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Route 26–Philadelphia's Oldest Industries—63.5 m.

ber Street (13.9), was founded in 1778 by "Neck.” In 1847 the old mansion on the nursGodfrey Haga, the uncle of John Jordan, ery grounds at Twenty-third and Federal who succeeded to his uncle's business in Streets became a public school, and was 1793.

subsequently replaced by the present LandGodfrey Haga was an early philanthro- reth Public School building. pist, bequeathing a quarter of a million The Landreth nurseries have supplied dollars to the Moravian Church for mission

many of the fine trees that now embellish ary purposes, and $27,000 to Philadelphia the old country seats around Philadelphia. charities. The firm, through the associations Some of the oldest ashes, elms, birches, oaks, of John Jordan, became the fiscal agents for and buttonwoods still to be seen in Washthe Moravians in the United States for over ington and Independence Squares are fine a century. John Jordan's wife was a grand- examples of their trees, first planted about daughter of William Henry, of Lancaster, the beginning of the last century. The first Assistant Commissary-General of Pennsyl- David Landreth began in 1832 the issue of vania in the Revolutionary War, member of the Floral Magasine, the first agricultural the Continental Congress, and notable for his journal ever published in America. The early influence on the boy artist West, whose second David Landreth was one of the portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Henry are now founders in 1827 of the Pennsylvania Horin the possession of the Historical Society ticultural Society, the mother of all similar of Pennsylvania. A great grandson of the societies in the United States. Mr. Burnet Henrys was Dr. John W. Jordan, the dis- Landreth, grandson of the founder, and tinguished Librarian of the Historical So- head of the present company, was a moving ciety of Pennsylvania. One of the members spirit in the organization of the Association of the Jordan family for nearly thirty years of Centenary Firms and Corporations of was president of the Manufacturers National

the United States, organized in the office Bank.

of D. Landreth & Sons, Philadelphia, in The D. Landreth Seed Company, seed 1889, and became the first president of that farmers and merchants, whose nurseries are remarkable association of firms and cornow located at Bristol, Pa. (34.6), began porations established and conducted by the business in Philadelphia in 1784, when same family for over one hundred years. David Landreth, founder of the business, This association numbers eighty-seven esson of a Northumberland farmer, set him- tablishments, fifty of which are continued in self up here in the tree-growing business. Philadelphia. Mr. Landreth, who was Chief

The first business place was on High of the Bureau of Agriculture of the CentenStreet, on the present site of Nos. 1210 and nial Exposition, is the last surviving member 1212 Market Street, then a location well out of the group of officers who carried through in the country.

In 1789 the Landreth nurs- successfully the International Exposition of ery and seed garden was established in the 1876.

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Philadelphia's Oldest Industries—Complete List of Centenary Firms

The long list of business firms and industries in Philadelphia that have been in continuous existence for more than one hundred years is an honor roll of which the whole Nation may be proud. As one enthusiastic writer has said: “These houses date back long before the days of coal, gas, railroads, electricity, telephones or telegraphs—some long before the days of steam or banks, and even before there was a State of Pennsylvania. Some of them were old, very old, when the Nation was born. And they are in business to-day! What a background of traditions, of honest, worthy merchandising ! No other city in America ranks with Philadelphia in this regard.”

Following is the complete list for 1925 of Philadelphia's centenary firms, including the sixteen already described in detail:

1812 Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives

1687 The Francis Perot's Sons Malting Co.
1702 J. E. Rhoads & Sons, Leather.
1728 Franklin Printing Co., Printers.
1728 Saturday Evening Post, Magazine.
1738 Christopher Sower Co., Publishers.
1751 R. A. and J. J. Williams Co., Lumber.
1752 Phila. Contributionship Insurance Houses from

