added by a M. Louis of Valence, formerly capHe has tain in the Neapolitan service. found, he says, means to raise a column of water strong enough to force another to the same height. Thus, when the impulse is once given, this machine will perpetually retain its action, if there exists a fluid which does not lose by evapora tion, or a material indestructible by use. One may however employ a quantity of water sufficient in play for several years. This same machine may be employed as the impelling power, for the production of various kinds of regular motions. The inventor proposes to adapt a clepsydra to it, and he is convinced, that, by means of a basin or reservoir, a private house might derive various advantages

from it."


Ancient Tombs. There has just been discovered at Baslieux, near Longwy, a considerable number of ancient tombs concealed under broad stones, the removal of which uncovers square compartments of brick-work. In each tomb was found a skeleton, rarely two, and several parts of arms, such as sabres, swords, javelins, An iron head arrows, daggers, axes, &c. of an arrow placed in the centre of a skull, is doubtless the sign of a combat. sign of christianity has been found among the numerous articles that have been collected. On a bas relief some persons think they recognise the principal Gallic Divinity, Mercury Teutates. According to appearances, it is thought that the time of the event which gave rise to these inhumations, may be fixed about the first irrup tions of the Vandals, in the beginning of the 15th century.

No less than five new epic poems are announced as being soon to enrich the literature of France. Their titles are PhilipAugustus, by Mr Perceval Grandmaison; The Maccabees, by Mr Raynouard; The Holy War, by Mr Fontanes; Tasso, by Mr Campenon; and Richard, by Madame

de Stael.


An ingenious mechanic in Holland invented, some years ago, a machine for deepening, and scouring canals, rivers, docks, ports, &c. which, at the depth of 12 or 20 feet, cuts up all sand, mud, or hard clay, with the greatest case. This machine can fill a mud-boat, containing

432 cubic feet, in the space of six or seven minutes with five to eight men, or with one horse power. It equally works at the borders or edges of rivers, the same as in the deep middle stream, clearing all away, or deepening as required.-Also, a mill for draining marshes, overflowed lands, &c. which it performs with such celerity, that, for example, in 1770 acres, there are 77,101,200 square feet, which, multiplied by four, the depth given, contains 308,404,800 cubic English feet, for the mass of water to be drained; this can be done with ease by one mill in 359 days, whatever the wind may be; and an instance has been known of its emptying the amazing quantity of 320 tons per

• minute.


It has been recently ascertained, that fogs contain a great portion of water, but not in a condensed state, being kept suspended by the opposed powers of the elec tric fluid with which it is charged. convincing proof of this was lately afford. ed by a curious meteorological occurrence in Westphalia, where the fog being driven by a gentle north-east wind against the trees, the electric fluid was attracted, condensation and congelation took place, and the largest trees were torn up by the roots, by the preponderating weight of ice upon

their branches.

Messrs Kauffmann, senior and junior, of Dresden, have exhibited four instruments composing an orchestra, which they call the Belloneon, the Cordalaudion, the Automaton Trumpeter, and the Harmonicord. The upper part of the Belloneon exhibits a trophy of arms, in the midst of which are placed twenty-four trumpets reversed; and the lower part encloses two kettle drums with their sticks. It executes flourishes and marches with extraordinary perfection. If it it contained other wind instruments, it might be compared with Mälzl's Panharmonicon, exhibited some time since in London and Paris. The Cordalaudion produces together and separately the sounds of the piano-forte, and of four flutes, which play with such precision and accuracy, that the illusion is complete. The Automaton gives out notes with double sounds. But these instruments, though highly curious, are surpassed by the Harmonicord. It is shaped like an upright piano-forte; a cylinder is adapted to it, and turns at a very small distance from the strings, which are the same as those of the piano. By pressing down the keys, which embrace four octaves and a half, the friction is effected

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Two pedals serve to make the rotation of the cylinder quicker or slower, and to render the vibration stronger or weaker. Under the hands of Messrs Kauffmann this instrument gives out sweeter tones than the Harmonica, and produces a truly celestial harmony.

