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decayed and fresh parts alike. But, besides being broken into pieces, the granite rots away and loses its cohesion. Some of the smaller pieces can be crumbled down between the fingers, and this decay increases upwards, until the rock becomes a mere sand or sandy clay in which a few harder kernels are still left. Into this soft layer roots may descend from the surface, and, like the sandstone, the granite merges above into the overlying soil (c).

Soil and Subsoil.-In such sections as the foregoing, three distinct layers can be recognised which pass into each other. At the bottom lies the rock, either undecayed or at least still fresh enough to show its true nature. Next comes the broken-up crumbling layer through which stray roots descend, and which is known as the subsoil. At the top lies the dark band, crowded with rootlets and forming the true soil. These three layers obviously represent successive stages in the decay of the surface of the land. The soil is the layer of most complete decay. The subsoil is an intermediate band where the progress of decomposition has not advanced so far, while the shattered rock underneath shows the earlier stages of disintegration. Vegetation sends its roots and rootlets through the rotted rock. As the plants die, they are succeeded by others, and the rotted remains of their successive generations gradually darken the uppermost decomposed layer. Worms, insects, and larger animals that may dic on the surface, likewise add their mouldering remains to this uppermost deposit. And thus from animals and plants there is furnished to the soil that organic matter on which its fertility so much depends. The very decay of the vegetation helps to promote that of the underlying rock, for it supplies various organic acids ready to be absorbed by percolating rain-water, the power of which to decompose rocks is thereby increased (p. 24).

It is obvious, then, that in answer to the question, What becomes of the rotted material produced by weathering? we may confidently assert that, over surfaces of land protected by a cover of vegetation, this material in large measure accumulates where it is formed. Such accumulation will naturally take place chiefly on flat or gently inclined ground. Where the slope is steep, the decomposed layer will tend to travel down-hill by mere gravitation, and to be further impelled downward by descending rain-water.

If there is so intimate a connection between the soil at the surface and the rock underneath, we can readily understand that soils should vary from one district to another, according to the nature of the underlying rocks. Clays will produce clayey soil, sandstones, sandy soil, or, where these two kinds of rock occur together, they may give rise to sandy clay or loam. Hence, knowing what the underlying rock is, we may usually infer what must be the character of the overlying soil, or, from the nature of the soil, we may form an opinion respecting the quality of the rock that lies below.

But it will probably occur to the thoughtful observer that when once a covering of soil and subsoil has been formed over a level piece of ground, especially where there is also an overlying carpet of verdure, the process of decay should cease the very layer of rotted material coming eventually to protect the rock from further disintegration. Undoubtedly, under these circumstances, weathering is reduced to its feeblest condition. But that it still continues will be evident from some considerations, the force of which will be better understood a few pages further on. If the process were wholly arrested, then in course of time plants growing on the surface would extract from the soil all the nutriment they could get out of it, and with the increasing impoverishment of the soil, they would dwindle away and finally die out, until perhaps only the simpler forms of vegetation would grow on the site. Something of this kind not improbably takes place where forests decay and are replaced by scrub and grass. But the long-continued vigorous growth of the same kind of plants upon a tract of land doubtless indicates that in some way the process of weathering is not entirely arrested, but that, as generation succeeds generation, the plants are still able to draw nutriment from fresh portions of decomposed rock. A cutting made through the soil and subsoil shows that roots force their way downward into the rock, which splits up and allows percolating water to soak downwards through it. The subsoil thus gradually eats its way into the solid rock below. Influences are at work also, whereby there is an imperceptible removal of material from the surface of the soil. Notable among these influences are Rain, Wind, and Earthworms.


Wherever soil is bare of vegetation it is directly exposed to removal by Rain. Ground is seldom so flat that rain may not flow a little way along the surface before sinking underneath. its flow, it carries off the finer particles of the soil. These may travel each time only a short way, but as the operation is repeated, they are in the course of years gradually moved down to lower ground or to some runnel or brook that sweeps them away seaward. Both on gentle and on steep slopes, this transporting power of rain is continually removing the upper layer of bared soil.


Where soil is exposed to the sun, it is liable to be dried into

mere dust, which is borne off by Wind. How readily this may happen is often strikingly seen after dry weather in spring-time. The earth of ploughed fields becomes loose and powdery, and clouds of its finer particles are carried up into the air and transported to other farms, as gusts of wind sweep across. "March dust," which is a proverbial expression, may be remembered as an illustration of one way in which the upper parts of the soil are removed.

