Imágenes de páginas

must one day be followed by the first nation of the continent in endeavouring to separate Ireland from England; it will und must be that of France, if France is ever endangered by the policy of England."-vol. ii. p. 115.

We particularly recommend the last sentence to the consideration of those who do not hesitate still to support that system of exasperation, which at this time had nearly thrown Ireland into the hands of France, and which must always expose her to the solicitations of our enemies. The warning given by M. Mazure is not to be regarded as the threat of a demagogue.

While James was thus rendering Ireland a citadel for himself in case of distress, his lieutenant, Tyrconnel, was plotting to render that island a province of France. The account of this intrigue (taken from the letters of Bonrepaus) is so curious that we give it at length.

authorized, Bonrepaus lost no time, and Tyrconnel communicated to him that before a year was over, every thing should be prepared in Ireland, and that for that purpose he would send a secret agent to the court of France. As to Scotland, Bonrepaus, whose embassy in England was about to expire, again renewed his first propositions for the establishment of a republic there, and announced to the Marquis de Seignelay that he would discuss the subject with him verbally."-vol. ii. p. 288.

The proceedings in the case of Magdalen College perhaps tended more than any other act of the king to shake the foundation of his throne. Those proceedings are so fully related by our own historians, and may be found at such length in Mr. Howell's edition of the State Trials, that M. Mazure can scarcely be expected to throw any additional light on the subject. His account of the king's interview "The king's designs upon Ireland embraced with the fellows at Oxford, taken from the a period of five years. That time appeared ne- correspondence of Bonrepaus, is however cucessary to him, in order to fortify that king- rious, not only as a proof of the fidelity with dom, and to prepare an asylum in it for the which the French agents transmitted to their Catholics, independent of his successor, if the court intelligence of important occurrences, Prince of Orange succeeded to him. But the but as showing that, even in the opinion of his Duke of Tyrconnel had views of less distant | French friends, the conduct of James was concompletion. An English nobleman who pos- sidered not only as rash, but as destructive of sessed his entire confidence, and who treated the ends which he himself had in view. It apwith the king respecting all the affairs of Ire- pears also, from Bonrepaus' account of this inland, made a proposal to Bonrepaus to repair terview, that James was so transported with anto Chester. Tyrconnel had allowed him to open ger, that he was even obliged to retire in order his mind to him. The plans of the viceroy,' to calm himself. An attack like this upon the he said, 'were subordinate to the life of James rights of the university at once roused the inII., and he was taking measures under all cir- dignation of the churchmen, who only submitcumstances to place himself under the protected under the influence of actual compulsion. tion of the King of France. Meanwhile he was warmly urging the King of England to form magazines of arms and ammunition of every description; and already a vessel had just been sent to Ireland laden with gunpowder and howitzers.' Bonrepaus, who had not yet received the answer of the Marquis de Seignelay, durst not venture to repair to Chester, and to expose himself unauthorized to such confidential communications. Shortly afterwards he received from France the requisite powers. 'His majesty,' said M. de Seignelay, regards the business as most important. If the person you mention has positive credentials from my Lord Tyrconnel, you may tell him that the king assents to the propositions which he makes, and that in the event of the death of the King of England, if he should be strong enough to keep his ground in Ireland, he may rely on considerable succours from his majesty, who will give orders for preparing whatever is necessary at Brest for that purpose. But as a matter of that importance demands the closest secrecy, it is proper that you should assure him that M. de Barillon shall know nothing of it, (Tyrconnel's agent was too closely connected with Sunderland,) and that you take measures for opening a direct corres-plicated in an attempt, contemplated in the pondence with Lord Tyrconnel, in order that we may, if necessary, settle with him as to the conditions under which his majesty might grant him his demands and the necessary assistance in order to maintain the Catholic religion in Ireland, and separate that kingdom from the rest of England, in the event of a Protestant prince succeeding to the throne.' Thus

