OF GEOLOGY BY SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE, F.R.S. D.SC. CAMB., DUB.; LL.D. EDIN., ST. AND. CORRESPONDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, AND UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. ILLUSTRATED WITH WOODCUTS London MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. NEW YORK: MACMILLAN & CO. 1896 All rights reserved PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION THE present volume completes a series of educational works on Physical Geography and Geology, projected by me many years ago. In the Primers, published in 1873, the most elementary facts and principles were presented in such a way as I thought most likely to attract the learner, by stimulating at once his faculties of observation and reflection. The continued sale of large editions of these little books in this country and in America, and the translation of them into most European languages, leads me to believe that the practical methods of instruction adopted in them have been found useful. They were followed in 1877 by my Class-Book of Physical Geography, in which, upon as far as possible the same line of treatment, the subject was developed with greater breadth and fulness. This volume was meant to be immediately succeeded by a corresponding one on Geology, but pressure of other engagements has delayed till now the completion of this plan. So many introductory works on Geology have been written that some apology or explanation seems required from an author who adds to their number. Experience of the practical work of teaching science long ago convinced me that what the young learner primarily needs is a class-book which will awaken 541792 |