Even where a grassy turf protects the general surface, bare places may always be found whence this covering has been removed. Rabbits, moles, and other animals throw out soil from their burrows. Mice sometimes lay it bare by eating the pasture down to the roots. The common Earthworms bring up to daylight in the course of a year an almost incredible quantity of it in their castings. Mr. Darwin estimated that this quantity is in some places not less than 10 tons per annum over an acre of ground. Only the finest particles of mould are swallowed by worms and conveyed by them to the surface, and it is precisely these which are most apt to be washed off by rain or to be dried and blown away as dust by the wind. Where it remains on the ground, the soil brought up by worms covers over stones and other objects lying there, which consequently seem to sink into the earth. The operation of these animals causes the materials of the soil to be thoroughly mixed. In tropical countries, the termite or "white ant” conveys a prodigious amount of fine earth up into the open air. With this material it builds hills sometimes 60 feet high and visible for a distance of several miles; likewise tunnels and chambers, which it plasters all over the stems and branches of trees, often so continuously that hardly any bark can be seen. The fine soil thus exposed is liable to be blown away by the wind or washed off by the fierce tropical rains.

Although, therefore, the layer of vegetable soil which covers the land appears to be a permanent protection, it does not really prevent a large amount of material from being removed even from grassy ground. It forms the record of the slow and almost imperceptible geological changes that affect the regions where it accumulates,--the quiet fall of rain, the gradual rotting away of the upper part of the underlying rock, the growth and decay of a long succession of generations of plants, the ceaseless labours of the earthworm, the scarcely appreciable removal of material from the surface by the action of rain and wind, and the equally

insensible descent of the crumbling subsoil farther and farther into the solid stone below. Having learnt how all this is told by the soil beneath our feet, we should be ready to recognise in the soil of former ages a similar chronicle of quiet atmospheric disintegration.

Talus. Besides soil and subsoil, there are other forms in which decomposed rock accumulates on the surface of the land. Where a large mass of bare rock rises up as a steep bank or cliff, it is liable to constant degradation, and the materials detached from its surface accumulate down the slopes, forming what is known as a Talus (Fig. 4). In mountainous or hilly regions,

[graphic][merged small]

where rocky precipices rise high into the air, there gather at their feet and down their clefts long trails or screes of loose blocks that have been split off from them by the weather, Such slopes, especially where they are not too steep, and where the rubbish that forms them is not too coarse, may be more or less covered with vegetation, which in some measure arrests the descent of the debris. But from time to time, during heavy rains, deep gullies are torn out of them by rapidly formed torrents, which sweep down their materials to lower levels (Fig. 10). The sections laid bare in these gullies show that the rubbish is arranged in more or less distinct layers which lie generally parallel with the surface of the slope; in other words, it is rudely stratified, and its layers or strata are inclined at the angle of the declivity which seldom exceeds 35°.

Rain-wash, Brick-earth. - On more gentle slopes, even where no bare rock projects into the air, the fall of rain gradually washes down the upper parts of the soil to lower levels. Hence arise thick accumulations of what is known as rain-wash-soil mixed often with angular fragments of still undecomposed rock,









or brick-earth. 7. Vegetable

and not infrequently forming a kind of brick-earth (Fig. 5). Deposits of this nature are still gathering now, though their lower portions may be of great antiquity. In the south-east of England, for instance, the brick-earths contain the bones of animals that have long since passed away.

Dust. By the action of wind, above referred to, a vast amount of fine dust and sand is carried up into the air and strewn far and wide over the land. In dry FIG. 5.-Section of rain-wash countries, such as large tracts of Central soil. 6. Brick-earth. 5. White Asia, the air is often thick with a fine sand. 4. Brick - earth. 3. yellow dust which may entirely obscure the White sand. 2. Brick-earth, sun at mid-day, and which settles over 1. Gravel with seams of sand. everything. After many centuries, a deposit, which may be hundreds of feet deep, is thus accumulated on the surface of the land. Some of the ancient cities of the Old World, Nineveh and Babylon for example, after being long abandoned by man, have gradually been buried under the fine soil drifted over them by the wind and intercepted and protected by the weeds that grew up over the ruins. Even in regions where, as in Britain, there is a large annual rainfall, seasons of drought occur, during which there may be a considerable drifting of the finer particles of soil by the wind. We probably hardly realise how much the soil may be removed here and heightened there from this cause:

Sand-dunes. Some of the most striking and familiar examples of the accumulation of loose deposits by the wind are those to which the name of Dunes is given. On sandy shores, exposed to winds that blow landwards, the sand is dried and then carried away from the beach, gathering into long mounds or ridges which run parallel to the coast-line. These ridges are often 50 or 60 feet, sometimes even more than 250 feet high, with deep troughs and irregular circular hollows between them, and they occasionally form a strip several miles broad, bordering the sea. The particles of sand are driven inland by the wind, and the dunes gradually bury fields, roads, and villages, unless their progress is arrested by the growth of vegetation over their shifting surfaces. On many parts of the west coast of Europe, the dunes are marching

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