While the domestic policy of the king was thus imprudent and dangerous, he was not more successful in his relations with foreign powers. Notwithstanding the incessant protestations of friendship and affection which he lavished upon the French king, he yet failed to secure the confidence of that sovereign, who, as appears from the diplomatic correspondence of the time, placed no kind of reliance on the good faith of his ally. With the States James had indeed a difficult part to act; and, with a singular want of discretion, he confided his interest there to the hands of D'Albeville-—a man of the most corrupt principles and of the most shallow capacity. The intrigues and mistakes of this miserable person are exposed at length in the narrative of M. Mazure, who is particularly full, as might be expected, in his relation of James's foreign policy. In his conduct towards the Prince of Orange, James was singularly unfortunate. Neither confiding in him nor defying him, he pursued towards him that temporising system which demonstrated his sense of his own weakness. So destructive, indeed, was the existence of the prince to the views entertained by James, that M. Mazure is inclined to believe that the king was im

early part of the year 1688, against the life of the prince. The particulars of this transaction, which, as M. Mazure informs us, is only to be traced in the correspondence of Davaux, are so interesting that we do not hesitate to lay them before our readers.

"A native of Osnaburg, named Grousfeldt," says Davaux, "applied to him (the Prince of

Orange) for a protection in order to disclose to him a plan formed against his life. This man was brought before him, and deposed, that being in a state of extreme wretchedness at Amsterdam, and mortified at finding himself reduced to beggary, after having served so long during the war, he was frequently giving vent to his despair, and saying that he was ready to undertake any thing. One day a stranger, overhearing him talk in this manner, gave him some money. Shortly afterwards, he said, this stranger offered to make his fortune, if he would undertake to poison the person whom he would name to him. Grousfeldt, having assented to the proposition, received next day a phial of poison. The stranger told him that this poison neither altered the taste nor the colour of wine; and that he must make the experiment of its effects on his landlord, who would die of it in two hours. 'This man,' said the stranger to him, 'is a poor wretch, too obscure to make his fate excite any notice; if you make a trial of the poison upon him this very evening, to-morrow morning a person wearing a white plume will bring you two hundred guineas, and will give you every security for receiving ten thousand, if you poison the Prince of Orange. Grousfeldt took the phial, and went to his lodging; but being seized with remorse, he departed the next day, and returned to his native country, from whence he wrote to the Prince of Orange for the means of coming and making this disclosure.

"The Prince," observes M. Mazure, "had treated this information with utter contempt, thinking that, in all probability, Grousfeldt had merely hatched this plot out of his own brain, in order to obtain some reward; but at the last Hague fair, Grousfeldt felt himself struck in the crowd, and called out, 'I am wounded:' he had actually received a thrust of a stiletto in the loins, of an inch deep.

"This event naturally attracted the attention of the Prince of Orange. The police made inquiries, to ascertain if it was true that Grousfeldt had dined, in the tavern which he mentioned, with the person whose description he had given, and who had paid his reckoning. 'This was all the clue that they could have,' says the Count Davaux, 'as Grousfeldt had declared that he had no knowledge of where this stranger lived: he neither knew his name nor his country; he only said, that the stranger spoke French badly, and he thought him an Englishman.'

"Count Davaux, who relates these facts, examines the circumstances which can throw any reasonable doubts on the existence of a plot for assassinating the Prince of Orange. How is it that Grousfeldt did not seek to make himself better acquainted with the name, residence, and country of the stranger? Having taken the poison, and having been touched with remorse so immediately afterwards, why did not he immediately go and reveal it to the prince, or at least to a magistrate? Why did not he keep the poison? But,' adds the count, 'as men do not always act with presence of mind on such occasions, no certain inference can be thence derived. Besides, according to Grousfeldt's declaration, the stranger, on being informed next day that the promised trial had

not been made, had urged him to keep his promise, and threatened him that if he failed, he would learn to his cost that communications of this nature were not made with impunity, and it was in consequence of this menace that Grousfeldt finally quitted Amsterdam that very day.'

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"After all these details, Count Davaux adds, but in cypher, a private circumstance connected with the Marquis d'Albeville; I have learned from him that an Englishman residing at Amsterdam had been security for Grousfeldt; that this same Englishman came to the Marquis de'Albeville last week (Letter of May 31,) and informed him of the whole affair, at which he was alarmed, because they had come to interrogate him as to his motives for becoming security for this man.'

"Čount Davaux gives no farther details, and the only result of this mysterious affair was to afford the Prince the opportunity of having guards assigned him when he quitted the Hague to go to his castle at Loo.