Mr Menke of Berlin has invented a process for converting Mahogany saw-dust into a soft paste, which becomes harder by exposure to the atmosphere, and is susceptible of receiving and retaining the forms given to marble, wood, and bronze. This substance takes the most beautiful gilding, as well as the colour of bronze.

It is made

into candelabra, lustres, lamps, vases, statues, and all kinds of ornaments for furniture, which equal in elegance the finest works in bronze, and cost only one-eighth of the price.

The Catalogue of the late Leipsic Easter Fair occupies 330 octavo pages, being considerably thicker than of late years, a proof of the favourable influence of the present pacific state of affairs upon the branches of trade connected with literature and the sciences.


Sculpture, &c.-Rome, 27th March. The digging up of the very ancient Urns and Sarcophagi about Albano, is diligent ly continued. Their form is rude, representing sometimes little towers, sometimes strange little houses, in the shape of an oven. These are found, of every variety of size, filled with ashes and bones; and the opening is closed by a lid, which is fastened with brass pins. Round about, and also within some of them, are pieces of amber, little shields, swords, lances, and clasps of metal, pots, lamps, and tripods. The material of which these sarcophagi or urns are composed, is not burnt earth, but, according to appearance, a mixture of earth and mineral pitch, or coals. What is most remarkable is, that in order to find them, one must dig first through a layer of Peperino, and then a thick stratum of earth; so that it is evident that they have been buried under a stratum of lava, like Herculaneum and Pompeii. Now since, according to the tradition, Ascaneus founded his new city on the Lake of Castel Gondolfo, (the extinguished volcano of the place,) the antiquity of these things must be placed further back than the Trojan war, however averse one may be to allow this. The Archæological Society at Rome has already begun to examine all these remains; and we may expect very divided opinions, and violent disputes, on the subject.

A fragment of the Consular Annals was found at Rome, on the 29th of March, in

the ruins of the Temple of Castor. It corresponds with the tables that were found some time before, and deposited in the Capitol. They contain the names of eight of the Decemvirs, who were the authors of the law of the twelve tables.

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The following account of the manuscripts lately discovered, and published by Mr Mai of the Ambrosian Library at Milan, we give in his own words :-" Amongst the Bobian MSS," says he, "I found one which contains the works of the Christian poet Sedulius; and, while I was examining it very closely- O immortal God!' on a sudden I exclaimed, what is it that I see? Behold Cicero ! behold the light of Roman eloquence buried in unmerited obscurity! I recognise the lost orations of Tully, I perceive his eloquence flowing with godlike force from these fountains, abounding with sonorous words and noble sentiments.' By degrees the titles also of the works disclosed themselves in the margin of the MS. Judge with what rapture I was filled, when I detected large unpublished fragments of three orations of Cicero, to wit, pro Scauro, pro Tullio, and pro Flacco. They are written in large and beautiful characters, each page being divided into three columns. The oration pro Scauro, is surrounded with elegant scholia, of which some are written in very ancient, though minute, capital letters; others in a ruder hand, but still ancient, and, as it appears, from the same author. The writer of these scholia I suspect to have been Asconius Pædianus. For the style and complexion, and kind of writing, seem to point him out. The MS. is in octavo, because the monkish transcribers of Sedulius doubled the quarto leaves. The character of the Sedulius is of a very ancient form, but very different from that of the Cicero. It is the opinion of several antiquaries, that the former may be referred to the eighth century of the Christian era; and the latter to the second or third. The four books of Sedulius are mentioned in the ancient catalogue published by Muratori, and this Codex continues them, though in a mutilated state." These manuscripts formed part of the library of a convent at Bobio, in the Appennines, which had been purchased in the seventeenth century, and brought to Milan.