Loss by Fire.
1762 Wetherill & Bro., White Lead.
1771 The North American, Newspaper.
1772 John T. Lewis & Bros. Co., White Lead.
1774 Job T. Pugh, Inc., Augers.
1774 Robert Smith Brewery, Brewers.
1774 Geo. W. Bush & Sons Co., Transportation.
1778 W. H. and F. Jordan, Jr., Chemicals and Oils.
1781 Bank of North America and Trust Co.
1783 Francis Rawle, Lawyer.
1784 D. Landreth Seed Co., Seeds.
1784 The Mutual Assurance Co., Insurance.
1785 Lea & Febiger, Publishers.
1788 Joseph Oat & Sons, Coppersmiths.
1790 Shryock Bros., Paper.
1790 Nathan Trotter & Co., Tin Merchants.
1791 T. S. Johnson Sons Co., Roofers.
1792 J. B. Lippincott Co., Publishers.
1792 Insurance Co. of North America, Insurance.
1792 Thomas & George Ross, Lawyers.
1793 Harrison Bros. & Co., White Lead.
1793 Harry L. Buckius, Meats.
1794 The Insurance Company of the State of Penn-

sylvania. 1794 Charles Warner Co., Transportation. 1798 J. Gibson McIlvain Co., Lumber. 1800 Brown Brothers & Co., Bankers. 1800 Kirk and Nice, Undertakers. 1803 Philadelphia National Bank, Bankers. 1803 R. D. Wood & Co., Iron Merchants. 1804 Charles Eneu Johnson & Co., Inks. 1804 E. W. Woolman, Milk. 1805 Samuel T. Freeman & Co., Auctioneers. 1806 William and Harvey Rowland, Inc., Springs. 1807 C. Bockius Co., Glased Kid. 1807 H. M. and C. B. Siner, Brick Manufacturer. 1807 George D. Wetherill & Co., White Lead. 1808 John R. McFetridge & Sons, Printers. 1810 George C. Child & Son, Jewelers. 1810 N. and G. Taylor Co., Inc., Tin Plate. 1811 Edward K. Tryon Co., Firearms.

and Granting Annuities. 1812 Proctor & Schwarz, Inc., Woolen Machinery. 1812 Janney Lumber Co., Lumber. 1813 Frank A. Hookey, Undertaker. 1813 William Whitaker & Sons, Cotton Goods. 1814 H. O. Hurlburt & Sons, Wholesale Jewelers. 1814 National Bank of Germantown. 1814 George P. Pilling & Son Co., Surgical In

struments. 1815 The Edwards China Co., China and Glassware. 1815 Horace T. Potts & Co., Iron and Steel. 1815 C. Schrack & Co., Varnishes and Colors. 1815 Adam Pfromm & Co., Wholesale Drugs. 1816 Belz-Duncan Co., Electrotypers. 1816 William H. Horstmann Co., Uniforms. 1816 Philadelphia Saving Fund Society. 1816 Armstrong, Wilkins & Co., Shoe Manufactur

ing Goods. 1817 Monroe Bros. & Co., Boots and Shoes. 1817 William Barnett & Sons, Starch. 1817 Fire Association of Philadelphia. 1818 Powers, Weightman, Rosengarten Co.,

Chemists. 1818 Riggs & Bro., Jewelers. 1819 George D. Feidt & Co., Chemicals and Labora

tory Supplies. 1819 Charles Lennig & Co., Inc., Manufacturing

Chemists. 1820 H. W. Butterworth & Sons Co., Machinery. 1820 Hastings & Co., Gold Leaf. 1820 Wm. F. Murphy's Sons Co., Stationers. 1821 Horrocks & Bro., Dye Works. 1821 Edwin A. Smith & Son, Builders Supplies. 1822 R. R. Bringhurst & Co., Inc., Undertakers. 1822 Douredoure Brothers, Merchants. 1822 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. 1822 Bullock Brothers, Wool. 1823 E. Bradford Clarke Co., Groceries. 1823 John B. Ellison & Sons, Cloths and Woolens. 1824 Jacob Reed's Sons, Clothing. 1824 John Sidebotham, Inc., Tapes. 1825 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company,

Insurance 1825 Southwark National Bank. 1825 Walter F. Einwechter, Bricklayer. 1825 Riehle Brothers Testing Machine Co.,




Occupying 923 acres, the largest Navy Yard in the world, with its monster drydocks and mammoth machine-shops, League Island is one of the won-
ders of the nation. South Broad Street runs through it, terminating at the Delaware River. At the left is League Island Park and directly opposite
the site of the new Municipal Stadium, both included in the Sesqui-Centennial Exposition Grounds. Go south from City Hall on Broad Street to 3.7 m.,
entrance to Navy Yard.