"No doubt, we may venture to say with the Count Davaux, that this conspiracy against the life of the Prince of Orange was only imaginary; no other trace of it is discoverable than that which is afforded by his own correspondence, and the enemies of the English monarch did not venture to charge him with this. But in times of political or religious fanaticism there are men to be found who hold the execrable maxim, that killing is no murder. It is quite certain, that after the Revolution was completed, there were real conspiracies against William's life, with which there are undeniable proofs that King James was acquainted, and that if he did not authorize or approve them, he at least tolerated them."-vol. ii. p. 420.

M. Mazure then refers to a note at the conclusion of his History which we shall have occasion to mention hereafter.

The obscurity in which this transaction is enveloped, will probably never be removed; but there are some circumstances not noticed by M. Mazure, which render the affair still more singular. He does indeed allude to a previous attempt upon the person of the Prince, contemplated by a gentleman of Piedmont who had killed his colonel." The same design is mentioned by Burnet; but there was, we believe, no particular narrative of it published, until Mr. Seward, in the fourth volume of his "Anecdotes of distinguished Persons," printed an original letter from Nicolas Facio, the celebrated mathematician, containing an account of the proposed attempt, communicated to Facio by the Piedmontese gentleman" himself, Count Fenil. This person, having killed his commanding officer, fled from the French service into which he had entered; but being desirous of returning, he addressed a letter to Louvois, the French minister, proposing to seize the Prince of Orange and deliver him into the hands of the French. Louvois received the proposal with eagerness, wrote to Fenil a letter in his own hand (which was seen by Facio) holding out the greatest promises, and desiring him to come to Paris. These facts were, strangely enough, communicated to Facio, who acquainted Burnet with them, under a promise of secrecy, and ultimately in.

formed the Prince himself, who, in consequence, suffered himself to be attended with a guard. The above is the outline of Facio's narrative, which agrees with Burnet's short relation of the same affair. What became of Fenil does not appear. Six years after the discovery of this attempt, (viz. in 1692,) another conspiracy was formed against the life of William. The account of it given by Burnet is, that one Grandval had been in treaty with Louvois to perpetrate this act, and that on Louvois' death his son found a memorandum of the design amongst his father's papers, and sending for Grandval persuaded him to renew it. However, before the attempt could be accomplished, it was discovered, and Grandval, being seized, was tried in Flanders by a courtmartial, and executed. The whig writers have not hesitated to assert James's participation in this scheme. Of the justice of such an accusation it is difficult to form an opinion; but from all the circumstances of the case we are inclined to think that these designs originated with the French Court rather than with James. It does not seem improbable that Fenil, and Grousfeldt, and Grandval, were one and the same person. We know that Count Fenil communicated his design by letter to Louvois, and that it was amongst his papers that the plan of the proposed assassination was found, on which Louvois the younger proceeded in 1692. The name of Grousfeldt too would be easily converted by the French into Grandval; but, after all, this is and must be merely matter of speculation.

There are, unfortunately, more substantial grounds for believing that James was implicated in the conspiracy against William, discovered in the year 1696, and for which several persons were tried and suffered. The most important evidence of James's guilt has been brought to light by M. Mazure, who has devoted a note at the conclusion of his volume to the subject. The account given of the transaction by James himselft is as follows:

"That about the end of the year 1693, a proposal had been made to the King, by one newly come out of England, of seizing and bringing away the Prince of Orange, and of making a rising in and about London, but his Majesty would not hear of it, looking upon the project as impracticable, and exposing his friends when he had no prospect of seconding them. The same thing some time after was proposed again, and again rejected; notwithstanding which, in the beginning of the year 1695, it was a third time moved by one Crosby, or Clench, who came from people that wished the king well (as he pretended), though another set of men than those the King had hitherto corresponded with; these persons, he said, made no doubt of seizing the Prince of Orange and bringing him off, but desired a warrant by his Majesty to empower them to do it; this the king again rejected, and charged him not to meddle in any such


James then proceeds to relate the manner in which Crosby disobeyed these injunctions, and excited Sir William Parkins, Charnock, and

* See Burnet and Kennett, vol. iii. p. 617, 644. t Life of James II. vol. ii. p. 545.

others, to the attempt in which they lost their lives. He then gives a narrative of Sir George Berkeley, and the commission which that person held from him, for the purpose of showing, that though he had authorized his adherents to levy war against William, he had never assented to the attempt upon his person.

