THIS Spot-at once unfolding sight so fair Of sea and land, with yon grey towers that still Rise up as if to lord it over air- Might soothe in human breasts the sense of ill, Or charm it out of memory; yea, might fill The heart with joy and gratitude to God For all his bounties upon man bestowed: Why bears it then the name of "Weeping
Thousands, as toward yon old Lancastrian Towers,
A prison's crown, along this way they past ro For lingering durance or quick death with
From this bare eminence thereon have cast Their first look-blinded as tears fell in
Shed on their chains; and hence that doleful
TENDERLY do we feel by Nature's law
For worst offenders: though the heart will heave With indignation, deeply moved we grieve, In after thought, for Him who stood in awe Neither of God nor man, and only saw, Lost wretch, a horrible device enthroned On proud temptations, till the victim groaned Under the steel his hand had dared to draw. But O, restrain compassion, if its course, As oft befalls, prevent or turn aside Judgments and aims and acts whose higher
Is sympathy with the unforewarned, who died Blameless-with them that shuddered o'er his
And all who from the law firm safety crave.
THE Roman Consul doomed his sons to die Who had betrayed their country. The stern
Afforded (may it through all time afford) A theme for praise and admiration high. Upon the surface of humanity He rested not; its depths his mind explored; He felt; but his parental bosom's lord Was Duty,-Duty calmed his agony. And some, we know, when they by wilful act A single human life have wrongly taken, Pass sentence on themselves, confess the fact, And, to atone for it, with soul unshaken Kneel at the feet of Justice, and, for faith Broken with all mankind, solicit death.
Is Death, when evil against good has fought With such fell mastery that a man may dare By deeds the blackest purpose to lay bare? Is Death, for one to that condition brought, For him, or any one, the thing that ought To be most dreaded? Lawgivers, beware, Lest, capital pains remitting till ye spare The murderer, ye, by sanction to that thought, Seemingly given, debase the general mind Tempt the vague will tried standards to
Nor only palpable restraints unbind, But upon Honour's head disturb the crown, Whose absolute rule permits not to withstand In the weak love of life his least command.
NOT to the object specially designed, Howe'er momentous in itself it be, Good to promote or curb depravity, Is the wise Legislator's view confined. His Spirit, when most severe, is oft most kind; 5 As all Authority in earth depends
On Love and Fear, their several powers he
Copying with awe the one Paternal mind. Uncaught by processes in show humane, He feels how far the act would derogate From even the humblest functions of the
If she, self-shorn of Majesty, ordain
That never more shall hang upon her breath The last alternative of Life or Death.
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