Madrid, April 29.-The king has consulted the academy of St Ferdinand on the best means of checking the inundation of ludicrous engravings, in which picturesellers carry on a traffic humiliating to the arts, and even to the nation. Objects the · most sacred, the King, all the august members of the Royal Family, are made the subject of such engravings, and are even transformed into caricatures. To avoid this

profanation, and on the report of the academy, it is ordered

1st, That individuals even of that body, or of whatever class they may be, shall not, in future publish any work of art, or of literature, without having the same first subnitted to censors, and obtaining the approbation of the academy.

2d, That those who are not members of

the academy, and not wishing to take the title of the same, shall be fined fifty ducats (about £6 sterling), in case they should presume to paint, engrave, or in any other manner give to the public the representations of sacred objects, or portraits of his Majesty, or of the persons of the Royal Family, without having previously obtained the consent of the academy.



Annals of the Fine Arts.-The Fourth Part of this work, which has been delayed beyond its usual time in consequence of the death of one of the proprietors, will be published early in June, and the succeeding parts as regularly as heretofore.

Dr Jackson is preparing for publication a Sketch of the History and Cure of Febrile Diseases; more particularly the Febrile Diseases of the West Indies, as they appear among the Soldiers of the British Army.

Mr Nichols will publish, in the course of the month, a Journal of a voyage to New Zealand in company with the Rev. Samuel Marsden; with an account of the state of that country.

A work on the Ruins of Gour is announced, which will be represented in 18 Views, with a Topographical Map; the whole compiled from the manuscripts and drawings of the late N. Creighton, Esq.

The ninth volume of the Poetical Register, containing above three hundred original and fugitive poems, and numerous criticisms on poetic and dramatic works, will appear this month. The tenth volume is in preparation.

The Lady's Receipt Book, containing a collection of valuable miscellaneous receipts and choice secrets, in useful, elegant, and ornamental cuts, by Wm Pybus, author of a Manual of Useful Knowledge, &c. will speedily appear.

Lectures on Scripture Doctrines are preparing by Dr Wm Bengo Collyer.

The Hon. Wm Herbert has nearly ready for publication, a new and corrected edition of the Muse Etonensis, with additional pieces.

Dr Montucci has in the press an Account of the Rev. Robert Morrison's Chinese Dictionary, and of his own. It will form a 4to volume, containing about 200 pages, on superfine vellum paper, with above 1000 engraved Chinese characters.

The Rev. T. F. Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron, which has been delayed by the

great increase of matter, is expected to appear in July.

Capt. C. Clarke of the Royal Artillery, has in the press a Summary of the State of Spain at the Restoration of Ferdinand VII.

A new work, in one volume 8vo, will shortly appear, entitled, " Authentic Memoirs of the Revolution in France, and of the Sufferings of the Royal Family;" deduced chiefly from accounts by eye-witnesses, which will exhibit, besides information from other sources, a combined narrative of details from MM. Hue, Clery, Edgeworth, and the lately published and interesting Journal of the Duchesse D'Angouleme.

Thomas Walter Williams of the Inner Temple, Esq. is printing a continuation of his compendious Abstract of all the Public Acts, on the same scale and plan as the acts passed anno 1816, which will be published immediately after the close of the present Session of Parliament.

We are extremely happy to hear that Miss Edgeworth has another work immediately forthcoming, consisting of two tales, Harrington and Ormond, forming, together, three volumes.

The third volume of the new edition of Wood's Athenæ Oxoniensis, with great additions, edited and continued by Mr Bliss, will be published the end of this month, closely printed in royal 4to. The fourth volume is in the press.

A small work of much utility will be published in a few days, entitled, Errors of Pronunciation, and Improper Expressions in current use, chiefly by the inhabitants of London; to which are added those in similar mis-use by the inhabitants of Paris.

A new Spanish and English Dictionary will be published within a few days, in which the number of additional words incorporated exceeds 50,000. It will be the most complete dictionary of any two languages extant.

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Mr Colburn has in the press a Transla tion of the very interesting Narrative of the

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