In searching among the papers relating to James II., at Saint Germain, M. Mazure discovered a very extraordinary document, which necessarily raises a doubt as to the correctness of the above statement. The date (in pencil) was 1693, and it purported to be a commission from James II. It ran thus

"You are hereby authorized and required to seize and secure the person of the Prince of Orange, and to bring him before us, taking to your assistance such others of our faithful subjects in whom you may have the most confidence; and we order and command all such lieutenants, deputy lieutenants, mayors, sheriffs, and other officers, civil and military, to be assistant to you in the due execution of these presents, and for your so doing this shall be your warrant."

In the margin of the same paper is written"Prendre l'ordre du Roi pour écrire au Gouverneur de Boulogne en faveur du Sieur C.”

From a letter given by M. Mazure, there appears to be little doubt that the Sieur C. was the Crosby whose offers are said by James to have been rejected by him; and if that be correct, it is difficult to reconcile the existence of the document discovered at St. Germain, with the statement in James's memoirs. It is possible, indeed, that although the draft of the commission may have been prepared, the scruples which James professes may have operated to prevent the completion of the instrument. It is certain that all the conspirators who suffered in 1696, denied at the scaffold, that the commission under which they acted contained any authority to seize the person of William.

The interesting nature of the inquiry will excuse the above digression; but we shall now resume the narrative of M. Mazure, with his spirited picture of the trial of the seven bishops. He has, however, brought to light no new facts, and we only advert to the subject, for the purpose of giving an extract from a letter to Barillon, who seems to have been quite convinced that the bishops and their councils were in the right.


It seems," says the ambassador, speaking of the trial, "as if there had been a sort of trial of strength between the two parties, and that the popular cause has completely triumphed over that of the king. The counsel for the bishops seized the opportunity which was offered thein for agitating the question of the dispensing power. They maintained that this power could never be granted to the king, without entirely overturning the laws and the established forin of government, which is at an end if the laws can be suspended by any other power than that which made them, namely, the Parliament. This doctrine was received with universal applause and great acclamation. The advocates of the royal prerogative were not prepared to reply, or to refute the arguments brought for ward by the most learned lawyers of England. who were opposed to them."-vol. ii. p. 469.

The birth of the Prince of Wales, which happened two days after the bishops had been committed to the Tower, hastened the crisis of James's fortunes; and the event which he had so long and so earnestly desired as that which was to strengthen and confirm his power, was in fact the immediate cause of his overthrow. The enemies of Catholicism, who had looked with hope and confidence to the Protestant heirs, now beheld themselves deprived even of this remote consolation, and in their dread of a Popish successor, they did not hesitate to invite the immediate interposition of the Prince of Orange. With consummate skill and caution that able statesman had prepared himself and his resources for this great emergency, and the call of the English nation for deliverance found a prompt answer. Never was so bold and so noble an enterprise achieved with more wisdom and valour. Although himself exposed to the vigorous assaults of France, William successfully protected the States against the menaced danger, and left himself free for the accomplishment of his great task in England. While thus, on the one hand, all that prudence could suggest and energy exccute was pressed into the service of the Prince, the proceedings of James were marked with an imbecility and an inertness which almost amounted to infatuation. Undecided whether to press forward or to retrace his fatal footsteps, James ferme dans ses irresolutions, to use a phrase of M. Mazure, seemed willing to persuade himself that the threatened danger would yet pass away. Though forewarned, both by the French ambassador and by D'Albeville, of the preparations making in Holland, which it was but too obvious were destined for England, he still persisted in asserting that the Prince would not venture upon so perilous an enterprise; and when Louis XIV. menaced the States with war in case an attempt should be made upon England, James had the folly to resent as impertinent an interference upon which all his hopes must have depended. And yet there was in this some show of royal feeling not unbecoming a king of England :-"I need not a protector," said he to Van Aters, the ambassador of the States; "I have no wish to be treated like the Cardinal of Furstemberg" a creature of Louis XIV.) But upon whom was he to rely? He had alienated the affections of the great majority of his people; he had offended the Church of England, fill in the extremity of her wrath she forgot even her own principles of non-resistance; he had failed to conciliate the sovereign pontiff, who, in common with all the moderate and sensible

Catholics of England, looked with regret upon measures so little calculated to promote the true interests of the Church of Rome. Under these circumstances, France seemed the only power to which James could turn with confidence for assistance and support, and yet he slighted the efforts thus made by Louis in his favour; nay, as the danger approached nearer, he abandoned altogether the idea of succours from that sovereign, and endeavoured to coneiliate the States, by expressing his readiness to join with them in preserving the peace of Nimeguen. The memoir which James despatched at this period to the States, given by

