II. Fresh blows the wind, a western wind, And from the shores of Erin, Across the wave, a Rover brave Right onward to the Scottish strand The warriors leap upon the land, And hark! the Leader of the band Hath blown his bugle horn. Sing, mournfully, oh! mournfully, III. Beside a grotto of their own, But now, upstarting with affright Away they fly to left, to right— IV. Away the seven fair Campbells fly, And, over hill and hollow, With menace proud, and insult loud, The youthful Rovers follow. Cried they, "Your Father loves to roam : Enough for him to find The empty house when he comes home; For us your yellow ringlets comb, For us be fair and kind!" Sing, mournfully, oh! mournfully, The solitude of Binnorie. V. Some close behind, some side by side, They run, and cry, "Nay, let us die, A lake was near; the shore was steep; There never foot had been ; They ran, and with a desperate leap Nor ever more were seen. Sing, mournfully, oh! mournfully, VI. The stream that flows out of the lake, Have risen from out the deep: The fishers say, those sisters fair, Sing, mournfully, oh! mournfully, XIV. WHO fancied what a pretty sight Was it the humour of a child? Whose brows, the day that she was styled I asked 'twas whispered; The device That prompts such work, a Spirit strong, That gives to all the self-same bent Where life is wise and innocent. 1803. XV. THE REDBREAST AND BUTTERFLY. ART thou the bird whom Man loves best, The bird that comes about our doors And Russia far inland? The bird, who by some name or other * See Paradise Lost, Book XI., where Adam points out to Eve the ominous sign of the Eagle chasing "two Birds of gayest plume," and the gentle Hart and Hind pursued by their enemy. |