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tions of debate often change votes, and a ministry loses hold upon power as it loses hold upon the confidence of the Commons. It is, therefore, for these very simple and obvious reasons that the Parliamentary debates are read on this side of the water in preference to the Congressional debates, They affect the ministers, who are very conspicuous persons, and in whom, therefore, all the intelligent world is interested; and they determine the course of politics in a great empire.'

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Will Canada, as a part of that empire, consent to exchange that perfected system of Parliamentary Government, which, with other self-governing British communities, she has received from the hands of Great Britain, for a systen. which, on the testimony of even Americans themselves, is so full of serious drawbacks, and is so convenient to the organizers of the caucus, the convention, and the machine, to the lobbyist, the intriguer, and the demagogue? Rather let us maintain intact and in full working order that remarkable system, as John Morley calls it, which combines unity, steadfastness, and initiative in the executive, with the possession of supreme authority alike over men and measures *Congressional Government, p. 94-5.

by the House of Commons,* that whenever and so often as Providence sends us men of true light and leading, of statesmanlike gifts and capacious minds, they may find the appropriate. machinery ready to their hands, that devoting themselves to public life, they may gather up alike the reins of executive and legislative power, and guide a grateful and consentting nation forward along a well-ordered course of advancement and reform. Very foolish should we be if we ever allowed the good ship Canada to forsake that noble British squadron that, led by the flagship of Old England, passes down the stream of history under the Union Jack. Very foolish should we be, if we ever allowed any inducements to draw this country away from the broad current of British liberty and progressive development.

*Life of Walpole, p. 142.

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