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M. Mazure from the correspondence of Barillon, is a very remarkable document, and betrays the extremity to which the king was reduced. In consequence of the adoption of this line of policy by James, Louis XIV. suspended his intention of declaring war against the States a fact which is now for the first time brought to light. At the same time we cannot altogether coincide with our author in the eulogy which he takes this occasion of passing upon the magnanimity of Louis XIV. whose conduct in this affair ought, he tells us, to inspire us with veneration for his character. That Sovereign was fully aware that it deeply interested himself to preserve the crown of England upon the brows of James, and in forbearing at this time to press his warlike designs against Holland, he was doubtless governed by the expectation that James would probably, by his new policy, be enabled to prevent the threatened descent of the Prince of Orange. Had Louis at once declared war against the States, it would have been impossible that the repudiation by James of a connexion with France could have gained any credit, and the design of the Prince of Orange upon England would have been forwarded with double vigour. The cautious policy of the two monarchs was doomed to be unsuccessful, and the fair promises of the king of England produced no change in the conduct of the States. Thus deprived alike of his hopes of succour from France, and of forbearance from Holland, James was driven to the unpalatable necessity of retracing those steps in his domestic policy which had led him to the brink of ruin. Even this attempt failed. Those measures of restitution, so grateful to the people, were attributed to his highness, and not to his majesty, whose good faith in retracting what had cost him so much to achieve was more than suspected. In this state of things the fleet of the Prince of Orange sailed for England.

When the intelligence of this hostile armament, and of its approach to the shores of England, reached the ears of the king, all brave men expected to see him hastening to meet the invaders at the head of his army. Now came the time when the reputation for courage, which he had, perhaps, not unjustly acquired, was to be put to the test. Energy, promptitude and resolution might yet preserve the throne, which was trembling beneath him. To place himself without delay in front of his troops, and to strike a speedy and vigorous blow, was the bold and wise exhortation of the French king.

"The more a king exhibits greatness of soul in peril," said Louis, in a letter to his ambassador, "the more he strengthens the fidelity of his subjects. Let the king of England exhibit the intrepidity which is natural to him, and he will make himself formidable to his enemies, and cause them to repent of their enterprise." vol. iii. p. 266.

Again, in a subsequent letter, Louis regretted that the king hesitated to take the personal command of his forces, and finding that he had resolved to place another person at their head, he offered to despatch to James's assistance, under the title of envoy extraordinary, a marshal of France, or a lieutenant general of his

army. This degrading proposition was made too late to be accepted, nor is it probable that the king would have assented to it, since it must have heightened that jealousy which the nation had already begun to entertain of a connexion with France.

In this state of supineness James suffered the Prince of Orange to land without opposition. The disaffected, whose spirits might have been awed by a show of resolution in the king, gathered fresh hopes from the success of his enemies. To forsake the banners of a king who did not venture to lead his followers to the field was not unnatural, and the example of Lord Cornbury was quickly followed. This was the last blow to all James's hopes. That army, which it had cost him so much to create, and which he had regarded as the great engine by which all his designs in the end were to be effected, was now converted into the instrument of his destruction. Desertion followed desertion; doubt and distrust of those who still gathered under his standards rendered every idea of effective resistance vain; and, without striking a single blow in his defence, James beheld his sceptre wrenched from his hands.

In estimating the character of this great transaction, and of those who played the principal parts in it, M. Mazure has, we think, displayed some harshness and injustice towards William. The circumstance of his relationship and near connexion with James appears to have had an undue weight upon the mind of the historian. It is well that the tender charities and affections of private life should in social intercourse be inviolably observed; but when the happiness and welfare of nations are thrown into the opposite scale, who can blame the man who yields to such paramount claims? In other respects also, the character of William seems to be displeasing to the historian; his imperturbable coldness, his utter want of vivacity, and perhaps, more than all, his irreconcileable aversion to France, have arrayed the prejudices of M. Mazure against him.

In closing the volume before us we cannot avoid expressing our regret, or rather our shame, that the literature of England possesses no worthy history of the greatest revolution ever wrought upon English soil. The public have long looked in vain for the performance of this task to the genius of Mackintosh; but we confess that there is another pen which we should even with more satisfaction see employed in tracing this neglected but noble history.

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