The National Government in Philadelphia

The historic memorials of the United States Government in Philadelphia include many places besides Independence Hall, Congress Hall, Old City Hall, and Carpenters' Hall, -already described. In addition to the Post Office and the Custom House, numerous national institutions in Philadelphia have seen daily service almost from the foundation of the government. Here are the Philadelphia Navy Yard, League Island, the oldest navy yard in the United States and the largest in the world; the historic Schuylkill Arsenal, the bulwark of every war in the nation's history since the Revolution; the Philadelphia Quartermaster's Depot, where the modern Betsy Ross still makes “Old Glory"; the United States Mint, the first and oldest in America, and the largest in output in the world; and the Frankford Arsenal, where the manufacture of arms and ammunition has been carried on for over a century. The mileage from the City Hall, and necessary directions how to reach each of these places of importance, will be found under the illustrations.


OME of the activities of Uncle Sam in ful in carrying out whatever trips are made:

Philadelphia may be classified among The Philadelphia Navy Yard, League Island, the wonders of the nation and the world. The at the end of south Broad Street, is the largest sight-seer in making trips should follow the navy yard in the world. It occupies 923 bent of his interests as well as the necessities acres. During the last months of the war its of the time at his disposal. The Philadelphia average daily population was 25,000. Its Navy Yard, the making of “Old Glory" at monster dry-dock is the biggest in the world, the Quartermaster's Depot, and the United accommodating vessels 1000 feet long. Its States Mint should not be missed.

equipment of great shops and ways, and The following summaries will be found use- powerful machinery, includes all the marvels


THE MODERN BETSY ROSS AT WORK ON “OLD GLORY" At the Philadelphia Depot of the Quartermaster's Department, Twenty-first and Oregon Avenue, are made all the flags used by the United States Army. Go south on Broad Street from City Hall to Oregon Avenue 2.3, turning right. At 2.8 turn left; at 2.9, right. Entrance to Depot 3.0 m.


GATEWAY TO THE SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL, 1799 At No. 2620 Gray's Ferry Road is the oldest landmark of the National Government in Philadelphia. Go south on Broad Street from City Hall to South Street, 0.5, turning right. At 23rd Street, 1.2, turn left onto Gray's Ferry Road. At 1.8, entrance to Arsenal.

of naval construction. Its naval aircraft Schuylkill Arsenal, are made "Old Glory" factory was one of the wonders of the war. and all the flags used by the United States A regiment of marines is always stationed at Army. In 1906 the Schyulkill Arsenal the yard, and usually there are as many as became officially known as the Philadelphia 7000 sailors. When the yard was first re- Depot of the Quartermaster's Department. opened to visitors after the war nearly 100,000 During the World War the designation became persons passed through the gates in one day. the Philadelphia Quartermaster Intermediate

League Island itself was first put upon a Depot, coincident with the opening of the map by the Swedish engineer Peter Lind- extensive new plant at Twenty-first and strom in 1654-55. It was bought by the city Oregon, occupying sixty-six acres. With the of Philadelphia in 1862, and presented to the opening of the new depot, the manufacturing United States Government for a new navy and other activities formerly centered at the yard. The old Navy Yard was located on old arsenal were transferred to the new plant. the Delaware at the foot of Federal Street, The making of “Old Glory" at the Philaand for nearly a century was the only navy delphia Depot is a stirring sight not to be yard of the United States. It was originally missed. Thirteen operations are now necesthe site of the shipyard of Joshua Humphries, sary to the manufacture of the once handwho built the frigate United States, and who made Stars and Stripes. After inspection the became the nation's first naval constructor. bunting is marked and cut with an electric

The Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot, driven cutting machine into strips of two Twenty-first Street and Oregon Avenue, lengths for making the flag. One hundred the modern home of the modern "Betsy stripes are cut in a single operation. The Ross." Here, in the successor of the historic blue field for the stars is cut in the same way.

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